I was reading celebrity net worth and see that Katherine Jackson is worth $100 Million. With that kind of money in hand, can she spend at least $2 million to promote the the MJInnocent Project and website and also fund Taj video documentary? She's getting old at 88 and may pass away soon then maybe her other relatives may fight over that $100 million and spend it themselves. What do you think?
I wouldn't put much faith in those "net worth" sites/lists.
Most of them have no real clue and base their estimates on WAGs (Wild Ass Guesses).
Case in point. When MJ was alive how many of those sites / lists showed his net worth was in excess of $600million? None because they all said he was broke.
Going back to Katherine, how exactly do that think she earned her money?
She never released an album. She never toured. She's never been an actively earning celebrity.
Most of here offspring appear to be only modestly wealthy and they did all the work.
She MAY have business interests or shares that we don't know about, but then neither would celebritynetworth.com
Even that site admits it uses an algorithm. "All net worths are calculated through the combination of a robust methodology and a proprietary algorithm. The results are fact checked and confirmed by a team of editors and industry insiders. We work diligently to ensure that our numbers are the most accurate celebrity net worth data you will find anywhere on the internet."
It provides no evidence of where her wealth would come from, apart from "Michael's estate: When Michael died, he left a 40% interest in his estate to his mother. That 40% will eventually go to Michael's children who themselves already control 40%. Michael's remaining 20% went to a variety of children's charities."
(NOTE this is factually incorrect anyway. MJ's children don't control any of the MJ Estate and none of the MJ Estate wealth has been distributed as per the terms of MJ's will because it's still in probate)
Instead Katherine receives an allowance and other expenses when deemed appropriate.
My guess if this estimate is total crap.