L.A. D.A. Said Today Potential Criminal/Civil Violations Remain In MJ Memorial Investigation


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Jul 25, 2011
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Jackson memorial payback hindered by threat?

Monday, December 07, 2009

LOS ANGELES, Calif. (KABC) -- Los Angeles taxpayers will likely pick up the tab for Michael Jackson's more than $ 3-million memorial this summer.

A City Council committee took up the matter Monday. The discussion centered on a threat from the Los Angeles City Attorney.

LAPD expected more than a million people for the Michael Jackson memorial. They had the largest deployment of police since the Los Angeles Olympics. The overtime alone cost the cash strapped city $2 million.
"It was an event promoted by Staples. In all due respect to Mr. Jackson -- his sad death, untimely death -- the fact of the matter is, it was more than a memorial service," said L.A. City Councilman Dennis Zine.

It became clear Monday the city has no chance of recovering the costs as long as its city attorney holds out the possibility of a criminal prosecution.

City Attorney Carmen Trutanich has said there are potential criminal or civil violations he's investigating regarding the memorial.

There had been negotiations with AEG, the owners of Staples, about the company paying the costs -- until Trutanich made that threat.
"When you have a threat of criminal prosecution hanging over your head that's not conducive to having somebody make a donation," said Councilwoman Jan Perry.

Members of the Los Angeles City Council's Public Safety Committee all but admitted Jan Perry was correct. Liewicke has said of the threat from the city attorney, "prove it or drop it." He's accused Trutanich of being a bully.

"I think there is nothing gained by prolonging this any further," said Councilman Craig Weiss. "We are going to be partners with AEG for a long, long time."

Friday, the City Council hopes to have Trutanich explain just how far he's willing to take this, whether there is a chance of criminal charges.
Re: L.A. D.A. Trutanich Said Today Potential Criminal or Civil Violations Remain in MJ Investigation

Why don't they move faster on what happened to Michael?
Re: L.A. D.A. Trutanich Said Today Potential Criminal or Civil Violations Remain in MJ Investigation

City-Touted, $4 Million Benefit From Jackson Memorial Pulled From Thin Air

By Dennis Romero in City News, community, crime, economy, media, politics
Mon., Dec. 7 2009 @ 7:00AM
Sony Pictures

LA Weekly obtained a series of emails that shed light on City Hall's oft-touted contention that July's Michael Jackson memorial at Staples Center downtown was a $4 million boost to area businesses. The number is important because it's often cited by those who believe it was worth it for the city cover the bill for police and officer overtime -- $3.2 million -- for that day's events downtown.

It turns out the $4 million number didn't come from a study. It first arose when Jack Kyser, chief economist for the Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation was quoted in the media -- before the memorial took place -- saying that it could bring $4 million in business to the city. The City Council had no investment in the figure until Oct. 22, when the legislative analyst's office shot an after-hours email off to the LAEDC asking it to justify the figure on the eve of a council hearing on the memorial's costs. City Hall needed to cover its decision to spend $3.2 million on the memorial, and the $4 million windfall could have been its magic number.

"Was the LAEDC able to actually determine the revenues generated from the event," asked June Gibson, assistant chief legislative analyst, in the Oct. 22 email.
Kyser responded the next morning: "The $4 million estimate was a very rough estimate that was done in response to media calls. We have not done a comprehensive analysis of the revenue generated, but would estimate that the $4 million was probably low."

In a subsequent email to the city, Kyser said, as he had told the Weekly, "The conclusion was based on the number of celebrities who came in to L.A. for the service. Several probably came in on private planes, which would go to either Van Nuys, BGP or LAX. They would probably have used car services. Some would have stayed in hotels probably on the Westside. They probably also conducted business while they were in Los Angeles."
As we reported last week there was little evidience to support the idea that a throng of celebs flooded L.A. for the memorial. One major fact to consider is that many of the dignitaries who came to the memorial already live here. Some of them, as an official at Anschutz Entertainment Group, the company that owns Staples Center, admitted, were already in town as a result of Jackson's death (and some of them famously skipped the 17,500-ticket event at Staples).

What's more, the expected, million-strong throng of people never showed at Staples that day. In fact, then-Chief William Bratton estimated the crowd around Staples at 600 at one point during the memorial July 7. One expert told LA Weekly that people turned off by the prospect of a mob scene downtown stayed away and could have actually hurt area business.
As the Los Angeles Times reported Sunday, AEG has been kind to some of the same folks on the City Council who have been quick to deflect criticism of the city's spending on the memorial. The company has raised funds for political issues of great importance to Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Councilwoman Jan Perry, who represents much of downtown. Villaraigosa had originally asked members of the public to pitch in via a website to help cover the city's costs for AEG's show. Perry has been critical of those on the council who have pressured the company to cover the city's costs, calling them people who "want to get recognition for being the one who took it across the finish line."

The money is a drop in the bucket for a city that is heading toward a more than $1 million per day operating deficit. But what critics are asking is whether residents should have to live with one less cop or one less firefighter because AEG, a company owned by billionaire Tim Leiweke Phil Anschutz, wanted to put on what was essentially 90-minute television special for 31 million viewers across the world. The company sold the rights to Jackson's Staples Center rehearsal footage to Sony for $60 million. Sony used it as the backbone for the blockbuster concert film This Is It. AEG has a 10 percent stake in the movie's profits. The memorial served, intended or not, to stoke interest in the entertainer and, thus, AEG's stake in his legacy.

Chief legislative analyst Gerry Miller and city administrative officer Miguel Santana wrote in a report that the city should back off of AEG.
"In light of the overall positive impact of the event ($4 million), and that there was no ordinance in place prior to the event providing for cost recovery from major venues, the city may wish to cease pursuing cost reimbursement."

That's one option as the City Council is expected to take up the issue Monday.
Re: L.A. D.A. Trutanich Said Today Potential Criminal or Civil Violations Remain in MJ Investigation

ok, let's see. they said that the estimate would be four million dollars. that's the kind of 'science' that MJ naysayers use when they're only willing to say that MJ's death was the only possible way he could profit. now, here, they accuse their enemies of using their own science, and so they pick it apart, and say that it didn't really generate four million. on top of that, they say that all the throngs that were expected, didn't come, so the city didn't benefit. but what they fail to leave out is that they threatened fans not to come to the event. instead they WARNED fans to stay home, because they wouldn't let fans in, because of people that already had reservations for going inside the Staples Center. and, of course, they fail to mention, that their beloved poor city, that is supposedly losing money, was not given any sympathy when the council voted themselves a pay raise, this year. and they gave themselves that pay raise.

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South Bay lawmakers gave aides pay raises during California's fiscal crisis

By Juliet Williams

Associated Press

Posted: 08/17/2009 09:11:48 AM PDT
Updated: 08/17/2009 02:11:06 PM PDT

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Assemblyman Alberto Torrico, D-Fremont, is one of the lawmakers who gave... ( LEN VAUGHN-LAHMAN )

Special Section

Against a backdrop of deep fiscal distress, several South Bay lawmakers rewarded their employees with pay raises during the first half of the year, an Associated Press review of legislative pay records showed.
At least 87 California Assembly staff members received raises totaling more than $430,000 on an annualized basis, even as the state faced a growing budget deficit that led to furloughs and pay cuts for many other government workers and steep reductions in core services.
Among those handing out raises, which in some cases were tied to promotions:
— Assemblyman Jim Beall, D-San Jose: Four staffers whose cumulative monthly pay rose from $26,199 to $27,510.
— Assemblyman Joe Coto, D-San Jose: Two staffers who received promotions, increasing their cumulative monthly pay from $3,950 to $4,740.
— Assemblyman Ira Ruskin, D-Redwood City: One employee whose monthly pay rose from $2,917 to $3,063.
— Assemblyman Alberto Torrico, D-Fremont: One employee whose monthly pay rose from $3,200 to $3,429.
The review of records obtained under the state Legislative Open Records Act found that salary bumps went to three employees in the office of Assembly Speaker Karen Bass, the Los Angeles Democrat who leads the 80-member chamber, and three to staff members of the Democratic caucus she oversees.
In the 40-member Senate, nine staffers had a boost in pay, leading to an annualized

increase of $152,000. Aides to several members of the Assembly and Senate said some of the increases were not raises in the traditional sense. Rather, they described the higher pay as extra compensation for employees who were working more hours.
The Assembly also trimmed about 13 percent from its overall payroll in the current fiscal year, while the Senate instituted one-day-a-month furloughs in July for most staffers, spokeswomen for both houses said.
Even so, the pay increases to dozens of legislative staffers between January and the end of June came as tens of thousands of state workers were seeing pay cuts of nearly 10 percent.
In the Assembly, 39 employees received pay increases of 10 percent or more. Of those, 15 saw increases of 20 percent or more. Seven of the nine Senate staffers who received increases saw their pay rise by 10 percent or more as they began working more hours, according to staff.
Five Assembly staffers and two Senate staffers who already made $100,000 a year or more saw their pay rise.
In the Assembly, 10 increases went to Republican staffers and 12 went to security staff employed by the Assembly Rules Committee. Most of the rest went to employees of Democratic lawmakers or their committees, according to the AP review.
The Assembly had 1,206 employees on its payroll as of June, said Shannon Murphy, a spokeswoman for Bass. Of those, about 7 percent had received pay increases, the AP review found.
Murphy said the Assembly's annual payroll had decreased by $1.3 million in June from a year earlier, with 15 fewer employees.
The pay of 10 employees also decreased in the Assembly during the first six months of 2009 by a total annualized amount of $102,000, either because those workers were putting in fewer hours or changed jobs within the Legislature.
The Legislative Open Records Act allows the Legislature to be far more restrictive in its release of information than other state agencies,
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which are covered under a separate law, the California Public Records Act. Both houses of the Legislature refused the AP's request to make the payroll records available electronically. Details of their spending are not listed in the annual budget the governor signs, as they are for other state agencies and departments, meaning there is no way to cross-check the information the Legislature provides.
The first six months of the year represents a period in which lawmakers and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger were grappling with a deepening budget deficit that eventually forced them to make some $30 billion in cuts over a two-year period to education, health care, state parks and other programs.
During that period, Assemblywoman Lori Saldana, D-San Diego, awarded a total of $41,000 in annualized pay increases to her staff, the highest total increase for any member of the Legislature.
That included 20 percent pay boosts for three of her employees and a 15 percent increase for her chief of staff, Lucy Krohn, bringing her annual wage to $110,640.
Joe Kocurek, a spokesman for Saldana, said the lawmaker's elevation this year to a leadership role and to chairwoman of the Legislative Women's Caucus made the pay increases necessary. He said several staff members had not received raises in two years, while others were promoted to higher positions.
"We felt it necessary to maintain experienced and dedicated staff rather than lose them to other opportunities," Kocurek said in an e-mailed statement.
Robert Stern, president of the Center for Governmental Studies in Los Angeles, said legislative leaders should recognize that California's turbulent finances have put them under a microscope. They should not contribute further to their poor image among taxpayers, he said.
"There may be a few exceptions, but just generally they have to be thinking more about PR than thinking about their staff," he said. "Of course, it's an infinitesimal amount of money in the big picture, but it's the symbol of it. It doesn't matter what they've cut."
Among the other findings in the AP's review of legislative pay records:
— Assemblyman Mike Feuer, D-Los Angeles, awarded seven pay increases totaling more than $38,388 annually. That included a 5 percent increase for Drew Liebert, a chief consultant to Feuer, whose salary rose to $149,124.
One of those employees doubled her working hours, said Rebecca Marcus, a spokeswoman for Feuer. A 7 percent increase for an eighth employee was rescinded during the period, she said. Marcus declined further comment.
— Two staff members for Democratic Assemblyman Jared Huffman, Alfred Brandt and Genevieve Colborn, received 5 percent increases that brought their salaries to $122,712 each. A 5 percent increase brought another staffer's salary to $75,960. A spokeswoman for Huffman, of San Rafael, declined to comment.
— Five employees in the office of Assemblywoman Noreen Evans, D-Santa Rosa, had their pay boosted by 10 percent. Their total salaries now range from $37,778 to $91,620. Anthony Matthews, a spokesman for Evans, declined to comment. Evans is chairwoman of the Assembly Budget Committee.
— Five staffers for Assemblyman Hector De La Torre, D-South Gate, received increases. De La Torre is co-chairman of a new committee designed to identify inefficiencies in state government. Their increased pay ranges from $40,068 a year for a field representative in the lawmaker's district office to $81,924 — a 10 percent increase — for Glenda Corcoran, who is assigned to work for the new Accountability and Administrative Review Committee. The assemblyman's spokesman declined to comment.
— Republican Sen. Dave Cogdill boosted the pay for his chief of staff, Charles Hahn, from $120,936 to $138,540 when he returned to work full-time, said Sabrina Lockhart, a spokeswoman for the Modesto lawmaker. Cogdill was the Senate minority leader until he was ousted earlier this year.
— Bass, the Assembly's leader and one of four lawmakers who head budget negotiations, gave increases of 10 percent or more to three of her employees, including Max Espinoza, whose pay rose to $109,596 when he was promoted to chief consultant. In addition, three employees of the Democratic caucus Bass oversees received increases of 12 percent to 13 percent. That includes Deborah Doty, whose pay rose to $97,356 when she was promoted from senior consultant to principal consultant.
Bass came under fire in April for approving a separate round of raises totaling $551,000 annually to 136 Assembly staff members. She rescinded the raises a day after they were reported in the Los Angeles Times.
Murphy, Bass' spokeswoman, said the Assembly has cut $42 million from its budget over a 2½-year period, including nearly 13 percent from its $149.4 million 2009-10 budget. She said that was more than the 10 percent Schwarzenegger asked legislative leaders to cut this fiscal year and more than the state Senate trimmed.
The money is being transferred to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, the Employment Development Department, California State University system and other agencies to them help avoid further cuts, she said.
Murphy said she could not specify the full $42 million in cuts the Assembly made to make up for the funding transferred elsewhere, although $1.7 million was cut this fiscal year in anticipation of a salary reduction for lawmakers that takes effect next year. She said all Assembly members have had their office budgets cut by 10 percent. Bass also saved $275,000 a year by closing her Washington, D.C., office at the end of June, Murphy said.
Murphy defended the pay increases by saying legislative employees are working harder than ever. She said the cuts in the Assembly's 2009-10 budget are nearly double what would have been saved by furloughing staffers three days each month.
"The pay adjustments going to Assembly staff, who have taken new jobs or duties, are about 1 percent of the reductions we've made," Murphy said. "The Assembly's budget is down, the number of Assembly staff positions is down and the Assembly payroll is down."
On the raises for security staff, she said the unit's total payroll is expected to fall by at least $60,000 this year.
The state Senate has cut less on a percentage basis than the Assembly, transferring about $4.8 million last year and an expected $9.6 million of its $111.3 million annual budget in the current fiscal year, said Jim Evans, a spokesman for Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento.
The AP's review showed there were nine pay increases in the Senate during the first six months of 2009.
Alicia Trost, a spokeswoman for Steinberg, said one employee received a 7 percent pay increase, bringing his salary to $64,944, while another received a 3 percent increase to $53,916. The other seven staffers all took on more hours or returned to full-time work after leaves, she said.
Among them was the staff director for the Senate Office of Research, Sara McCarthy, who saw her annual pay rise from $113,000 to $127,128 when she went from working 80 percent of full-time to 90 percent.
Starting in July, Steinberg ordered Senate staff who make more than $50,000 a year to begin taking one-day-a-month unpaid furloughs, equating to a 5 percent pay cut. He also imposed a hiring freeze.
"The Senate is on a strict hiring freeze and salary freeze. Any change of salary has been due to an increase in the number of hours the employee is working," Trost said.
At the same time the Legislature was awarding pay increases, some 200,000 state government employees had been furloughed two days a month, equivalent to a 9 percent pay cut. That has since been increased to three days, or a nearly 15 percent pay cut.
Bruce Blanning, executive director of the Professional Engineers in California Government, which represents 11,000 state engineers who are taking the pay cuts, said he does not think legislative staffers should be subject to furloughs — but neither should he and his colleagues. The group is suing the governor over the furlough order.
"I think people who work hard and do good work should get a raise, and that's true of our members as well," Blanning said.
Schwarzenegger's office responded to the same AP request by providing both written and electronic documents.
Those records showed the administration payroll falling from 154 employees earning a total of $955,746 a month to 147 employees earning $825,157 at the end of June, as employees were ordered to take the same two-a-month furlough days.
The third furlough day was added in July and was not reflected in the six-month payroll window. Many of the governor's employees continue to work full-time despite having their pay cut, said Aaron McLear, Schwarzenegger's spokesman.
"We believe that just as the administration has been doing, all parts of state government need to cut back," he said. "The governor believes we should continue to look for ways to cut back but is confident the Legislature shares that priority."


so, when the man says 'with all due respect to Mr. Jackson, his sad death...' the man means that no respect is due to Mr. Jackson, and he has no sympathy for Michael's death.
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Re: L.A. D.A. Trutanich Said Today Potential Criminal or Civil Violations Remain in MJ Investigation

City Attorney Carmen Trutanich has said there are potential criminal or civil violations he's investigating regarding the memorial.

There had been negotiations with AEG, the owners of Staples, about the company paying the costs -- until Trutanich made that threat.


"I think there is nothing gained by prolonging this any further," said Councilman Craig Weiss. "We are going to be partners with AEG for a long, long time."

Who cares if someone was murdered and why and who might is involved???

The city is in a lack of money and four million seems the price for droping investigation and/or maybe charges?

Let's hope for a strong really independent DA (that's why I prefer usually a law system where DAs are not elected and maybe reelected or not) and let's hope the truth has a chance against such an amount of money creating for sure a lot of pressure on some sincere investigation.
Re: L.A. D.A. Trutanich Said Today Potential Criminal or Civil Violations Remain in MJ Investigation

Did the ptb worry about covering costs when Elvis died?...nope. We were in recession in 77 as well. I love the hypocrisy. This was nearly six months ago and they are still arguing about it...unbelievable. I am surprised they aren't hitting the estate up for it.
Re: L.A. D.A. Trutanich Said Today Potential Criminal or Civil Violations Remain in MJ Investigation

Yes, they certainly forgot to mention that they told fans to stay away..just like the day of the burial. First time in my life I can recall when fans were threatened. Go figure it was Michael's fans.