Justice will stop protecting a murderer cause of this


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I'm and for some reason i think Michael's family is tired of this whole disguise of manslaughter charges to protect Dr. Murray from getting murder charges.
Dr. Conrad Murray knew exactly what he was doing when he gave all the amount of drugs he gave to Michael Jackson, he knew that giving a frail Michael Jackson all those prescription drugs mixed up PLUS the anesthesia Propofol will caused the unevitable and asured death of Michael Jackson.
Now Dr. Murray had(or he thought he had) the perfect excuse to scape the murder charges and be only charged with manslaughter which he thinks he's gonna scape, BUT HE THOUGHT IT WRONG! let me explain exactly what Murray thought as his perfect alliby, he knew Michael Jackson was adiccted to prescription drugs and Propofol, he thought that that very addiction would be his perfect excuse, he would said he was getting aware of his patient addiction on the curse, that he was not aware of it and he would say he tried to help him by giving him a lower dose of Propofol, cause Dr. Murray was so innocent that he would give Michael whatever Michael wanted (he was well aware of MJ's addiction, but he of course claims he didnt know Michael had those problems, poor helpless little innocent lamb dr. Murray), so he will make it look like an accidental overdose which is a BIG FAT LIE; cause here comes the big aweful truth, he knew Michael would die, he carefully prepared everything to make it look like some kind of accident he alledgedly never expected to happen, and that is exactly what will gave him MURDER CHARGES!, HE GAVE ALL THE WRONG DRUGS AND HE MIXED THEM IN PURPOSE, KNOWING EXACTLY WHAT WOULD HAPPEN which is of course MICHAEL'S DEATH, THE MOTIVE IS, WELL, VERY SIMPLE, MONEY, SOMEONE IS BEHIND MURRAY, SOMEONE IS SECRETLY SUPPORTING MURRAY, SOMEONE PAID HIM TO DO THIS, THIS WAS CLEARLY MURDER, THERES NO OTHER EXPLANATION AS FOR WHY A DOCTOR WOULD GIVE SUCH LETHAL AMOUNT OF DRUGS ALL MIXED UP AND ADDING PROPOFOL TO SOMEONE WITHOUT NOT KNOWING IT WILL CAUSE DEATH. Who that one supporting Murray is, well that would give the final ending to this case, and is Police work, they will unfold this lie, Michael Jackson was killed on purpose.
I agree with you, there are others behind it. I don't know if we will get to the bottom of it, there are very powerful people involved who can orchestrate it to make it look like they want. Look at the media they don't even print the truth. They lie, they make it up and they get away with it because of powerful people who own the media, there is no integrity or morality for justice and truth.
I agree with you, there are others behind it. I don't know if we will get to the bottom of it, there are very powerful people involved who can orchestrate it to make it look like they want. Look at the media they don't even print the truth. They lie, they make it up and they get away with it because of powerful people who own the media, there is no integrity or morality for justice and truth.
I know what you mean but i have faith, i have to, i dont think Michael's family will stay all pasive on this, but i do get your point which is strong, but i have hopes
he knew Michael would die, he carefully prepared everything to make it look like some kind of accident he alledgedly never expected to happen, and that is exactly what will gave him MURDER CHARGES!, HE GAVE ALL THE WRONG DRUGS AND HE MIXED THEM IN PURPOSE, KNOWING EXACTLY WHAT WOULD HAPPEN which is of course MICHAEL'S DEATH, THE MOTIVE IS, WELL, VERY SIMPLE, MONEY, SOMEONE IS BEHIND MURRAY, SOMEONE IS SECRETLY SUPPORTING MURRAY, SOMEONE PAID HIM TO DO THIS, THIS WAS CLEARLY MURDER, THERES NO OTHER EXPLANATION AS FOR WHY A DOCTOR WOULD GIVE SUCH LETHAL AMOUNT OF DRUGS ALL MIXED UP AND ADDING PROPOFOL TO SOMEONE WITHOUT NOT KNOWING IT WILL CAUSE DEATH. Who that one supporting Murray is, well that would give the final ending to this case, and is Police work, they will unfold this lie, Michael Jackson was killed on purpose.[/B]

Sadly I think you are right, if he was the cardiologist he says he is he would know the dangers of mixing such drugs and how you need to monitor a patient on propofol. If he was a proper doctor he would not administer this in the home.

Why did he? Why did he behave the way he did that day? Is there anyone else behind him on this or supporting him? LAPD you better answer those questions and look into it fully. Forget the media as they are corrupt, just remember the whole world is watching what you do with this case.
Sadly I think you are right, if he was the cardiologist he says he is he would know the dangers of mixing such drugs and how you need to monitor a patient on propofol. If he was a proper doctor he would not administer this in the home.

Why did he? Why did he behave the way he did that day? Is there anyone else behind him on this or supporting him? LAPD you better answer those questions and look into it fully. Forget the media as they are corrupt, just remember the whole world is watching what you do with this case.
dont worry, LAPD knows that, thats why im saying JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL
I'm and for some reason i think Michael's family is tired of this whole disguise of manslaughter charges to protect Dr. Murray from getting murder charges.
Dr. Conrad Murray knew exactly what he was doing when he gave all the amount of drugs he gave to Michael Jackson, he knew that giving a frail Michael Jackson all those prescription drugs mixed up PLUS the anesthesia Propofol will caused the unevitable and asured death of Michael Jackson.
Now Dr. Murray had(or he thought he had) the perfect excuse to scape the murder charges and be only charged with manslaughter which he thinks he's gonna scape, BUT HE THOUGHT IT WRONG! let me explain exactly what Murray thought as his perfect alliby, he knew Michael Jackson was adiccted to prescription drugs and Propofol, he thought that that very addiction would be his perfect excuse, he would said he was getting aware of his patient addiction on the curse, that he was not aware of it and he would say he tried to help him by giving him a lower dose of Propofol, cause Dr. Murray was so innocent that he would give Michael whatever Michael wanted (he was well aware of MJ's addiction, but he of course claims he didnt know Michael had those problems, poor helpless little innocent lamb dr. Murray), so he will make it look like an accidental overdose which is a BIG FAT LIE; cause here comes the big aweful truth, he knew Michael would die, he carefully prepared everything to make it look like some kind of accident he alledgedly never expected to happen, and that is exactly what will gave him MURDER CHARGES!, HE GAVE ALL THE WRONG DRUGS AND HE MIXED THEM IN PURPOSE, KNOWING EXACTLY WHAT WOULD HAPPEN which is of course MICHAEL'S DEATH, THE MOTIVE IS, WELL, VERY SIMPLE, MONEY, SOMEONE IS BEHIND MURRAY, SOMEONE IS SECRETLY SUPPORTING MURRAY, SOMEONE PAID HIM TO DO THIS, THIS WAS CLEARLY MURDER, THERES NO OTHER EXPLANATION AS FOR WHY A DOCTOR WOULD GIVE SUCH LETHAL AMOUNT OF DRUGS ALL MIXED UP AND ADDING PROPOFOL TO SOMEONE WITHOUT NOT KNOWING IT WILL CAUSE DEATH. Who that one supporting Murray is, well that would give the final ending to this case, and is Police work, they will unfold this lie, Michael Jackson was killed on purpose.

I agree with you there are more people involved in this than that horrible miserable excuse of a doctor. I am praying everyone involved in Michaels death will be punished.

I miss you more and more everyday Michael

It's not manslaughter. It's MURDER!!!

Besides, Murray mentioned that he was trying to wain Michael off the drugs...like, come on, why the f*ck would you give a leathel amount of drugs esp different kinds if that was the case? Jesus...we're not stupid...

Besides, if Murray really did attend a session where someone had administered the Diprivan to him in an office/clinic setting...don't you think that he would be aware that he had to have special breathing machines etc to maintain his breathing etc? I just feel ill by all of this.

The individual who showed him how to administer it should be charged too...IF they did indeed show him how. God...
Michael was Kidnapped then Murdered, no accidental overdose, no manslaughter, he was not doing drugs, there was no I need to "sleep" because he was already Sleepy when he arrived home. Michael was Murdered and his murder was planned for years, this is so sad that they killed a Wonderful Loving Life Sustainer Like Michael Jackson.
Why did he? Why did he behave the way he did that day? Is there anyone else behind him on this or supporting him? LAPD you better answer those questions and look into it fully. Forget the media as they are corrupt, just remember the whole world is watching what you do with this case.

I completley agree!!

He RISKED Michael Jackson's life. Who in the world would RISK Michael Jackson's life???? No one in their right mind would UNLESS somebody WANTS him dead.

Something in my heart and soul is telling me this is intentional murder.