Justice for Michael Jackson Demonstration 12th June 2010

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The Girl In The Closet

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hey huys I hope you're all doing well just wanted to let you all know about the 3rd demo we're holding in London this weekend. We're really aiming to gte a lot of fans on board for this one being so close to the verdict day anniversary and Murray's court date.

"My fans are the reason why I continue to do what I do. I see them as my family, my friends, my children. I am not the same man without my fans" ~Michael Jackson, 2006~

This is how Michael Jackson saw us, his fans. Time and time again we've answered the call to support Michael when he needed us, and once again that call has come, this time ever stronger!

The handling of Murray by the American Law Enforcements has been ridiculous. With a maximum charge of a pitiful 4 year sentence looming over Murray's head, the reality stands that he could well be out, Practising medicine again by 2014!

Whether calculated or accidental, Murray took Michael Jackson's Life. A crime that will forever leave a void in the lives of his fans and children alike.

So we ask you, the fans, to come out in support of Michael. Join us in our fight not only for Justice for Michael but to have Murray's medical licence revoked indefinately!

The last 2 demonstrations at London's Eros has been fantastic, So lets make 12th June our biggest yet.

The Team


Justice For Michael Jackson 3rd Demonstration.

Location : The Eros Statue, Piccadilly Circus.

Time : 1pm

Date : Saturday 12th June 2010

With the One year anniversary approaching and still little progress made in the case, we really need as many people as possible to come out in support.

With the weather on the up, we urge you to join us in our fight against Conrad Murray and help us to get as many signatures as we can on our petition to have his medical licence permanently revoked.

Bring yourselves, Wear you t-shirt, Bring your banners and your flags and lets show everyone that, One year on, WE HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN!!!


For more information the facebook group is: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=106582419380856#wall_posts
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