Kindergarteners Know Michael Jacksons amazing.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
This may come as no surprise to you guys but I Teach at a kindergarten class today and all the kids there were talking about Michael Jackson. One brought the conversation by saying something about Thriller. Then the other one said to him Michael is dead. Well they all began to talk about what songs they loved that michael had sung. And I must tell yuh I was amazed to know these kids knew his music very well. One blonde little girl cute as can be said I like "leave alone", the other said "you are not alone", the other said "beat it one said "smooth criminal".

Then those who choosed which songs they loved started sing it. They were so adorable. When the conversation started I asked some of them do you like Michael Jackson ? They all shouted YES. Now these are 5 and 6 year old some four years old and they know about Michael.

So I decided to do a little test and ask about other famous people to see if they would know anything about them. I asked do you all know Bill Crosby, they were looking at a cartoon that he directed and wrote (litlle bill) all of them said no. I asked about a few other "famous' people and they did not know of them.

That just made my heart smile. You can see why michael felt so comfortable around kids. They don't judge you and they appreciate you for who you are.
did anyone say remember the time or they way you make me feel, or even i just can't stop loving you, or even shes out of my life?
Aww. This reminds me of earlier today. I was parking in a supermarket car park, and I had Heal The World on pretty loud. This little kid was standing by his dad's car waiting on the rest of the family to get out, and he just stood smiling and staring at me/my car, as if he knew Heal The World and liked it! It was so cute!
Kids are the greatest and it gives me comfort knowing kids this young love Michaels music, dance and videos. His music will really live on forever. I remember blasting Beat It while driving, the music was so loud and as I was parking a little girl asked her mother about the music that red car was playing and her mother said that's Michael Jackson. The girl started smiling and it's a good song. See, I'm spreading the music on to the young ones.
ah bless, the other week my cousin's 8 yr old daughter told me her favourite song at the moment was 'Man in the Mirror'(my cousin had probably bought Number Ones or played her old CDs) I was pleasantly surprised and said 'good choice its a great song' :)
my niece is 9 years old and loves MJ. the other day she was over with another little friend (a little boy of 5 who, btw, is REALLY smart -- if you ask him "what's infinity?" he'll say "never ends" :p) and somehow they started talking about MJ. no idea how, I came in in the middle of the convo. so the little boy says, "I like Beat it!" my niece says, "but that's not his best song!" so I say to them, "what's his best song then?" both of them go - "we are the children!" then we all watched their favorite MJ vid - "Speed Demon".

lol. kids love MJ. they know he was a big kid.
Such an adorable and precious story. Thanks for sharing. It reminds me of anytime I go into a store like Walmart or Target and MJ videos are playing on the tvs in the electronic sections there are always a little group of children watching in awe.

I love that kids loved him so much, they get it like how us 20 somethings got it when we were younger.
Kids are the greatest and it gives me comfort knowing kids this young love Michaels music, dance and videos. His music will really live on forever.

I agree! :)
It makes me smile when this stuff happens because Michael's legacy will continue on forever this way. I hope the younger generations grow up with his music instead of the stuff today.
Aww, that's so sweet!

My half-brother is 9 and he's really gotten into MJ recently, cos my dad has been playing his music and watching his videos on YouTube. And when they came to visit, my half-brother was moonwalking down the street, talking about how cool MJ is. It was so sweet. He couldn't stop talking about him. Adorable!
Yes, little children will always love Michael, because
Michael Jackson was a gift from God to them.
Cool :) And it reminded me of a dream I had a couple of weeks ago. This would be nice....!
Had a dream this morning in which everywhere I went there was MJ somehow. I mean his music, MJ t-shirts, etc. We went by a shop that had just MJ stuff covering their windows. A news report said, "What's the hottest back to school craze this fall? Well... it's Michael Jackson." And they showed that all the kids were just crazy in love with Michael. White gloves, Beat It jackets, you name it. I saw Bad-era posters, kids holding up Off the Wall CDs, I heard TDCAU playing. It was great :yes: (Well, great except for the fact that Michael himself wasn't around... ~sigh~ ... ~cry~...)
did anyone say remember the time or they way you make me feel, or even i just can't stop loving you, or even shes out of my life?

No I can't recall anyone singing that one they were singing "we re the world" and they were really seriously discussing the thriller video and asking why do you think he screamed then. AND WHY THIS AND WHY THAT, THEY JUST MADE ME LAUGHED HEARING THEM.
This may come as no surprise to you guys but I Teach at a kindergarten class today and all the kids there were talking about Michael Jackson. One brought the conversation by saying something about Thriller. Then the other one said to him Michael is dead. Well they all began to talk about what songs they loved that michael had sung. And I must tell yuh I was amazed to know these kids knew his music very well. One blonde little girl cute as can be said I like "leave alone", the other said "you are not alone", the other said "beat it one said "smooth criminal".

Then those who choosed which songs they loved started sing it. They were so adorable. When the conversation started I asked some of them do you like Michael Jackson ? They all shouted YES. Now these are 5 and 6 year old some four years old and they know about Michael.

So I decided to do a little test and ask about other famous people to see if they would know anything about them. I asked do you all know Bill Crosby, they were looking at a cartoon that he directed and wrote (litlle bill) all of them said no. I asked about a few other "famous' people and they did not know of them.

That just made my heart smile. You can see why michael felt so comfortable around kids. They don't judge you and they appreciate you for who you are.

This is why Michael is the biggest star in the world.
They seem to know him before they know any other artist.
I've heard of a 9 month old baby reacting to MJ music or a MJ video.

A child star who kept a child's spirit as an adult. That's his appeal.
He introduces these kids to his contemporaries but he's their first.

Michael had the advantage of being able to appeal beyond the generations. That is essential. This will still be relevant decades from now.
Newborns who will know Michael.

John Lucas

P.S.: In fact I'm the very example of this happening. One of my first memories is being a 3 year old in 1979 hearing Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough around the house. I probably heard him in the womb.
aww, this makes me smile - gives me hope for the future and for his legacy...
Cool :) And it reminded me of a dream I had a couple of weeks ago. This would be nice....!

Quote: Originally Posted by mjbunny
Had a dream this morning in which everywhere I went there was MJ somehow. I mean his music, MJ t-shirts, etc. We went by a shop that had just MJ stuff covering their windows. A news report said, "What's the hottest back to school craze this fall? Well... it's Michael Jackson." And they showed that all the kids were just crazy in love with Michael. White gloves, Beat It jackets, you name it. I saw Bad-era posters, kids holding up Off the Wall CDs, I heard TDCAU playing. It was great :yes: (Well, great except for the fact that Michael himself wasn't around... ~sigh~ ... ~cry~...)

Ha! Ha! Actually, this reminds me of when I was in school!:)
Michael has a special connection with children. I truly believe they see the pureness in him. This is what's so special about children they see pureness in all. It's sad how this perception changes as we get older. Thank God, Michael's never did.

I to get amazed how my niece and nephew connectes to him. I much as I love Michael I would never force anything on them. They were just drawn to him. It makes me feel all fuzzy inside.

I almost envy the kids, getting to discover the brilliance of the man without having it tarnished with constant tabloid talk in the future.
This is adorable...but most importantly, I hope these sweet little kids stay like this. :) When they grow up and start hearing every sort of rubbish about Michael, I hope they're able to make up their own minds about him.
I am a K teacher (actually I teach a K-1 combined class). We are practicing WE ARE THE WORLD right now, and eventually we will learn HEAL THE WORLD and WE ARE HERE TO CHANGE THE WORLD (Captain EO) theme. The older classes are doing MAN IN THE MIRROR and EARTH SONG. Our school adopted the HEAL THE WORLD theme this year. We will have quarterly performances by the students for the parents & community.

It is amazing how much they are into Michael. My own 6 year old goes on YouTube and listens to his videos all the time. She loves Dirty Diana.

I play MJ all day in my classroom, along with other music from High School Musical and Disney. The kids like it (they are ages 5-7. Although one did ask me to play country this week, LOL). My classroom website has MJ on it too.

Yesterday I wore my Heal the World T-shirt from the History tour and my two youngest wore original black THRILLER tee's from 1984. I bought them on ebay in June. They are old, but they love wearing them.
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I was listening to the radio today and a woman calls into the radio station to request that the dj play You Are Not Alone, and she says that she's requesting it for her nephew (I believe) who wanted to hear it. The dj asks her jokingly why she just doesn't admit that she wanted to hear the song, and she says her nephew really did request it, and it was only because he was too young that she made the call. The dj asks that the nephew get on the line and then you hear the woman cajoling her nephew to the phone. Then the boy, who sounds all of four or five, gets on the phone and the dj asks why he wanted to hear MJ and he responded " 'cause he sing good."

It was very cute.

I work at a school with kids who have severe cognitive challenges. One autistic girl, about 8 or 9, who doesn't speak original utterances, but only parrots, one day was sitting silently alone on a bench. Out of nowhere she begins humming and making beats (this girl has some fierce skills in rhythm and syncopation). About 30 seconds into her humming, another teacher and I realized that she was humming Billie Jean, but it was like her own special remix. It was great! And her bass line was kickin! We started singing along with her.

Kids are well-attuned to Michael's magic. It's very sweet.