Keith Phelps on Mike


Proud Member
Aug 27, 2011
I was on Myspace earlier. I generally don't read blogs but I just clicked on this one out of curiosity because this person requested my page.

Micheal Jackson...psh big deal...
Saturday, June 27, 2009

The title at hand was only to get ur attention.

With the passing of the one and only micheal jackson, ive come to realize so many things.
It hit me on a couple different levels. Obviously, musically. I came to realize micheals greatest contribution to music. It was not the innovative dance, the song writing, or the videos. It was his work ethic. Technology has made the music industry lazier.

Just incase u all forgot, micheal jackson was born in 1958.
in 1958 there was no
Auto Tune
Drum Machines
"people makin beats"
label puppets that couldnt sing

it was just raw talent.

I believe micheal did wat he always knew to do. actually make music and put on a good show the old fashioned way while using technology to spice things up. It seems as if alot of groups and artist have started out with a somewat similar energy but once they achieved their status as a "star" they give up that fight keep people on the edge of their seats. Ironically my father is not the biggest fan of micheal jackson due to his controversial issues in the media, but in a sense they are alot alike. My father has taught me to do everything on 10, nothing less. Keep people on the edge of their seats. Make people wanna hear u "just because". This was micheals philosophy on everything. He always did everything on 10. There were and still are many people that strive for a similar greatness musically, but its slim. Its sad because as much as artists and muscians mourn in honor of him, they will spit on his legacy at the same time by returning to their "microwave" music made with regards to make a quick buck.

I only write this because there is a hardworking world changing micheal jackson in all of us....and i vow to unleash that and continue on his legacy of world changing music.

MJ lives...

thank u TON3X
thanx dad