L.A. Times article about last rehearsal


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Don't know if this has been posted or not. I read something similar but this had more info. including some about an illusion for the show's opening number.

But, most importantly it focused on Michael's spirit and love for these shows. It is heart-breaking because for some reason he didn't get the chance to see his dream.

Sorry, forgot the link:


I really hope that one day we can see some video of this. I think that it would mean so much to everyone to see what he truly was like leading up to his death and drop the BS that has been going around about how sad he was.
Reading this, the more I want to see Kenny put together that 1 concert where we can see the full vision of what Michael wanted. Many wsay they just want to see the rehearsal but he wasnt going at full speed, and I dont think they wopuld have executed all the special effects and magic stunts Michael had in mind.

I think we all respect and trust Kenny's discretion to pull off a fitting tribute.
So bittersweet...it's good to know that his last moments were happy, but at the same time I'm sad that he didn't get to share it with the world.
I would like to see it too.

It maybe too heart wrenching for some fans to watch it but I would like to see Michael smiling for one last time.
Yeah! Me too... I hope they put together that one show and fill it up with the rehearsal material!
So bittersweet...it's good to know that his last moments were happy, but at the same time I'm sad that he didn't get to share it with the world.


And the bit about the sphere reminds me of those pix we saw of him in Tom's Toys a month or so ago. You guys remember that pic where he was holding those shiny-like globes in his hand? And he was so excited about them that he was showing them to his kids? Maybe he got the idea from that...or it reminded him of the magic effect he was planning for the shows.
i wish i hadn't read that. Made me think he was still alive for a moment. I keep forgeting.
two pics I found:

This image taken in May 2009 with a cell phone in Burbank, Calif. shows a replica of the set for Michael Jackson's planned show at London's 02 Arena.

Yeah! Me too... I hope they put together that one show and fill it up with the rehearsal material!

I don't want them to do a live show... no one could play Mike's role and I don't want to see anybody try.
I would like to see the footage though, see HIM, even though it would be hard to watch knowing he's gone at least I would see him happy, like everyone says he was....

^ OMG that looks amazing! :-( I wonder what's the red thing on the right... and is that a ...bed? that it's on?
It's so hard to read because he sooo wanted to show this to the world.

That's the part that destroys me. :cry:
Everytime I read how happy he was I just want to scream so loudly.

If he truly had a problem, couldn't fate just have let him get sick to the point that it scared the sh*t out of him? Did it really have to be that he died?

So many crap-filled stories are being put out there and he can't even defend himself. At least when he was alive he could defend himself and protect his children. This is just so not right that it is unbelieveable. I just wish it would all stop now.
I find that very, very frustraiting.

He had so much, so much more to offer, and was weeks away from showing it.

The world is not fair, simple as.
That was so difficult to read. I remember twitter posts from Orianthi, Ortega and some makeup artist how awesome the rehearsals were that day. I was so happy and excited. Until the next day.
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It's great to hear Michael put in an amazing performance in his last rehearsal and last ever performance. For some reason it doesn't make any sense to me that Michael died of stress because of his 50 dates at the O2, because I've heard more than enough reports from people like Frank Dileo and Mark Lester etc to hear that Michael was very happy and excited about his concerts at the O2. Which makes his sudden death even more sad, because the potential for his reapraisal by the media was huge. And it would have been much better for Michael to get the respect he's getting now for his genius and influnce if he was still alive.

Despite my favorite period for Michael Jackson being 1979-89, I was always mainly focused on what Michael was doing in the present and at least until he decided to retire from music I always looked foward to new things he would be doing, even if it was just collecting another award etc.

I only know Michael as a fan, so in many respects he's just as alive to me through his his music and videos etc as he ever was. But the fact that I knew that every few years (recently every 1 or 2 years) Michael would come to London I knew I would get to see Michael in person. To see the man in person that has been an inspiration for men since 1983 when I was 11yrs old. I also miss the fact I will never get to see Michael perform the songs I always listen to live again and actual see and feel his music, not from my computer, iPod or CD player but from Michael Jackson himself. Without Michael Jackson the world has lost many great things that can no longer be experienced. I hope Michael's last rehearsal was filmed, just to see how great he remained as an artist.
It hurts so bad, so bad:(

What an amazing idea with the sphere and maybe the spider.
This footage should really be released. Michael wanted to show us something wonderful.

I miss him so damn much:(
reading the article.... i just cant take this anymore.:cry::boohoo::cry:

I'm glad that Michael was so happy, he was so ready for this.
You can't lose the Talent that Michael has, but the rehearsal footage needs to be shown and released some time soon.