Just sickening...

Animal cruelty makes me so Fecking mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate hate hate reading things like this. As far as I am concerned its murder and should be treated as such. Some people have no respect for animals!! Aggggggghhhhhhhhh this has mad me so made. Please read my story i posted on here, it shows that some people still do care!!!
Help me keep my blood pressure down after reading that. :mad: :mad: It's a cute baby animal, what a bunch of Assholes who kill defenseless baby animals for fun.
That is just disgusting. How dare they do that to a defenceless animal. I'm really upset to read that. They deserve to rot in jail :(
WOW, this is just sick, these people need to be in jail!!! It makes me more mad that they don't seem to feel sorry for what they did, and they were doing it for enjoyment. How would they like it if someone did that to them!!! This is terrible!!! They should teach kids how to treat animals at school!!! Animals have the same right to live as any human being does!!!
WOW, this is just sick, these people need to be in jail!!! It makes me more mad that they don't seem to feel sorry for what they did, and they were doing it for enjoyment. How would they like it if someone did that to them!!! This is terrible!!! They should teach kids how to treat animals at school!!! Animals have the same right to live as any human being does!!!

I totally agree, animal care and respect should be taught from an early age. Kids dont seem to be taught about wildlife or animals anymore and its so important as WE are the ones who are resbonsible for them from our own pets too wild animals. ITS OUR RESPONSIBILITY!
Ugh. That's awful. How can people be so cruel to animals? It's dispicable.
There's another two people who are bound to a visit Satan when they die!!!!!!!

They should get the same treatment that the poor deer got!!!!!

those boys are old enough to know better. 16? 17? are you kidding me?
I wanna karate-chop their heads... and break their effing lil legs.

kjhjkhjkh this effing piisssssssssss the dsjhgjtgyt out of me.
WTF is wrong with them!?!! dfhsdhf :( How could they do that! To a little baby deer! D; I hate animal cruelty! ughhh fawkin bastards! For Fun!? They are sick! SICK! They better get what they deserve. And how dare they plead not guilty!! sdhsd

I feel like I'm gonna cry :cry:
Killing animals and enjoying it at such an age is a sign of something mentally wrong. Poor deer but I hope those boys get help.
This is inexplicable...

Really, I don't know why people do this, it just makes no sense.
This..just makes me physically sick..that poor baby deer...those boys should get charged as adults and put in jail for a very long time...animal cruelty is a horrible thing....that poor baby suffered..:cry:
I literally feel sick after reading that. Animal cruelty sentences should be so much stricter. These disgusting excuses for humans should be charged with murder.
No no no, not again. Ah this world really is going to shit. First it was the poor dog who got thrown of a bridge and eventually died later on....aw man.....nah, i don't know what to say.
oh god. i feel sick.
them boys need hung.
i CANT stand animal cruelty!!! :(
That just tipped me over the edge today!
How could anyone hurt a living creature purposely and with no emotion! Someone said that it should be taught in school from an early age about animal cruelty ans things, but i dont think that would do it. Im an animal love and have been a vegetarian scince the day i was born, but i think any normal human being would have that knowing and decency installed in them at birth of how to treat a living feeling being, something like this is clearly an act of evil, they are some messed up kids!
If you're an animal lover, this is terrible news:

Ban on animal cruelty and 'crush' videos struck down by Supreme Court


Videos of dog fighting, animal crushing and other forms of animal cruelty are no longer illegal and are protected under the rights of free speech.

The Supreme Court today truck down a federal law that banned the sale and marketing of such videos in an 8-1 vote.

The justices said the scope of the Depiction of Animal Cruelty Act is overly broad.

The case before the high court involved a Virginia man who sold videos through an underground magazine that promotes illegal dog fighting. (See video below) The videos in question show pit bulls attacking wild and domestic pigs, as well as each other.

Chief Justice John Roberts said congressional supporters of the law did not prove that dog fighting images warrant exclusion from free speech protection. Currently, child pornography is the only category denied such protection.

Justice Samuel Alito is the only justice who voted to uphold the law. He expressed concerns over the production and dissemination of "crush" videos which show women in spiked heels stomping puppies, kittens and other small animals to death. The Humane Society of the United States notes it had uncovered a subculture of crush videos at the time it worked to enact the Depiction of Animal Cruelty Act ten years ago.

The Humane Society issued a statement expressing disappointment at today's court ruling but said there is "optimism that Congress will be allowed to draft a more narrowly crafted statute to crack down on the sale of videos showing illegal acts of animal cruelty, including crushing of small animals for sexual gratification and dogfighting."

Locally, there's a wonderful organization called the Dog Advisory Work Group (D.A.W.G.) that works with the community and through the courts to stem illegal dog fightings.

Just yesterday, Chicago police announced the arrests of 8 alleged gang members who were fighting dogs inside a home on the West Side. Three of the dogs were so grievously hurt they had to be destroyed. Another dog was found locked in a car trunk until he could be put in the ring to fight - click here for that story

Below is an ABC News reports on the case the Supreme Court voted on today. As Charlie Gibson notes in his introduction, some of the images are graphic.

Ban on animal cruelty and 'crush' videos struck down by Supreme Court - VIdeo
If you're an animal lover, this is terrible news:

Ban on animal cruelty and 'crush' videos struck down by Supreme Court


Videos of dog fighting, animal crushing and other forms of animal cruelty are no longer illegal and are protected under the rights of free speech.

The Supreme Court today truck down a federal law that banned the sale and marketing of such videos in an 8-1 vote.

The justices said the scope of the Depiction of Animal Cruelty Act is overly broad.

The case before the high court involved a Virginia man who sold videos through an underground magazine that promotes illegal dog fighting. (See video below) The videos in question show pit bulls attacking wild and domestic pigs, as well as each other.

Chief Justice John Roberts said congressional supporters of the law did not prove that dog fighting images warrant exclusion from free speech protection. Currently, child pornography is the only category denied such protection.

Justice Samuel Alito is the only justice who voted to uphold the law. He expressed concerns over the production and dissemination of "crush" videos which show women in spiked heels stomping puppies, kittens and other small animals to death. The Humane Society of the United States notes it had uncovered a subculture of crush videos at the time it worked to enact the Depiction of Animal Cruelty Act ten years ago.

The Humane Society issued a statement expressing disappointment at today's court ruling but said there is "optimism that Congress will be allowed to draft a more narrowly crafted statute to crack down on the sale of videos showing illegal acts of animal cruelty, including crushing of small animals for sexual gratification and dogfighting."

Locally, there's a wonderful organization called the Dog Advisory Work Group (D.A.W.G.) that works with the community and through the courts to stem illegal dog fightings.

Just yesterday, Chicago police announced the arrests of 8 alleged gang members who were fighting dogs inside a home on the West Side. Three of the dogs were so grievously hurt they had to be destroyed. Another dog was found locked in a car trunk until he could be put in the ring to fight - click here for that story

Below is an ABC News reports on the case the Supreme Court voted on today. As Charlie Gibson notes in his introduction, some of the images are graphic.

Ban on animal cruelty and 'crush' videos struck down by Supreme Court - VIdeo

That's ridiculous! :(
Most cerial killers start as harming animals, we should lock these sickos up forever and throw away the key !!
they make me sick :puke: