Kenny Ortega Appears On The Today Show

Fandango Ticket Sales at 31%
October 22,
Michael Jackson's This Is It film tops Fandango's ticket sales.
The online ticket seller says that sales for the movie, which does not even come out until October 28, presently represent 31% of the site's entire ongoing ticket sales, nearly 1/3. These sales are followed close behind by advanced tickets for The Twilight Saga: New Moon, which represents 24% of sales. That means over 1/2, or 55% of all ticket sales at the site right now are pre-sale tickets for two movies with huge popular appeal, and much audience anticipation, this fall.

This Is It is a film showing Mr. Jackson's last rehearsal for a planned London concert run that the pop star had said would be his last.
Michael Jackson died unexpectedly on June 25, 2009 at the age of 50.
The guy that was talking over the video(trailer) is messed up. He said that anything that would show Michael in a negative light was excluded...*Duche Bag*

But Kenny contradicted i was happy about that...

Thankyou for sharing!!!

6 DAYSSSS!!! Y'all!!!!

thank you for the thread...but..I seen his dumb smiling Joker looking self.....he makes me sick...he is just in all this for the money..IMHO...
yeah..i don't know what to make of it..

people are going to give answers to questions the way they're going to give answers to questions..

Ortega and his partner looked very professional, there.