Katie & Peter


Proud Member
Aug 21, 2009
When will they go away? It's very boring and equally irittating. 2 weeks ago she still loved Pete and wanted him back :boohoo:, a week before that she wasn't bothered about men or something like that and now she'll "never let a man hurt her again" and she has a new "love".

and.. you're talking about...??

Oh, maybe you won't know being in Canada. UK people will know, it's just a celebrity couple who have split up and are milking it for all they can :D
Oh, maybe you won't know being in Canada. UK people will know, it's just a celebrity couple who have split up and are milking it for all they can :D

"Celebrity" used in the loosest sense of the word - shes famous for having tits bigger than her head.

I'm sick of the sight of them too.
Katie Price is the parasite of the celebrity world. basically being famous for having very little talent... and big bahonkas.

you may remember Pete as Peter Andre, who created the masterpiece that was Mysterious Girl.... 'WWoooahhhhoooahh...Mysterious girrrrl...i wanna get clossse to yooooo' Utter Genius! second in line to the KOP throne I;d say...

Ofcourse i Jest. They need to be shot for crimes against talent. OOOoooosh...i SO just went there!
ew, didnt they have a reality show here in america at a time. i think i know who you are speaking of.
Yep, thems the creatures... there will be another one soon called 'what katie did next'

EHHHH....im not denying hes a lovely bloke, what hes done for his kids is way above and beyond what most fathers would do in his situation... and the way hes been treated by katie is appalling. but I aint a fan of his music im afraid, or the way we are force fed every tiny detail of their lives, out of their own choice. *shrugs* its all in the name of fun. although I should have put SHE not THEY. SHE is 'orrible.

p.s. I owned a P.A album when i was a wee lass... ooooosh. then i became i teenage goth and listened to Marily Manson... thank god all those MJ albums balanced out my musictaste-o-meter.
ew, didnt they have a reality show here in america at a time. i think i know who you are speaking of.

I remember that show, it was on E!, but got canned because no one watched it. I tried watching but they were really boring...and she was just too tan haha. He seemed nice though. Kinda like the trashy version of Jon and Kate, minus the 8 kids...I wish they would just go away with their creepy 20 year old griendfriend and bad hair.