Khloe Kardashian spends two hours and fifty three minutes in jail for drunk driving.


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Jul 25, 2011
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Shia LaBeouf's So Money

posted by Rebecca Detken - Tue Mar 16 2010, 12:01 PM PDT
celebs: Carey Mulligan | Shia LaBeouf
topics: Hotties
Nathaniel Goldberg/GQ In the April issue of GQ, the always candid Shia LaBeouf lets it be known that he's still bitter about the way the media handled his widely-publicized car crash in 2008. Although he was initially arrested in Los Angeles on a misdemeanor drunk driving charge, a couple of days later it was announced that Shia was not at fault in the accident, which left him with a severely injured left hand.
See More of Shia's GQ Photo Shoot
"I'd be watching the news, and they'd play my car crash, and every once in a while Kim Kardashian's sister [Khloe] would jump on TV and preach to me from the red carpet about how to live my [expletive] life," he shares. The reality star, who served 173 minutes in jail for a 2007 DUI charge, had these words of wisdom for Shia: "Just be smarter," she told Us Weekly at a red carpet event. "Think about your actions and get a driver. It's so much cheaper in the long run!"
Not surprisingly, LaBeouf didn't exactly appreciate Khloe's unsolicited advice.
"And I'm so upset, man. I'm so angry," he tells GQ. "Because this accident was not caused by me. I got hit. I had a green. This [expletive] ran a red light. And he flipped my truck, and he shoveled it on my hand. And my fingers are in the street ... They're in the street, they're off, they're under the truck door, man. This is fake, dude," he says, lifting his newly reconstructed hand. "This is hip bone and the skin that was left over..."
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While the 23-year-old is still understandably upset about the damage that was done, fortunately it hasn't hindered his ability to keep making movies. LaBeouf appears next alongside Michael Douglas as an ambitious young trader in "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps." To do research for the role, he headed to Wall Street to learn the ropes on the trading floors and had quite an eye-opening experience.


lol...i know this is a pointless thread, and the title isn't even the main subject of the article...but, man, i thought it was priceless...

i'd love to spend two hours and fifty three minutes in jail, if i'm copped on a drunk driving charge.
if you are under the influence,(especially behind the wheel) you're fair game. but i do think it's terrible what happened to him.
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I'm not talking about being made fun of i'm talking about how people need to get their facts straight when it was revealed that he was not at fault and then you have someone telling you to get a driver by someone from a reality show....
I'm not talking about being made fun of i'm talking about how people need to get their facts straight when it was revealed that he was not at fault and then you have someone telling you to get a driver by someone from a reality show....

i understand that, but was he driving under the influence?
Well it says he was arrested on a misdemeanor drunk driving charge BUT as I said before a couple of days later it was announced that Shia was not at fault in the accident.
The Kardashian sisters are the worst of the worst, straight from the Paris Hilton (sex tape) school of celebrity: tacky, tawdry, talentless, famous only for being famous. Tragically, the tabloid press glorifies their exploits and naive and impressionable young girls actually hold these heifers, to use Michael's term, in an undeserving esteem.:(
Well it says he was arrested on a misdemeanor drunk driving charge BUT as I said before a couple of days later it was announced that Shia was not at fault in the accident.

i have a problem with a system that makes loopholes for drunk driving. if you are drunk and behind the wheel, you are an 'accident' waiting to happen. i'm going to be afraid of you, and i won't want to be on the road. in the end, does it matter? somebody's gunna get hurt. that's a guarantee. all that other stuff is incidental, to me.

and i am NO fan of the Kardashians.

i think she should have spent a much longer time in jail.
Well it was a pain trying to put paris in jail but anyways out of the disney bunch he's one of my favorite cus I watched shia on 'even stevens' and glad that he's having a good career.