Kamala Tried to have MJ under the jailšŸ˜”


Proud Member
Oct 10, 2017
This pissed me tmf off!!

Kamala- "In general, the child will be able to recall and recollect with some detail the incident, and that is persuasive to a jury, even if it is the only testimony that is available."

Trump- "She's at plenty of experience at going after people and she goes after a viciously and violently and I saw a story and I read it other story about some of the things she's done, and I don't believe it. That is tough. It's tough to win, but I have a feeling he's gonna win.Larry v, interesting thing is, i've known That is from many different standpoints, and michael would spend a lot of time with my kids. I have beautiful kids, and at the time, like at moralago and even in trump tower, the kids were very young.Michael would come play with a kids.He just loved children.He was not a child molester, And I am certain of that he loved children.He'd play with my son, eric and my son donald and he just played with him forever.He loved children, but he was not a child molester. And you know that whole A child molester, and you know that whole final saga, of neverland and the police, and what they did was, I think a very, very much a very, very bad part of Michael's life"

Trump was defending michael & Kamala was one of the prosecution attorney team
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I can't watch it because I don't have a Tiktok account but I can see the description that is about Trump so I'm not sure if I even want to.
Exactly my point. Rage baiting to get views for a very controversial topic. Fans need to be aware that over the next few months, many people will try to push their political agenda and use the fan community for clicks and views by mentioning Michaels name, even though it will have nothing to do with him.
She just gave a very general statement about child molestation trials, how does that equal trying to put MJ in jail?
Exactly so. She merely pointed out that a jury would likely be emotionally persuaded by an in-court testimony from a minor. The clip doing the rounds is tightly edited so it's not possible to tell if she's definitely saying anything bad about Michael or if she was definitely working for SB.
Trump was defending michael & Kamala was one of the prosecution attorney team
This is the bit I'm not so sure about. There are a lot of assumptions flying around atm but I'm not seeing any evidence that she was on the team. Plus, if she had been, her name would have come up long ago. All those blogs covering the trial, all that analysis that Michael's fans did, all those court transcripts they bought and read again and again? No way they would have missed her name out. There was a lot of forensic, really careful work that got done. I can't see them missing this detail.

TMZ are not always particularly reliable, I admit, but this is what they posted 2 hours ago:

"She stated in the clip ... "In general, the child will be able to recall and recollect some detail, the incident and that is persuasive to a jury, even if it is the only testimony that is available ... Harris' remarks about such a dark moment in the Jackson family history might explain why Janet is trying to discredit her. Mind you, Harris was not involved in MJ's trial, she was merely speaking to a news outlet as an expert."
