Just killed a little deer


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I was just driving alone in the road in the darker listening to Speechless when it suddenly was in front of the car and was hit.
I stopped the car and went out looking for the deer and found it in the side of the way, lying so still when one leg moved a little.
I don´t want animals to suffer, what could I do?
Another car came and stopped and they saw the little deer and said it looked like it was dead.
The poor little young female deer had been struggling to feed herself this winter and now her life had ended.
I called the police and they were going to send a hunter.
I lit 2 candles for her
R.I.P. little deer,now you always will have fresh green grass and you never have to be hungry.
Aww hope you're okay, it wasn't your fault, these things happen :hug: at least you did all you could to try and help her, and the candles was a nice gesture.
Thank you for responding.
These kind of deers are small, 20-30 kg, i guess this animal was around 20 kg.
You can´t even see something on the car.
It had been been worse for me if it had been an elk,they are big.
Time is borrowed
Remember it wasn't your fault, there was nothing you could have done. They jump suddenly in the road and there isn't anything you can do. I know you feel bad but it isn't your fault.
I am so sorry for you..it is very difficult when things run infront of you when you are driving...its not your fault my friend...lighting the candle was perfect..:hug:
Oh, the beautiful animal, that miracle..

Don't blame yourself, though, MIST... your posts are clearly suggesting you are a caring person, you never meant that to happen. They're scampering animals... So nice you lit up a candle for that angel..
I'm so sorry for you and the deer. It's so unfortunate this had to happen to you, maybe the greatest animal friend on this board. Remember it wasn't your fault and please don't beat yourself up about it :heart:
Like many others had said, there was nothing you could have done... these things happen, it was a freak accident.

The little deer will be in heaven now, do not feel that it was your fault, because it isn't... it may seem hard, but you'll pull through it :).

A very lovely gesture to light up candles for her. :angel:.
I am glad nothing happened to you- like you said. A meeting between you and an Elk in the dark could have meant 2 lives.

Thanks for calling the police who would call a hunter!

I think you lighting a candle is lovely and you sending out good thoughts a wonderful, effective measure.

Hope you feel somewhat alright, albeit shaken!
It's always stressful to face those kinds of situations, but like others have already voiced, these sort of things are inevitable in a world where the man-made and the natural collide. It was a wonderful gesture to light the candles in the deer's honour, and I am sure no one would hold you accountable. It was an accident and nothing more.
:cry: I'm sorry it happened to you :better:

As others said, it really wasn't your fault, they just jump on roads out of nowhere, and you can't avoid them.

Calling the police and lighting candles are beautiful gestures.

As you said, she now rests in peace, with fresh green grass :better:
It wasn't your fault and there wasn't anything you could do for it:no: :hug:
I am so sorry that happen to you. That poor little deer. :sad: Where my mother works at there are deer problems. When my mother is on her way home from work at night she almost always sees a dead dear or part of a deer on the road. When someone's car had hit it. I remember seeing dead deer myself and it is a horrible sight to see. I hope you are feeling better now and just like what the others had said it wasn't your fault. They do tend to come out of no where. And lighting those 2 candles was a very nice thing to do for that poor animal.
Awwww :( :hug: i have to agree with everyone else.. It really wasn't your fault :better: there was nothing you can do. I hope you feel better though :) :heart:
Aww I'm sorry this happened to you :( It's not your fault though, please don't blame yourself.

A very similar thing happened to my boyfriend and his friend. His friend was driving along at night with my boyfriend when they noticed this huge deer leap out of nowhere in front of them. His friend swerved and missed the deer but hit something else. They stopped the car and the deer had stopped and was looking at the car....turned out it was a mother deer and the thing they had hit was it's baby which was now dead :( It was a real heartbreaking scene as the mother didn't run off for what seemed like ages.

Eventually she did run off and they didn't know what to do and were both very shaky from it. They even called the police out of shock but they said there was nothing they could do.

It is very sad when this sort of thing happens but you mustn't blame yourself, you didn't do it on purpose and if you could have saved the deer you would have. The fact that you care so much and feel bad now shows you are a good person with a caring heart x
^^^Why are you always so heartless Darth? How is a Deer a critter? You really should check what you say from time to time and take a step back.
I cant believe what I have read in here. What is with the rudeness and negativity, gees, grow up. If you dont want to read the thread then dont read it.