karaoke anyone??? =]


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
orlando florida
mods please feel free to put this in the right forum if im wrong ;)

okay so i came up with a cool idea! i know that mjjc has got some seriously talented singers so why dont we have a karoke night?

ill post a list of songs for you to choose from just like at a karoke bar and you can post your vids or audios of you singing!

so who is on bored? if i get at least ten people ill post the list!
:lol: this sounds like such a fun idea! I ain't no singer but I'll be watching this thread.

I have an MJ Karaoke DVD some where... I must get some of the girls over for a giggle and a sing along :happy:
:lol: this sounds like such a fun idea! I ain't no singer but I'll be watching this thread.

I have an MJ Karaoke DVD some where... I must get some of the girls over for a giggle and a sing along :happy:

haha yea u should totally do it..even if you arent a great singert karoke is totally all about having fun!