Kansas Tornedo Destroys MJ Fan's Home, But Left Her "This Is It" CD Untouched


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Tornado survivors tell their stories
Eagle staff
Updated: 2012-04-16T14:22:01Z
Wichita tornado brings destruction, but no deaths
Tornadoes can do the strangest things.
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Chrissy Hart, 32, heeded Saturday’s storm warnings, left her home in the 5100 block of Meadowview Avenue in Oaklawn and waited out the night’s fury at her mother’s house. She returned later to find her house riddled with damage.
Shortly before noon Sunday, Hart was searching for anything salvageable. And then she saw it. Her Michael Jackson CD, “This is It,” sitting undisturbed on top of a stereo speaker next to an outside wall that was no longer there.
“Oh, my gosh!” she cried as she spotted it.
A tornado wipes out a wall, yet leaves an item weighing less than a few ounces untouched.
Hart sighed with gratitude.
Not just because of the rescued CD. She was OK, her neighbors were OK. Property? Not so good.

“I don’t have a place to live,” Hart said, “but I’m grateful because I still have something. I don’t know what to do.”
So she hugged one of her next-door neighbors, Connie Force.
“I’ll never be able to find neighbors again as good as you,” Hart said through tears.
Connie, 50, and her husband, Bob, 59, also had their house demolished. Their truck and car were smashed.
She survived by hiding in a closet. He flipped a couch over the top of him — right where a tree limb slammed through a window.
As chain-saws whirred away all over their block Sunday, the Forces picked through what remained inside. Terry Force, their son, came over to help.
“Dad, we need to get some respirator masks,” Terry said. “I can’t breathe in there.”
Piles of grayish-colored insulation, fallen from the collapsed ceiling, lay inches deep. Every step kicked up choking dust. Someone found dust masks, and everyone put one on.
This was Bob’s fifth tornado. He survived four others in western Kansas.
“I didn’t think I was going to make it through this one,” he said.
The Forces had only four more years left before the house was paid off.
Over the deafening roar of the chain-saws cutting up the fallen trees littering the neighborhood, Chrissy yelled to Connie, “Hey, maybe now I can get that new carpet.”
“Yeah, we’ll see about that,” Connie said, with a little chuckle.
– Rick Plumlee
Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/2012/04/15/3556103/tornado-survivors-stories.html#storylink=cpy

ASIDE: Thank God Chrissy and her family are safe. :angel:
these poor people the devastation that they have suffered..just sad, See Michael's cd ..with stood force of nature,,,haha....Thats our Michael...:love:
What a story! It's horrible that her house is destroyed, but thank god she is alright...
Yikes, man. I'm glad they are okay.

We spent the weekend driving away from the entire front- and I totally get her excitement. (I had actually saved the most important MJ stuff in my suitcase along with other irreplaceables). When I left my house, it was dark already and I just hoped and prayed everyone would fair okay.

Please send a thought a prayer to those who lost everything, to those are are still in critical condition and to the rescuer who had to pull 2 dead children and their deceased parents from the rubble in one town. These crews live a life of true service.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all of these people who suffered damage, or worse.
God bless Chrissy Hart and her family..and all people who lost everything.
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Sad and touching story. On Sunday I was doing my taxes and thought of Michael, and at that moment the radio in the tax office played Beat It. It seems Michael was touching a lot of lives on Sunday. Sometimes the simplest things can bring so much joy!!!
Little miracles, aw. Glad she and her family is safe.
What a touching story. All the best to her and everyone else who had to go through this.
these poor people the devastation that they have suffered..just sad, See Michael's cd ..with stood force of nature,,,haha....Thats our Michael...:love:

It could also was said that MJ himself was a force of nature, so mr. tornado just had to beat it!:D

As for the persons who lost their lives or who were injured, I can't imagine what you all experienced, the closest I've come to anything that traumatic is a hurricane and its almost that time of the year again, so hopefully I won't be witnessing any disasters to come.