Katy vs Ke$ha in "Tik Tok California Gurl$"


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Yesteday while perusing the web I came across a post that mentioned how Katy Perry’s “California Gurls” happened to have the exact same beat as Ke$ha’s “Tik Tok”. I hadn’t noticed it myself and upon closer inspection it seemed that, yes, they were quite similar. After doing a little digging it seemed that a lot of people were noticing the similarities, including the New York Post.

Since I had yet to make my annual mashup I thought what better tracks to try than these two. After about 40 minutes of work this was the result. A little more tidying up of some edits is required but overall I’m quite pleased with the result.

It should be pointed out: I am not the first to make a mashup like this. In fact, there are already a few out there (including this one which served as my main inspiration). However this is my version, with my own touches here and there.

So here you have it: two great summer jamz rolled all into one. Like peanut butter and chocolate. But be warned: it’s so hot, it’ll melt your popsicle. Or possibly your Reeses Peanut Butter Cup.

yeah they are similar but that's b/c both songs were produced by the same guy
True, and many have pointed that out, but personally I don't buy that excuse. Lots of artists have the same producers - and while they may leave their own styles on it that doesn't make their songs nearly identical.

Look at Quincy Jones - his work may have a unique finger print but the songs are by no means the same.

Or Stuart Price. Yes, you can hear his style on the new kylie album as it has the same sonic qualities as Madonna's Confessions on a dance floor - but they're not SO similar. Or what about the new scissor sisters album?

So, same producer aside, these are hella similar. But still catchy as hell.
well most of Red Ones hit songs sound the same, like Timbalands hit songs as well.
once a producer finds a winning formula (a hit song) they don't deviate from it.

but that is a sign of a rather uncreative and money hungry producer :p
well most of Red Ones hit songs sound the same, like Timbalands hit songs as well.
once a producer finds a winning formula (a hit song) they don't deviate from it.

but that is a sign of a rather uncreative and money hungry producer :p

Very true, it's part of the reason I cannot stand a lot of pop music these days, or at least I do for a month or two until I grow bored of tracks... which is easy when they all sound the same. CATCHY. But the same.

It was part of why I was so upset when Madonna ditched Stuart Price for Timbaland. 4 Minutes was catchy, but it's so 2008. After a month or two it sounded dated.

Personally, I think RedOne and Timbaland are two of the most over-rated producers in history.

We need more guys like Q. Or Stu (who you might be able to tell, I'm a pretty big fan of). And lets not forget Brian Eno (and his incredible work with Coldplay).

Wait, how did this turn into Production chat? haha. we should open a new topic lol
I've heard this said before but I don't think they are identical. Maybe a little similar since their in the same vein but not exactly the same. I prefer California Gurls.
Yeah, they're eerily similar, but they are both good, catchy tunes. I don't think any of us expected the next artistic masterpiece to come from Ke$ha or Katy Perry, anyway.
California Gurls!

Katy Perry is gorgeous in the video :stars:
Why did no one comment mixes?
I donwloaded them about few days ago…and since then played them many times.
fucking great mix … impressed, really !!! 40minutes to make 3 mixes? o_O
The second&third one sound like someone intentionally put tracks together that way to show the simillarity between them.

I prefer the first one, it could actually be a hit.


Is Katy's beat a bit slower or do they really match perfectly together? Um.., i think ketty's one is just simplier , 6-8 notes for kattys, 18 for Ke$ha's…way simplier mya, wish i could explain better :p
I'm glad you enjoyed them. The "original mix" (the first one) is my favourite too, though the extended one with Snoop's rap is also getting a lot of play on my stereo (and it was 40 minutes for the original mix... then the second and third mix was another hour and half or so... mostly cause i rebuilt everything).

as for the tempos: Katy's was 125bpm, and I think tik tok might have been something like 120? They were close enough that when I matched them up they didn't change too much. Part of why they were so easy to mix was that they did have such a similar structure, tempo, and key.
Sorry to say this, but WHY is Ke$ha acting like such a trashy slut whore?

Maybe she is? Ha, I really don't know. Being the wild party girl seems to be the image she is going for.

As for Katy, I really like her. She's a cool and down to earth girl and is a talented writer. She has a knack for writing catchy tunes (not to mention she's cute as a button).
Sorry to say this, but WHY is Ke$ha acting like such a trashy slut whore?

because she knows what kind of image i like :p

Kesha looks natural, she doesn't seem to act much….people who like her believe that she was really born on party. she's cool role model for young people….be confident, live each day of your life to the foolest….what's wrong with that?

adamschoales, thanks for explanation....great mix for 40mins of work, really. i hope you posted donwload link or link to your site on different forums, sites.
naah, tempo of california gurlz is really faster, yup your right...don't know in numbers but it's faster.
the reeses entendres. two of the same song, even without the remix. Ke$ha's legs make her look 30
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Kesha sucks, that's how much she sucks I can't even be bothered to put that stupid $ in her name lol.

HAHAHAHA you rock! Nobody will remember her in a couple years, she's beyond horrible!

oh and that song Tik Tok does she even know what Mick Jagger looks like?
HAHAHAHA you rock! Nobody will remember her in a couple years, she's beyond horrible!

oh and that song Tik Tok does she even know what Mick Jagger looks like?

Why thank you and yep so true no one will remember her, she looks terrible, sings terrible, terrible songs. What's there to like?
because she knows what kind of image i like :p

Kesha looks natural, she doesn't seem to act much….people who like her believe that she was really born on party. she's cool role model for young people….be confident, live each day of your life to the foolest….what's wrong with that?

........I'm going to pray for you.......
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