Justin Bieber/Usher -- MJ thought


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I was talking to my friend the other day, and thought of something. We had seen Justin Bieber on TV doing some sort of interview, and they showed Justin playing basketball with Usher, and goofing around and having fun with him, just like a friend. Bieber was, I believe 14, when he & Usher become friends and now he's 16.

The reason I wanted to relate this to MJ, and this was just a thought I had... it *really* pisses me off about the double standard of the media and people in general. Usher, a 30-some year old black male, befriends a young boy, signs him, helps him become famous, etc... and nobody gives Usher ANY crap (which they shouldn't, of course)... yet if that had been Michael, OMG, the media would have flipped out and started with their crap again. People found it sooo odd that Michael could be friends with someone like Mac, for example, but it's totally acceptable when someone like Usher does the same thing? Double standard. Random thought for the day.
Well, Usher isn't nearly as "obnoxious" as Michael. No, I don't think Michael is obnoxious, however, I am saying things from the media's perspective.

Michael was/still is the most successful artist of modern times (you could even argue all time), and he was a black male. He succeeded brilliantly at pretty much every single thing he set out to do, whether that be singing, dancing, movies, books, concerts, or humanitarian efforts. To make things worse, Michael went against the stereotypes that are unfortunately applied to black people (especially males). He was well-read, extremely intelligent and artistic, modest, romantically reserved, (in the words of Thomas Jefferson) polite to all but intimate with a few, and a peaceful/kind person. To add insult to injury, he also came from humble origins. Thus, he completely shattered all their stereotypes about race (and class) and made total fools out of them by outsmarting them and getting that Beatles catalogue.

The guy was pretty much perfect no matter what angle you looked at him from, and he kept getting richer and richer. They couldn't come up with any "diva" incidents, sex scandals, or anything "juicy" because he genuinely was a simple guy. So for a while they tried selling the whole "gay" thing (common when people can't find any legitimate things to criticize), but that didn't really do much. Then they moved on to Bubbles, The Elephant Man and the hyperbaric chamber crap. Well, that kind of stuff flies for a while but the hype diminishes eventually. Then they moved on to really look at his friendship with Mac, Emmanuel Lewis, etc. and tried to say it was strange. Then the whole Chandler mess came about and their miracle happened. "Finally, something "noteworthy" that isn't about a chimp or a hyperbaric chamber!" they must have said. So they perverted his friendship with children for their own profit and tried to say as many things as humanly possible to tarnish his reputation and sell magazines/improve ratings, etc. You all know the rest.

My point is, that's completely unnecessary to do with Usher. Usher is a bloody joke compared with Michael Jackson. Yes, the guy has talent, but he doesn't even come close to being what Michael was. Moreover, almost all of the prominent black male celebrities enforce the old stereotypes rather than break them by singing about sex and/or their "hoes", using terrible grammar in their regular speech, etc. I'm not criticizing a certain kind of music. I'm just saying that such a thing is exactly what they want to sell. As far as I know, Usher has yet to break any significant records, produce anything of exceptional quality or own any catalogues of iconic white artists. He "stays in his place" and dances to the tune everyone else does, both literally and figuratively.

Thus, they have no need to make anything of Usher and Justin Bieber. Especially when they're doing their best and hardest to make Bieber the coolest thing since sliced bread.
Well, Usher isn't nearly as "obnoxious" as Michael. No, I don't think Michael is obnoxious, however, I am saying things from the media's perspective.

Michael was/still is the most successful artist of modern times (you could even argue all time), and he was a black male. He succeeded brilliantly at pretty much every single thing he set out to do, whether that be singing, dancing, movies, books, concerts, or humanitarian efforts. To make things worse, Michael went against the stereotypes that are unfortunately applied to black people (especially males). He was well-read, extremely intelligent and artistic, modest, romantically reserved, (in the words of Thomas Jefferson) polite to all but intimate with a few, and a peaceful/kind person. To add insult to injury, he also came from humble origins. Thus, he completely shattered all their stereotypes about race (and class) and made total fools out of them by outsmarting them and getting that Beatles catalogue.

The guy was pretty much perfect no matter what angle you looked at him from, and he kept getting richer and richer. They couldn't come up with any "diva" incidents, sex scandals, or anything "juicy" because he genuinely was a simple guy. So for a while they tried selling the whole "gay" thing (common when people can't find any legitimate things to criticize), but that didn't really do much. Then they moved on to Bubbles, The Elephant Man and the hyperbaric chamber crap. Well, that kind of stuff flies for a while but the hype diminishes eventually. Then they moved on to really look at his friendship with Mac, Emmanuel Lewis, etc. and tried to say it was strange. Then the whole Chandler mess came about and their miracle happened. "Finally, something "noteworthy" that isn't about a chimp or a hyperbaric chamber!" they must have said. So they perverted his friendship with children for their own profit and tried to say as many things as humanly possible to tarnish his reputation and sell magazines/improve ratings, etc. You all know the rest.

My point is, that's completely unnecessary to do with Usher. Usher is a bloody joke compared with Michael Jackson. Yes, the guy has talent, but he doesn't even come close to being what Michael was. Moreover, almost all of the prominent black male celebrities enforce the old stereotypes rather than break them by singing about sex and/or their "hoes", using terrible grammar in their regular speech, etc. I'm not criticizing a certain kind of music. I'm just saying that such a thing is exactly what they want to sell. As far as I know, Usher has yet to break any significant records, produce anything of exceptional quality or own any catalogues of iconic white artists. He "stays in his place" and dances to the tune everyone else does, both literally and figuratively.

Thus, they have no need to make anything of Usher and Justin Bieber. Especially when they're doing their best and hardest to make Bieber the coolest thing since sliced bread.

Well, as Michael said, the bigger the star the bigger the target.

Very true!

Thanks for your thoughts, too.

You're absolutely right.
The media are a bunch of hypocrites. All they care about is brainwashing the masses into believing anything they tell them, all for money. I hate them.
Nothing to do with that. No-one said anything about MJ being a paedophile until he was accused of it by the family, he'd been hanging round with kids for years before 92/93 happened.