Katherine Jackson gives an interview to DAILY MIRROR!

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Jul 25, 2011
Bremen - Germany

Katherine Jackson: Michael's Kids Have No Friends

Originally posted Jun 20th 2010 6:46 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

Katherine Jackson says Michael Jackson's kids are isolated and miss their father desperately ... this according to her first interview since MJ's death.

Katherine tells the Daily Mirror, "They don't have any friends. They don't go to school, they have private lessons at home -- but that will change in September, when they are due to enroll at private college."

According to the interview, the kids spend hours listening to their dad's music.

She says Paris has turned her bedroom into a shrine to her "Daddy" and that Prince and Blanket talk often about trying to make him proud.

Katherine says she wanted to decorate Paris' room with pictures of flowers or ballerinas -- but "Paris went into a closet and she brought out seven or eight pictures of Michael, and she told me, 'No, I want daddy hanging in my room'. So she goes to bed looking at him and wakes up looking at him. She said, 'I always want to be able to see him.'"

Michael's mom goes on to say Paris is the most musically-inclined of the three and that Prince wants to produce movies.

This new interview comes days before the anniversary of Michael's death ... and in conjunction with a new book Katherine is selling (pictured above) containing pictures and Katherine's memories of Michael.

She says, "Michael was so misunderstood ... I treasure my memories of him and wanted to share them with his fans in my book. I remember when he brought gifts for me -- a watch, a necklace and a ring. I'll never forget how he smiled when I opened each one. He was so generous. I want the world to know that real Michael Jackson -- a loving person."


I can't believe it, she did it REALLY. So I will forget every member of the whole family. I can't longer stand it. I think I have to avoid everything concerning Michael, what is published and what THEY and other ones are doing with him after he is dead. So I will carry my feelings for him in my heart and go off from all these matters. They are making me so much more sad. It is too much.:cry::timer: May be time will heal the wounds.
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