Just wanted to share this


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Many of us have posted our stories of how Michael is giving us signs to show us that he is ok and that he is still with us so I thought I would share what happened to me a few days ago :)

I live in a little coastal town on the east coast of Scotland which has a beautiful beach.Along from the beach there is a headland which you can climb up to.I often take my dogs up there.It is so peaceful and beautiful and you can see Arthurs seat (a big hill in Edinburgh) across the water.Not many people go up there as they don't know its there.
We ( I was with my two children) were sat up there enjoying the beautiful and peaceful scenery and I was thinking about Michael and how much I miss him and that I hoped he was ok.
After a while we decided to leave but as we stood up to go a seal leaped up nearly out of the water directly in front of us!
I have never seen a seal leap up like that before.I could see most of its body.Normally you just see their head bobbing up and down in the water.
We were looking at the water before this happened but had not seen the seal at all,then all of a sudden it was just there right in front of our eyes!
I have never before seen a seal in that part of the water in all the times I have been up there.They are normally further round the coast.
The seal then went back under the water and we watched for a while but he never came up again.

Later that evening I was reading the last few pages of "Dancing The Dream" when I turned to the last page.What was the last poem/story about? A SEAL! Ok a baby seal but still a seal, I just smiled and went to sleep.
Michael IS all around us and always will be :angel:
aw! Thanks for sharing this.
Michael's here, he always will be.
Aw, Michael was there with you that day! He just wanted to surprise you with the seal jumping, and seeing if you were gonna catch on to that thing in the book :D