Just watched 'This Wiz' for the first time.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Livingston, Scotland
I FINALLY managed to find a copy of 'The Wiz' on DVD. and I LOVE IT!!

Michael was SOOOOOO freakin adorable as the scarecrow! Makes you wanna jump in and hug him!

What did you guys think of it? I can't stop dancing to the songs!
Ease on down, ease on down, down the road....hehehe

Love that movie!! I wanted to kill the mean crows for messing with him though, got a lil angry lol
I first saw in the 90s when I was a little girl and I loved it. My mom told that the scarecrow was Michael Jackson and I was laughing because of his character. I loved it. I'm gonna buy it so when I have kids they can watch it too. It was also great to see Diana Ross, and Richard Pryor in it as well.
I have loved that movie for as long as I can remember and have it on DVD... it's one of a few select movies that I watch over and over again.

Anyway, Mike is freaking ADORABLE in this movie! He's so cute and sweet and that smile!!! Dude could have really been a great actor if he'd been able to find the right role.
Michael was definitely the highlight of that movie. I liked the tin man and lion too....the rest? meh....but MJ was ADORABLE and i wanted to just hug and kiss him, lol. And what about that DEEEEP voice he goes into during that song with the crows? where the hell was THAT hiding this whole time? lmao....would have liked to hear him use it more
I have loved that movie for as long as I can remember and have it on DVD... it's one of a few select movies that I watch over and over again.

Anyway, Mike is freaking ADORABLE in this movie! He's so cute and sweet and that smile!!! Dude could have really been a great actor if he'd been able to find the right role.

I know what you mean! I squealed everytime he smiled or giggled! SO CUTE!!
I love that movie! Michael is very cute as the Scarecrow (not that he's never cute :D), and he was a wonderful choice for that part. I don't know why, but I always giggle when he says the line: "This is only an experiment." Soooo cute!! :wub:

Ease on down, ease on down, down the road....hehehe

Love that movie!! I wanted to kill the mean crows for messing with him though, got a lil angry lol

I know!! GRRRR to the crows!! :angry:
I love that movie! Michael is very cute as the Scarecrow (not that he's never cute :D), and he was a wonderful choice for that part. I don't know why, but I always giggle when he says the line: "This is only an experiment." Soooo cute!! :wub:

I always giggle when he says "advantageous." I remember being so impressed b/c I learned such a big word in my 11-year-old mind from Michael Jackson.
I always giggle when he says "advantageous." I remember being so impressed b/c I learned such a big word in my 11-year-old mind from Michael Jackson.

Ha ha!! That's so cute! I love that part too.

I also love the part when Lion talks about his name, Fleetwood Coupe de Ville, and then Michael (or "Scarecrow" rather), giggles. CUUUTE!! :wub: :giggle:
great movie this was my fav growing up...mj, richard pryor, diana ross, lena horn,etc,etc...these are the greats....
evilene was my favorite...lol
Haha, now you got me watching it again.

"You mean.. all this time the only thing standing between hangin' up there and livin' it up down here.. were those crows? If I only had a brain, I would have figured that out a looong time ago" Awww! :lol:

And yeah, way to hit that low note, Mike!
Michael's scenes are tops! I love the part with the crows. I don't 'member the exact quote but he says "po'e" instead of "pole". ha ha @ Mike bein' country..