Kelly Clarkson - Wasted Talent?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Toronto, Canada
I think Kelly Clarkson has a good voice. I loved "For a Moment Like This" and "The Trouble With Love Is"...
But honestly... her last couple of hits have sounded exactly the same, and "I Do Not Hook Up" (her latest "hit") has me banging my head against the wall. What do you guys think? :mello:
I agree. She has a great voice, but, as you said, her newer songs all sound the same. Hopefully her next album is better.
Wasn't she feuding with her record label over her album? Might explain why things haven't gone well for her.

Personally I find her very talented and very easy on the eyes.. :D
Wasn't she feuding with her record label over her album? Might explain why things haven't gone well for her.

Personally I find her very talented and very easy on the eyes.. :D

It was My December the feud with her record company was over. Clive Davis didn't think it was commercial enough or something, but she stood her ground and it was released. I personally love My December, it's the best thing she's ever done. Her new album, on the other hand... it's average. It's the same as all the other pop crap that's out there.

I Do Not Hook Up was written by Katy Perry, so I guess that explains its mediocrity. :smilerolleyes:
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Unfortunately because that's what sells nowadays. All the popstars of today are either wasted talents, or they have almost no talent but they make up for it with a pretty face, nice body and sex appeal.

Music has gone down the drain, and they're wondering why record stores are closing down... people aren't even downloading this shit, why would we buy it? :smilerolleyes:
I like Kelly's new album. It's so much better than the last. I thought Clive was right about My December. Not only was it completely un-commercial but also dreadfully dark. It sounded as if it were recorded in a garage. My December is an album you listen to while contemplating suicide.
I like Kelly's new album. It's so much better than the last. I thought Clive was right about My December. Not only was it completely un-commercial but also dreadfully dark. It sounded as if it were recorded in a garage. My December is an album you listen to while contemplating suicide.

I completely disagree. My December is a deeply personal album, rich with emotion and integrity. It might be dark, but it's certainly far less dark than the likes of Evanescence, who have made songs that actually deal with suicide, and they are considered "commercial".

I love that Kelly fought for My December. I love that she believed in herself and her music enough to stand up to her label. But I am extremely disappointed with her new album. It's like everything she fought for with My December means nothing to her anymore.

Anyway, just my :2cents:.
I waited a while to post on this thread because I am not a big time follower of Ms. Clarkson, but happen to find myself listening to her singing, I find myself enjoying the experience. From my limited exposure to her music, I think Kelly is a great talent. Her voice is beautiful and has a authenticity and soulfulness about that just seems natural (and not overdone, like Christina Aguilera (sp?), sorry to the Christiana A fans; her singing just drives me nuts).

Sadly, she probably is being packaged to suit the tastes of today's music industry and buyers. Although, with a voice and color like hers, I think she'll be around when the tide turns to make some even better music.
The only reason she's successful is because she's American.
What about Australian idol? Noone has been that successful in that, but i bet you that if they had the connections and resources that the US does, they'd actually be world famous like her.
Kelly is successful because she is talented. The girl has a gifted voice and has written some great pop tunes.
The only reason she's successful is because she's American.
What about Australian idol? Noone has been that successful in that, but i bet you that if they had the connections and resources that the US does, they'd actually be world famous like her.

I do agree with that comment as well.
There are so few famous mainstream artists that are not American.
To D.S.'s and Wingfoot's point (and unrelated to K. Clarkson really), one thing that disturbs me (actually frightens me) is the reach and weight of American cultural influences on the world. Other countries cultural exports never (or rarely) seem to be able to penetrate our borders, however, they seem to get flooded by the best (MJ, for instance, among others) and the worst (the list seems endless) of what we produce.

What if MJ were born in a little town in Namibia, or Pakistan, or Chile (shoot, or even Canada)? Would we have known him? So many treasures are left unrecognized by virtue of where someone is born and how much cultural pull that place has. This saddens me because I know there's so much more beauty and genius out there that rarely gets the attention it should merit.
There are a bevy of unknown talent that we will never know about. THey are probably even better than the well known acts that we do know, but because they aren't from the US, don't have the right connections and simply aren't shrewd enough to manage themselves, we'll never know about them.
American Idol has a bunch of fantastic sources and connections that links them to the rest of the world. They were the first idol ( i think ) so therefore their first winner would be the most prominent.
All i've seen with the Australian idols were a couple of lousy shopping centre appearances and some cd signings. No world tours or appearances on Letterman or whatever.
What if MJ were born in a little town in Namibia, or Pakistan, or Chile (shoot, or even Canada)? Would we have known him? So many treasures are left unrecognized by virtue of where someone is born and how much cultural pull that place has. This saddens me because I know there's so much more beauty and genius out there that rarely gets the attention it should merit.

Exactly. It's a real pity that there could be someone with as much (or even more, if possible) talent as MJ somewhere out there, and we wouldn't know...I think it's completely unfair that so many crap artists get recognition because they have the looks and the resources, whereas someone with true, amazing talent goes forgotten or even undiscovered.
Kelly Clarkson - Wasted Talent?

Her "talent" isn't wasted on Bill Clinton!

Bill Clinton Photobombs Kelly Clarkson, Steals the Social Media Spotlight From Obama on Inauguration Day


It wouldn’t be an event attended by Bill Clinton without Bill Clinton finding a way to become the centre of attention.

The former U.S. president made sure the kids on Twitter remembered who he was by photobombing Kelly Clarkson as she performed “My Country ‘Tis of Thee.”

The photo was posted to Twitter by Doug Gordon, a TV producer from Brooklyn, and was shared hundreds of times.

Similarly passed around online was a .gif of First Lady Michelle Obama shaking her head and rolling her eyes in historic fashion at something Republican House Speaker John Boehner said during the Inauguration Day luncheon.

I bet he loves how she holds that microphone!
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I like Kelly's new album. It's so much better than the last. I thought Clive was right about My December. Not only was it completely un-commercial but also dreadfully dark. It sounded as if it were recorded in a garage. My December is an album you listen to while contemplating suicide.
thing is, a lot of people are contemplating suicide. This would is so large with billions of people and that equals tons of variables in what makes a hit song, and a successful artist.
I do agree with that comment as well.
There are so few famous mainstream artists that are not American.

It's really all about perspective. Julio Iglesias, Gloria Estefan, and the man that sang 'Felice Navidad' made international bank. Sade's not doing too badly. The fact is, the most successful artists of all time are few and far between from any land.

Oh..and let's not forget Celine Dion.

And I sure am loving me some Enya.

And, although they are being forced on me, right now, radio is pushing Psy and Pitbul. I'm so not into them, but they are the flavor of the month right now. We have our share of one hit least, according to radio. Those come from all over the world, just like Katy Perry and Kelly Clarkson. Personally, I feel I am forced to hear them, too, but, that's not my point.

Wait a minute. Did I forget The Beatles? The Stones? The Who? Elton John?

and boy..that Clinton....wife? what wife? he just never quits. more like the press he dent of D's u and i-ted stats.
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What if MJ were born in a little town in Namibia, or Pakistan, or Chile (shoot, or even Canada)? Would we have known him?

Yes!.........cream will always rise to the top. :yes:

As for Kelly Clarkson........she's awesome. :)