Just saw this comment from a user about MJ


Proud Member
Mar 1, 2009
on a music site and thought it was nice:

Oh Michael Jackson, though words now fail me, I bow, and can’t help but wonder, oh brother, oh ebullient soul, where art thou? You who have gathered people in unprecedented measure, in untouched glory you stand deep within the hearts of billions, forever bringing the world together, and in this capacity, existing forever. In your own words, “we are the world, we are the children”, and in observance of your plight, we stand today, shocked, as children must be by the daily disappearance of the Sun, yet comforted by the strength of Good, a faith instilled in our naive hearts by your music.
You, who with your Moon Walk did to human expression what quantum physics did to human understanding, have coalesced discordant and forlorn cultures. You stand in salient defiance of that great 2nd Law, of increasing Entropy, as you, through your music, bind us together though a mighty universe strives in accelerating force to tear us apart. It is a gentle melody that lends us the transport to transcend our terrestrial boundaries, of color, race, and cerebral distinction. And so that some day we may truly consider unity as universal, to that grand ideal, we toast you Michael, and thank you, for on this day we remember you, oh Michael Jackson, oh ebullient soul, though no accolade can do your talent justice, with feeble, human hearts, we thank you.
Good grief. How pretentious can some people be?
Whether or not they were trying to be pretentious doesn't matter. They could've simply said nothing, or worse said something inappropriate.
That was lovely, thank u for posting

p.s. Don't even bother with some negative fans, they are never satisfied no matter what.

I thought what that poster said was beautiful and from the heart.
Lolz, they made it sound like he was Jesus or something, good God.

It was a good read though. :)
Thx for your sharing^>^
But the trust won't be return,
Michael gone too soon~like his song...
I did think it was hard to read, but it was nice the bits I understood, thanks for posting :)