Kiddie Scarface?


Proud Member
Aug 27, 2011
These are some elementary school children performing Scarface in a play. I don't get it. I see why many schools have metal detectors now and why kids are bossing their parents around and joining gangs.
Oh dear.

My child definitely would not be apart of a school play like that. I wonder if there were at least permission slips sent home...? Out of all the plays they can do for kids, they choose something like this... :no:

That's pretty scary to watch if you think about it.
Oh dear.

My child definitely would not be apart of a school play like that. I wonder if there were at least permission slips sent home...? Out of all the plays they can do for kids, they choose something like this... :no:

That's pretty scary to watch if you think about it.
Well, I guess it's not that surprising considering the video games that kids play now and the music that some listen to. But I wonder whose idea was this? Since there are people (adults) in the audience cheering it, I assume that permission was given for the children to participate.