Kathrine 'Seriously Considering' Suing Murray / Lawyer talks to TMZ


Katherine Jackson's attorney tells TMZ Michael Jackson's mom is "seriously considering" filing a wrongful death lawsuit against Dr. Conrad Murray.

Adam Streisand, who scored a victory for Katherine last week in the estate case, tells TMZ the case would be filed on behalf of Katherine and Michael's three children. But Streisand adds, the biggest factor against filing suit is that Murray is asset-challenged -- i.e., he can't even pay his child support.

Streisand said he's actually rooting for Dr. Murray to file a claim for wages against AEG, adding "At least then we'd have some money to take from him."

As we first reported, Murray may sue AEG for $300,000 for the two months he "treated" MJ.

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Re: MJ's Mom 'Seriously Considering' Suing Murray

intresting tactics after murray was in court yesterday.wouldnt he have medical insurance. the fans should file a class action aswell
Re: MJ's Mom 'Seriously Considering' Suing Murray

Sue him, maybe that will mess up his brain (I know he hasn't got one) and he'll do the same as Chandler did.
Re: MJ's Mom 'Seriously Considering' Suing Murray

Lawyer for MJ's Mom: I Knocked Oxman Out!

Katherine Jackson'slawyer, Adam Streisand, has really come out swinging today. He's scoffing at Joe Jackson's lawyer, Brian Oxman, who filed legal papers last week attempting to get back into court to challenge Michael Jackson's will. Streisand says, "It was a first round knockout and there's no getting up from it."

Oxman claimed the will was a forgery and the executors were unfit. The judge in the estate case begged to differ so Oxman is going to the Court of Appeal. To that, Streisand says, "Oxman is going to need more than smelling salts and a new panel of judges to resuscitate his client's surprise attack."

Here's his best line -- "As far as I've been told, '2012' is just a fantasy."


God Bless Katherine Jackson for ditching McMillian and hiring Streisand!!!!

Go-head & show'em who's the BOSS, Mother Katherine!!!!!
I don't know why the family hasn't filed a lawsuit already against Murray. MJ died beause of what Murray gave him, he caused his death. I know all the money in the world will never bring MJ back but its better than nothing. At least in some degree Murray is responsible.
If only.
The children yes, but this is not Katherine's style. She always teached Michael to not go against anyone. She just isn't the kind of person to do such things I think this attorney (not related to Barbra) is promoting himself
If only.
The children yes, but this is not Katherine's style. She always teached Michael to not go against anyone. She just isn't the kind of person to do such things I think this attorney (not related to Barbra) is promoting himself
Come again? Not her style? Not to go against anyone? This man killed her son, I'm sure your way of thinking would change too, if someone had killed your son, my dear. The kids most likely don't even know that their father was killed by this man. Probably just think his heart stopped beating, he died a natural death.
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I don't know why the family hasn't filed a lawsuit already against Murray. MJ died beause of what Murray gave him, he caused his death. I know all the money in the world will never bring MJ back but its better than nothing. At least in some degree Murray is responsible.

Civil cases usually follow the criminal phase. They are probabbly waiting for the criminal phase to be resolved.
police prob told them not to. if the family do the police can delay it until the crim case is over with
Come again? Not her style? Not to go against anyone? This man killed her son, I'm sure your way of thinking would change too if someone had killed your son my dear. The kids most likely don't even know that their father was killed by this man.

Agree 1,000,000 % !!!
Streisand talking tough!

Anyway, on a serious note, Dr. Murray has NOTHING financial wise for the Jacksons to benefit from. So it would be like winning a judgement against him, but nothing there to collect.
Streisand talking tough!

Anyway, on a serious note, Dr. Murray has NOTHING financial wise for the Jacksons to benefit from. So it would be like winning a judgement against him, but nothing there to collect.

If he had an insurance they could win money
What would such a lawsuit achieve?
Is it just about the money?
I believe Murray is sooner or later going down for illegally administering hospital grade drug in a home setting to Michael anyway, so what's the purpose of suing him for wrongful death?
He's broke as it is. (or so he claims)
And Katherine and the kids are taken care of financially.
Dunno, doesn't make much sense.
Streisand talking tough!

Anyway, on a serious note, Dr. Murray has NOTHING financial wise for the Jacksons to benefit from. So it would be like winning a judgement against him, but nothing there to collect.

Like Nicole Simpson's family who won the civil case against OJ, but (as far as I know) haven't received much (or nothing?) because OJ isn't well off. They can't touch his NFL pension either.

They could collect over time if he were able to work again. Murray owes $13,000 in child support, but all he could pay recently was $700+. That debt has been accumulating for some time, I'll bet way before he was hired for Michael. But we'll see because by the time the criminal trial is over, Murray will likely be in jail and there will be no income to collect. Katherine might decide to not even bother with a civil suit.
Can I just say I'm LOVIN' this Streisand dude. :lol: Looks like spunk runs in the Streisand family!

LOL @ Murray getting money from AEG so Katherine can win it in a civil suit. That.Is.COLD! :lol: I like! Sometimes you need a little bit of toughness to balance out the sweet. Mrs. Jackson is the sweet and Streisand is the tough. Good balance, I think. And yes, he may be getting his face in the spotlight, but I feel as long as he gets the job done, it's a win-win for all. When his tough talk stops matching his ability to follow thru, then there's a problem. So far...so good...for now.

Oxman get yo candy ass in the ring!
Why is TMZ their preferred mode of communication? So strange.

Katherine hired Streisand by herself? He was probably recommended to her by someone, but who? I've no problems with Streisand, though. I just want to know how he got involved. Katherine wants peace and that is why she agreed to support Branca/McClain.

Murray has no money or assets. It's better to just have his medical license taken away from him forever so he can't kill anyone else. Remember, this 'doctor' is also connected to James Brown and not in a good way.
Why is TMZ their preferred mode of communication? So strange.

Katherine hired Streisand by herself? He was probably recommended to her by someone, but who? I've no problems with Streisand, though. I just want to know how he got involved. Katherine wants peace and that is why she agreed to support Branca/McClain.

Murray has no money or assets. It's better to just have his medical license taken away from him forever so he can't kill anyone else. Remember, this 'doctor' is also connected to James Brown and not in a good way.

:mello: Can you give more details about the bold?
IT IS TIME to do some JUSTICE for Michael Jackson...

Well, it is actually too late but not for making Justice on him and his memory at least
Michael where ever he is now he can realize justice is being in process.
Can he? I wonder, isn´t it too late?
Streisand is going to clean all their clocks he is no JOKE!..Joe an Oxhead are two jackal asses.I'm just SO disgusted by Joe's behavior..does he not know that he trying to steal from the mouth of Michael three children this is their inheritance, their father blood and tears....he is just gross!

Murray is a coward and a wretched person! He will get more than a suspended license..he needs a lengthy prision time and they need to shoot the jail key into space when they are done.
The family would get nothing from a lawsuit. If the family wins a large sum of money, all Murray has to do it file for bankrupting. Once he does that, the family will get nothing. People do this all the time when they have to pay an outrages sum of money.

Also, the family could not take all the money from AEG, if he get any, to begin with. He already has debt that would go towards that before any wrongful death suit. The family would literally be fighting for scraps.

I hardly call this justice because Murray had nothing to begin with and there is nothing to gain from suing him. Even his 'insurance', if he had any, would only pay so much.
So what is this deal he is arranging for his baby's momma? Is it stones or sticks he is looking to provide them?????

Does a bankruptcy exonerate him from not paying child support????

He will have to work like the MULE that he is and pay for his child and if he decidces to sue and then file bankruptcy which is STUPID, he has wasted time and energy and STILL get's nothing. Now, he has to get a job, he has to eat...no I don't care if he eats or not...BUT!..whatever he get's insurance etc..even if it's small...it should be snatched and he should live the rest of his life in despair trying to make ends meet to pay for both his crime and his children's child support...he has caused enough pain and grief...and he has the nerve to try and make some money from it.....disguisting!! He should be sent to jail each and everytime he does not have a job, just like the rest of the men out there who are louses for not paying child support...lock his butt up!

Don't think he will not try to make money..a book ..a movie deal...it should all go to MJ's estate...Katherine has a sharp ATTORNEY and he will make sure she goes about this the right way. He is quite qualified here to know what she can and can't obtain...lets' just watch the chips fall.
If only.
The children yes, but this is not Katherine's style. She always teached Michael to not go against anyone. She just isn't the kind of person to do such things I think this attorney (not related to Barbra) is promoting himself

He is her cousin.
So what is this deal he is arranging for his baby's momma? Is it stones or sticks he is looking to provide them?????

Does a bankruptcy exonerate him from not paying child support????

He will have to work like the MULE that he is and pay for his child and if he decidces to sue and then file bankruptcy which is STUPID, he has wasted time and energy and STILL get's nothing. Now, he has to get a job, he has to eat...no I don't care if he eats or not...BUT!..whatever he get's insurance etc..even if it's small...it should be snatched and he should live the rest of his life in despair trying to make ends meet to pay for both his crime and his children's child support...he has caused enough pain and grief...and he has the nerve to try and make some money from it.....disguisting!! He should be sent to jail each and everytime he does not have a job, just like the rest of the men out there who are louses for not paying child support...lock his butt up!

Don't think he will not try to make money..a book ..a movie deal...it should all go to MJ's estate...Katherine has a sharp ATTORNEY and he will make sure she goes about this the right way. He is quite qualified here to know what she can and can't obtain...lets' just watch the chips fall.

Actually yes, bankrupting could help him with is child support. When you have to pay beyond your means, you have the option to file bankrupting. This is a reset so you can put yourself together again.

People use bankrupting in that form all the time, which is why people usually sues large cooperation instead of individuals. So even if they do sue and win, they will get nothing. They cannot touch the money they make afterwards since they need it to provide for themselves.

If you want to learn more how bankrupting I suggest you read about it. In either case, the family would get nothing from a suit. The child support would be taken a little from his paycheck until it is payback. So, the Jackson would just be wasting time and money with a suit.
If you're an ex-spouse or partner receiving child support, the good news is child support is not dischargeable in bankruptcy. Likewise, if you owe back child support - no matter how much - you are still responsible for that debt.