Justin said new video is inspired by Michael Jackson's "TWYMMF"


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Bremen - Germany
An official music video for Justin Bieber's new single "Baby" has come in full via VEVO. Featuring Ludacris who lends his vocal on the hook, this video follows the young pop star as he tries to impress his love interest played by Jasmine Villegas.

Justin previously said that the video is inspired by Michael Jackson's "The Way You Make Me Feel". "We're kind of going off of Michael Jackson's 'The Way You make Me Feel' where he's trying to get the girl's attention and following her around," he said.


watch the video here
Is Justin Bieber really Usher's protege?

If so, then I am sure that Usher is schooling him with a lot of lessons about Michael Jackson since Usher loves MJ. Justin needs to respect and learn from his elders and Usher is teaching him about the 'Master'. LOL!

I've no problem with little Justin. He's for the little girls. But I just don't want people to be jumping the gun and saying he's 'the next Michael Jackson' just because he's a child singer.
Ah, "the next Michael Jackson"...


Could definitely see the similarities with TWYMMF, though...and a couple other MJ moves.
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After listening to Justin for the first time (thanks for the link Romi), I can't see why people would compare him to Michael. Where's the dancing? Where's the passion? Where's the L.O.V.E? His singing is sub-par and the beats/rhythm/melody is way too repetetive. It's a nice try though and I hope Justin is enjoying the success he is having currently because I think in five or 10 years time people won't be making the same comparison.
"the next michael jackson" :laugh: that term is so overused! We've yet to see anyone reach the hight that MJ did.
Its great to see the younger generation looking up to Michael,the real King instead of wannabes Like Justin Timberfake and Slusher.

Im loving how shes leaning back on the table,and he comes up to her and gets pushed away just like in MJs short film when Tatiana is leaning on the car.
Also the MOonwalk at the end is fab.
cute video...and it's cool he was inspired by Michael (who isn't??), but again, it's pointless to say anyone is gonna be the next MJ...it shouldn't be entering anyone's mind...i mean, this is MICHAEL JACKSON we're talking about...no one will ever match him.....

Respect to Justin though...he was inspired by the best!
I think he is just a cute kid with big dreams...he has talent ,,yes,,,But the next Michael Jackson...No....I am sure he will make his own place in the music industry....as we all know..there is only one MJ......I think that the race is on as far as all artist are concerned to see who will get that title....The King Of PoP...... title is always going to be reserved for Michael in my eyes....He will NEVER be replaced.
Well, at least since the remake of WATW I know who Justin Bieber is :lol:
Don't think the article said anything about him being the new MJ. Though, from now on we might hear comparisons like that with newcomers. I feel a bit sorry for them, it will always be hard to be compared to Michael Jackson. But I guess it's just natural to be compared to the greatest in the business. No pressure at all :lol:
Anyway, Justin is only a kid and I wish him all the best for his career. The video is cute, all the young girls will love him. I liked his MJ inspired moves :)
Don't think the article said anything about him being the new MJ.
You must have missed the thread. Someone here asked if Justin Beiber could be the next MJ...needless to say, he / she got slaughtered. :lol:
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like this video hasn't been copied 100 times already?
god.. artists say they are inspired by MJ.. great.
but if they want to be as great as mj (impossible).. they will have to start being original.
Edit: Whoops! Thought it was about Justin Timberlake LOL, His video "I'm lovin it" reminds me of TWYMMF.
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to me he just sounds like a generic teenage singer he's no MJ
OMG! (rolleyes)

This is typical tweenie pop...

If I was 13 years old again, best be believe I'll be all over this song.

But since I'm 19 and appreciate a singer more than their looks.... then I accept this song as something fun poppish bubblegum song.

Also, I can't wait till this boy's voice cracks... (heh heh... :smirk:)
cute kids that can only sing in a studio................he was at a Superbowl concert a couple wks ago ...that baby can not sing live...

any youtube search of young Michael singing live...blows you away
I had actually heard of Bieber before WATW 25. In November of last year thousands of fans mobbed a Long Island, NY mall where he was making an appearance. He tweeted to his fans to leave the mall. It was all over the local news.


I personally don't see the appeal but I'm 46...

He does kind of remind me of the Keane Brothers, a pair of pre-teen musical siblings who had a variety show in the 70's (I know nobody here knows what the heck I'm talking about, heh). But they sang much better!
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This is hilarious... Mike's voice broke late 1972... when he turned 14.

Justin is 16 years old and he looks like he's 12. lols! xD

Before I get any hate, I don't mean to make fun of him, kay? :D It's just an interesting observation. I wonder how he is going to sound like after puberty hits him?
I felt a bit bad for her (the thread starter) Maybe she was a young girl or something. :( And I hate attacking children.

And I think the vid is adorable. :3
Nice, thank you. But I am a pretty old biddy, very very old ... sorry. But nevertheless I love Michael and I am interested in every thing that has to do with him. And it's nice to see that the young generation loves him too.
I have every week a drawing and painting class with kids, from about 4 to 12. We are speaking very often about Michael. Last Monday a girl told me that they have had a lesson about the lyrics of "Beat it". And they know that I have met him in Berlin, for them that makes me a little bit like a VIP!
So why exactly this young singer is called the "new MJ"? Whoever gave him that title, obviously never heard MJ sing as a child and teenager.....