Kind of a Hard Question To Ask: Did Women Ever try to 'Take Advantage' of M


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
I was thinking being the good hearted person Michael was all his life & obviously very attractive, did Michael ever get women that 1.throw themselves at him, try to take advantage of Michael, 'seduce' Michael....

I ask because I know MJ would've turned them all down, but because he was a good person, had $$ & of course very very good looking ; Was MJ really broken hearted over a woman that just used him for his body & MJ rejected her / them????
Diana Ross... or Miss Ross as Michael would say :lol:

Just kidding.. :ninja:
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I was thinking being the good hearted person Michael was all his life & obviously very attractive, did Michael ever get women that 1.throw themselves at him, try to take advantage of Michael, 'seduce' Michael....

I ask because I know MJ would've turned them all down, but because he was a good person, had $$ & of course very very good looking ; Was MJ really broken hearted over a woman that just used him for his body & MJ rejected her / them????

I know that despite swooning over MJ he is such a gent and so shy and cautious when it comes to women......... I do swoon over him .........but......he was a very shy private man.yes he liked women......yet.........he was shy when it came to.......oh :doh:
I am making a hash of this reply.....I know what I mean...........Yes I swoon over him............but also respect his privacy.....even when I enjoy his ''manly'' pants..etc..........I find myself saying ''sorry MJ''............:doh:

I know that despite swooning over MJ he is such a gent and so shy and cautious when it comes to women......... I do swoon over him .........but......he was a very shy private man.yes he liked women......yet.........he was shy when it came to.......oh :doh:
I am making a hash of this reply.....I know what I mean...........Yes I swoon over him............but also respect his privacy.....even when I enjoy his ''manly'' pants..etc..........I find myself saying ''sorry MJ''............:doh:


yes I totally agree & I understand. I do respect his privacy. I wasn't trying to like 'pry' open any wounds of his or anything like that; if that were the case. I was only curious because MJ did speak about groupies when they were on the road. & I do respect MJ if the case was, him rejecting the ladies.
I like to think of him as never having done anything like go around with "groupies". He did say that he didn't want to be like his brothers or his father in that way and I believe that. We would have heard stories by now from fans, I'm guessing. I think he was a true and very rare gentlemen (particularly as rock stars go).
I like to think of him as never having done anything like go around with "groupies". He did say that he didn't want to be like his brothers or his father in that way and I believe that. We would have heard stories by now from fans, I'm guessing. I think he was a true and very rare gentlemen (particularly as rock stars go).

So true!!
Something I heard a while back I listened to an audio thing, he got asked if girls ever ask them if they want to seduce him and he said something like "oh there have been girls who told me they wanted sex with me" .. Damn I can't remember where/how I heard it, but it was something like that :p
Everyday of his life, Billie Jean. LOL. What do you think the song Dirty Diana was about? Also the women that Michael gave his heart to and had it broken into a million pieces. These things happen to people everyday. I had only hoped that Michael could have found that special someone who really was true to him and he could have spent the rest of his life with. Something tells me that the ladies are still chasing after him up in heaven.
Everyday of his life, Billie Jean. LOL. What do you think the song Dirty Diana was about? Also the women that Michael gave his heart to and had it broken into a million pieces. These things happen to people everyday. I had only hoped that Michael could have found that special someone who really was true to him and he could have spent the rest of his life with. Something tells me that the ladies are still chasing after him up in heaven.

If there is heaven up there, you may be right....:( But I hope the rules are different there lol. I think Michael was so tired from Billie Jeans and Dirty Diana's living his life on Earth so maybe God will take care of this situation now..
Damn, I want him back I still cannot think about him being dead. It sounds like a nightmare still.
Something I heard a while back I listened to an audio thing, he got asked if girls ever ask them if they want to seduce him and he said something like "oh there have been girls who told me they wanted sex with me" .. Damn I can't remember where/how I heard it, but it was something like that :p

I think that was the Rabbi book. According to what apparently were his own words, it seems as though he was saying that some women asked him directly outright. Yikes, how uncouth! I get the impression he was turned off by women like that. According to his words in that book he liked "nice", classy women.