L.O.V.E ..............Eachother! Make Mike happy!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Sussex England
Ok this is a really tough time at the moment as we await the result of what happened to Michael.
Lets not lose sight of the fact that despite our anger ( righteous anger) and sadness, Michael would want us to love eachother!:yes:

This is a lovely community of family here and just as family have little disagreements, let's all for Michael's sake love and support eachother.
All of us whether young or mature ( lol- polite word for old), new members or folks who have been here since 2003............

Lets make this place a place of love.......for Mike.............and honour him!

Make love your weapon to overcome any evil :angel: I L.O.V.E every member here ! :) :huggy: :heart:
I L.O.V.E you all people!!!!!!! You are great!!!!!:hug:
I LOVE you all
i really do
from the bottom of my heart :heart:
you're like my own family ! :group:
we ALL are one big family here :group:
I love you all, and I love being here.
You are my family!!

I ditto that! We are family!! I got all my sisters with me!! :)
and bro's!!

Love your enemies and do good to those that hurt you, (that way its like heaping burning coals on their head! ) Quote of JC! not me! :)

I love each and every one of you here just as Michael would. You are my MJJC family and we are all brought here under one person: Michael. Let's L.O.V.E. as he would want us to. :heart:

I love it too much here and I love Michael too much and more. Keep the love.
