Koran burnning!!! Church teaching hate


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Some of those who fallow the news have heard about the Koran Burnning that 'The Dove World Outreach Center' plans on 9/11..

I looked up the church and the pastor and he teaches hate. It's a small church of about 30 people but is getting worldwide attention, celebs, goverment officials, and militant officials have spoke out against this plan.

Here is a video about this rediculous act:

I ask you to make your voice heard and have them hear your thoughts..

For those who live in that area that want to demonstrait against it: (people plan to demonstrait against this

there official website: http://www.doveworld.org/
I think this guy only wants attention. He wants to do something extreme to get his name in the news. It's disturbing and disgusting.
^ I thought so at first.. but he always has signs up around his church of anti islam anti homosexual anti anything thats not him.. He did some religious practice in germany in the 80's and was contraversal.. in an interview he didnt really seem to like the attention cuz he fears wut cud happen.. they will be armed on 9/11 because they FEAR something happening cuz of the attention.. that says something.. look at the vid i posted if u havnt yet
We talked about this at school the other day...my teachers were outraged and they're not even Muslim.

I'm a Muslim and it hurts like hell knowing that this is going to be happening.
Especially since they're doing this on/around the day of Eid.
I'm really tired of the hate and intolerance being demonstrated seemingly everywhere I look. Here in the U.S. there is the controversy surrounding the Islamic center and mosque that a developer wants to build 2 blocks from Ground Zero, the World Trade Center site. Certain people are up in arms over this. But I think it's ridiculous. This is America where people are supposed to have freedom of religion under the constitution. It is wrong to hold an entire group of people responsible for the actions of a few. Besides, the mosque will be 2 blocks away from Ground Zero, not "next" to it. And there has already been a mosque near the World Trade Center for 40 years and it has existed there peacefully all these years. Muslims already pray at the Pentagon, another site of a 9/11/01 attack. So, why are people making a problem over this new mosque?

And of course it is wrong for this pastor to do what he is about to do. What purpose will it serve? It will only incite trouble and cause anger. It may even put our troops in danger. I see no good coming from this action, even though it is legal and within his rights. Now he's complaining because he's getting threats. Well, what did he expect? Where is the common sense in human beings???

I'm really tired of ignorance and I'm sick of extremists feeding into all the hatred!
What does this man think he's doing? I think he is no different than those Islamic terrorists. Fighting hate with hate is surely not going to solve anything. Don't you consider his own actions just as threatening? I do.
Damn that retard to hell for teaching hate. I still don't understand why people think Muslims are enemies because of 9/11? Since 9/11 happened Muslims are becoming the most misunderstood people and it sickens me that people misunderstood them.
I think this guy only wants attention. He wants to do something extreme to get his name in the news. It's disturbing and disgusting.


well let me say that this Pasture is doing this in the name of me a Christian...I AM a Christian...I DONT approve of what it is he wants to do..A Christian would NEVER burn somonelses Bible..The Koran is the Muslim Bible..that is fine by me..we all believe different things. This man is acting like the extremist that caused the date September 11th to be what it is. He is acting no different than they did then..in my eyes this man is an extremist of his own religion...because the way he is acting is NOT like a Christian. HE should be ashamed of himself.
well let me say that this Pasture is doing this in the name of me a Christian...I AM a Christian...I DONT approve of what it is he wants to do..A Christian would NEVER burn somonelses Bible..The Koran is the Muslim Bible..that is fine by me..we all believe different things. This man is acting like the extremist that caused the date September 11th to be what it is. He is acting no different than they did then..in my eyes this man is an extremist of his own religion...because the way he is acting is NOT like a Christian. HE should be ashamed of himself.
That psychopath is at the same level as all these (any) religious fanatics...

He and his sect is the clear example of how to create a conflict and war.
Such people should be punished for the national security threat.

They are supported by specific (not unknown) groups to provoke and arouse animosity and dread in society.
These psychopaths want people to believe in things that dont exist...
Politics and politicians indirectly exploit this in their favour because of the obvious reasons... = to have an enemy at any price...
well let me say that this Pasture is doing this in the name of me a Christian...I AM a Christian...I DONT approve of what it is he wants to do..A Christian would NEVER burn somonelses Bible..The Koran is the Muslim Bible..that is fine by me..we all believe different things. This man is acting like the extremist that caused the date September 11th to be what it is. He is acting no different than they did then..in my eyes this man is an extremist of his own religion...because the way he is acting is NOT like a Christian. HE should be ashamed of himself.

I think this guy only wants attention. He wants to do something extreme to get his name in the news. It's disturbing and disgusting.


i live in Turkiye and a muslim. al-qaida did these in the name of islam. al-qaida killed many people in our country in 2003. also all these people are muslim, too. according to islam GOD says "killing a person equals to killing all the humankind". so, who can say those terrorists are muslim?

i have christian friends and also knows many things about christian. this Pasture cannot be a christian. because a christian cannot do this ugly thing.

all the religions have same beautiful things, the difference is the way and methods of praying. the basis is just believe in God and love.

we all live in the same world and believe in God with a real brotherhood/sisterhood. we will not let anyone kill this. because we all love each others with all our lovely differences.

p.s.:sorry for my English..
I'm must admit, there was 1 thing I found a bit amusing about this. Apparently, after this story was shown, he started receiving death threats (rightfully so). And his solution to that was 'taking a gun to the burning'. I know he clearly doesn't understand logic, but jeez!
right wing media created this.shame the public fall for it.
I do believe in God but I'm not from any religion... I think a lot of religions just try to scare the people and the hate each other more then being united...