Kenny Ortega talks about Michaels big heart

God.. That opened up the wound again.. Everytime I see videos of Michael in orphanages I start tearing up.. Hurts so bad..
Is the first clip from 'Michael Jackson's human nature'??
Thanx guys for posting those videos! Theya are absolutely beautifull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its clips like these that makes me know that I'll never stop crying!

So beautiful to see Michael doing what he loved, caring for the children of the world!
am sobbing again, the world is a poorer place with Mike gone. My heart breaks for what he had to go through in his life, and all he wanted was to love people and bring them joy. I cannot wait to get out of this crazy world we live in, roll on paradise!
This makes me cry again, Michael is such an amazing person. Michael has really inspired me to be a better person. He always cares so much for others. Thanks for the vids :) (yes i still talk about him in present tense)
Michael, wasn't playing, that's his polite way of threatening someone. Thats cool though. He had a really big heart to do that for them. He never changed though did he, cuz he did that to Joe when he was little.

I love the second video with little alice:wub: I like the part where he points to a pic of her in the album.
All Michael ever wanted to do was help people and heal the world (no pun indended) and it makes me angry that some evil people took what Michael was trying to achieve and tried to turn it into something sinister
i want this to be included in the new film and all the footage of him in the hospitals and orphanages he visited.

please everyone ....if you are in touch with Kenny tell him to do so b/c he is the director of the film ...please, please.
I agree there should be a documentary just about his charity work and nothing else. What a great movie that would be!
When I saw that I think MJ was gangsta in a softspoken kind of way. He knew how to make things happen when he wanted it to happen. He knew the power he had and used it to help people even though the press tried to keep it secret.
I remember the nanny saying that "people think he is a marshmellow, but he is really like a brick wall."
i want this to be included in the new film and all the footage of him in the hospitals and orphanages he visited.

please everyone ....if you are in touch with Kenny tell him to do so b/c he is the director of the film ...please, please.

i agree!!! i hope they do...they must!!! kenny is on twitter, but messages there are so short.

i also thought while watching the videos, that part of the reason Michael became so wealthy (aside from his immense talent and dedication to his craft, which are givens) is that he was a genuine giver, which God rewards a thousand-fold.
Michael was a good guy. Anyone who doesn't see that probably isn't a very nice guy or girl him or herself.
Who else does this?
Most artists (especially the young) today are too busy to go out and shop when they tour to find anything constructive to do. - While Michael helped people not only in his own country, but all over the world.

I wish that a consciousness would come along with success.
Michael never took anything for granted because he had to struggle and fight for success.
Michael has truly inspired me. I have always been inspired by his humanitarian work. I signed up to join The Heal The World Foundation and I will be volunteering to work with the kids. Can't wait.