Karen Faye talk should be banned on MJJC

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Now that some fans have finally wised up to Karen Faye adn her conniving ways, I think it is past time that all talk / discussion related to her be banned on MJJC.

She has been sour subject for a while, but her latest stunt is really the last straw. Before she divides and conquers the MJ's fan base any further, I think it is past time that all talk of her be banned here.

This is a MJ board not a Karen Faye worshiping site, so anyone who wants to continue wasting their time reading about Michael's on-off makeup artist can go to her facebook.
I agree.

She's no better than a tabloid who exploits MJ.

Standing in front of MJs crypt and taking pictures like if MJ's resting place is the Statue of Liberty or the Hollywood sign - THEN POSTING THEM on Facebook, all this while exploiting our grief over his death is HEINOUS and tabloid-y. LET ME ADD that then she gets mad & huffy because the photos are circulating & then gets mad because the FANS got mad she posted them?????

Message to Karen from Michael himself:


Ban her - I'm all for it.
I agree.

I understand some fans need to know stories and pictures, etc from Karen. That's fine.

But if I remember correctly... Karen already requested that whatever she say or publish.... not be published on this board.

At this point this would be a great idea. Karen and her FRIENDS can stay clear of here and we can do the same.
I'm surprised the whole thread hasn't been "cleaned up" already since I saw Karen referred to as "crazy" and "delusional". If attacking the character of others and name calling isn't allowed towards TINI, it shouldn't be allowed towards Karen Faye either...or Joe Jackson, or Jermaine Jackson, or La Toya, or, Shmuley, or, or, or....

I don't agree with what she did however, because it IS very exploitive of Michael IMO, and it certainly takes advantage of the grace his family extended to her.
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