Ke$ha Singing without Autotune


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
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See now that is so much better than all her other songs, and I've only listened to the first 30 seconds.
Thanks for posting :)
This song is so awesome! It made me cry, the first time I listened to it, I can relate to the lyrics I suppose. It's too bad most musicians nowadays overload with the autotune. They're more talented than people think, although it's not exactly magnum talent, but's there.
That's a lovely voice, even pure in this song. The music she's agreed to perform is absolute crap, what wasted talents...
Wow! Kesha actually has a very pure and melodic voice. It's a shame it's not being allowed to shine. Who knew?
That's a lovely voice, even pure in this song. The music she's agreed to perform is absolute crap, what wasted talents...

I like her crappy music, lol. Although it's pretty clear that it's inferior to her demos. She also writes her own songs, and has written for other artists, among them Britney Spears. I think she's among the best new mainstream singers, definitely has a prettier voice than Lady Gaga (although she had a nice voice before smoking made it all raspy). Obviously, she's weak when compared to talents like Beyonce, but she can still hold her own and deserves more credit than people currently give her for sure. I like her and her personality, especially the fact that she doesn't take herself seriously and isn't arrogant. That's always a good thing, especially for someone so new.

Here is a funny non-auto tune singing Ke$ha, from Moskau!

Lol... sorry, I didn't like the way she sang the 'Have yourself a merry little Christmas" song, Mik... and that random pissing dude behind was quite honestly most disgusting... Like, 0.o.. 0.0 ...?
I loved it, lol! It was all meant to be a giant joke, and I think the pissing person was a girl.

Lol!! I'm sorry, but this is getting me stomach cramps, now, about that person taking that pee... :) ^ She or he just looked like a grotesque, shameless man from the woods or from a cavern, that I didn't even noticed that she/he urinated like a woman. 0.0 .. Yeah, I still don't know what that thing was. ... :mellow: But I'm not gonna watch that again for clarification, lol.
I like her songs! Cannibal/Animal (the redone double album) was a really great debut album! Or at least it was two great studio albums, packaged into one!

I think she makes marketable, catchy pop music, and that's all that matters. Same with Lady Gaga. Both aren't geniuses, but both are the best of the crop in this day and age.