Kanye West Posts Photos Galore of Michael Jackson's Stuff

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Dangerous Incorporated



Image Credit: Henry Leutwyler

We’re coming up on a year since Michael Jackson’s untimely death, but the late King of Pop’s stuff lives on. Not just his music, though that’s here to stay, too. I mean Jackson’s actual worldly possessions: the assorted knick-knacks, portraits, and outfits that only he could have collected at Neverland Ranch. Photographer Henry Leutwyler has documented some of this treasure trove for an upcoming book, Neverland Lost. And today, noted MJ fan Kanye West has posted many of Leutwyler’s most striking images on his personal blog.

Leutwyler’s images capture something essential about the bizarrely beautiful palace that Jackson built for himself. There are statues of angels and Disney characters; Wizard of Oz and toy-soldier figurines; even what looks like an original hardcover of Peter Pan. There are all manner of sequined hats, socks, shoes, and of course gloves — so many individual sparkly gloves, in so many hues. There are personalized military uniforms and basketball jerseys. There’s an MTV Artist of the Decade award. I find the shots of thrones and related regalia, like the one (above) of a monogrammed crown sitting alone on a velvet pillow, to be particularly haunting. Jackson surely had that crown commissioned as a celebration of his unparalleled success. Knowing how his story ended, though, it’s hard not to see it as a faintly empty and tragic image.



“Neverland Lost” A Portrait of Michael Jackson By Henry Leutwyler


By Henry Leutwyler


Published by Steidl

I think I'll buy this book. The photos are absolutely amazing!
Was MJ aware that this man was taking pictures of his personal items while they were in storage?

Now he is publishing a photo book...

Like Randy, I have some serious concerns:

First, where are the proceeds from book sales going...??

That being said, the military jackets are breathtaking.
Kanye west was on the few artist who did take MJ death hard and he always said how he was a big MJ fan he almost fainted when he met Michael if you all look how Kanye wears his clothes sometimes he try hard to have that MJ effect lol this is so touching to see his thing MJ was a big kid at heart
Was MJ aware that this man was taking pictures of his personal items while they were in storage?

Now he is publishing a photo book...

Like Randy, I have some serious concerns:

First, where are the proceeds from book sales going...??

That being said, the military jackets are breathtaking.

I think (and of course I might be wrong) that all these items were the ones at the London exhibition. All of them. So probably the man took the pics then. We know Katherine accepted that exhibition, or she "has" to accepted :)mello:). According to Julien's all this stuff (which was to be auctioned during 2009, before MJ's passing, then MJ knew about it, Thome had to stop it, etc.), were returned to Michael. So question would be... the Estate... has allowed this?


To be honest, I don't care very much about the money. LOTS of people are making LOTS of money out of Michael (just ask those growing sunflowers, which is now everybody's official favourite flower :cheeky:). I would not start this asking about the money. I would simply start asking myself, would I like my personal belongings being pictured for everyone to see for some moeny? LOL!!! Sure no one will give a cent for any of my stuff, but I think of Michael, the man.

But whatever. Michael is gone. This will not stop :doh:

If all this were already at a huge exhibition, to be honest, I don't see any point in protecting them from anybody's view :no:. Now you understand why there were so severe about the "No pictures allowed" policy at the exhibition!!

(I know that's common practice everywhere, just kidding ;D).
i love the gloves!!! and the gold pants!!

thanks for sharing ...
What I found really heartbreaking about these pictures were the bits from Neverland in boxes and in storage. That place was so magical and put so many smiles on children's faces and look what happened. It breaks my heart :(.
seeing these photos, especially of the Neverland stuff in storage, made me sad :(
It reminds me when I saw some of these and more in Ireland last year. I was both sad and overjoyed to see them in person. You could also feel MJ's magic in the room.
The first page is crashing my browser and I take it there are photos of his things published yet again? How would Kanye feel if someone were to publish stuff from his attic and basement, how about some of his underwear for all to see? :evil:

Stage outfits are great, fine, that's all cool. But why does obviously private stuff have to be shown like that?
And to think they wondered why Michael Jackson couldn't sleep.
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The first page is crashing my browser and I take it there are photos of his things published yet again? How would Kanye feel if someone were to publish stuff from his attic and basement, how about some of his underwear for all to see? :evil:

Stage outfits are great, fine, that's all cool. But why does obviously private stuff have to be shown like that?
And to think they wondered why Michael Jackson couldn't sleep.
Yeah :sigh:

I can't see most of the images anyway. And I don't even want to if there's only more of his personal stuff.
i don't see how the author of that article would see that that crown on the pillow would symbolize something empty, instead of the coronation of MJ's unparalleled success. many kings have died, and they still remain kings. and certainly, MJ remains King in his field. nobody has dethroned him.
i don't see how the author of that article would see that that crown on the pillow would symbolize something empty, instead of the coronation of MJ's unparalleled success. many kings have died, and they still remain kings. and certainly, MJ remains King in his field. nobody has dethroned him.


where do you found the first post 66 pictures

the blog of Kanye West have only 11 pictures ?

please tell me

thanks a lot
It's sad to see all of his stuff boxed up.:( Some of the things are neat to look at..but why the hell did they take pics of his underwear? There is a thing called dignity.:mello: I wouldn't want my underwear and private stuff shown to the world! I'm sad now...
how crazy it is .. all his stuff is still here like they are waiting to be used/touch/worn again by him but the man himself ain't anymore just not fair.. i just dont get it..
Photog files suit over Michael Jackson book

Last Updated: 12:37 PM, June 1, 2010
Posted: 12:35 PM, June 1, 2010
A shutterbug who just published a photo book featuring Michael Jackson's glittering glove is telling the King of Pop's lawyers to beat it.
In a Manhattan federal court suit made public this morning, Henry Leutwyler claims Jackson's estate and a California auction house are trying to block sales of his "Neverland Lost: A Portrait of Michael Jackson."
The suit seeks an order declaring that Leutwyler has the right to distribute the 96-page hardcover, which was released yesterday with a list price of $45.
In his court filing, the Swiss-born photog says he snapped images of Jackson's famed white glove and other stage accessories with the permission of Julien's Auctions before the company put them up for bid last year in Times Square.
Some of Leutwyler's shots appeared last year in Conde Nast Portfolio magazine, and he says he "was informed of no limitations, contractual or otherwise, upon his usage of the photographs."
But last month, Leutwyler learned from Julien's lawyer that "the Jackson estate" believed he was "violating its rights" and that the estate's lawyers "were very aggressive."
"Leutwyler has a reasonable apprehension that Julien and the estate of Michael Jackson (and/or its related entities) will bring suit against Leutwyler," according to his pre-emptive legal action.
Julien's didn't immediately return a call for comment.


I knew there was something fishy about these pictures. They were taken in a warehouse for chrissake. No way did MJ knew of this...nor did he agree to it.

Everyone and their mama want to make a quick buck. Pathetic.
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this book is so lame, hopefully it will be blocked and destroyed.
Michael did not want his items to be auctioned, and now someone want to sell a book of the items boxed with a soul-less edge ?
not for me thanks.