Just Got 'Michael Jackson Conspiracy'


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Canada - ON
Zomg I'm so excited!! I just got the book 'Michael Jackson Conspiracy' by Aphrodite Jones. I believe it was released in 2007 and would just like to know what the public reception was of this book. And how about Michael's?

Oh and anything I should know before reading the book?
I know about the Author and her book, but I've never read it myself. I hope you will tell a little about the overall "plot" of the book when you start reading it!

And I'm shure Michael knows about this book. I don't think he care to read it though.. hehe :)
Check out: Myspace.com/sdeidjs

My photos: "Truth Of Justice Nothing Is Black or White

(7)even... All 7 and we'll watch them fall~~~ Prince

Psalm 37

:angel:Knowledge Is Growth...Education Is The Key~~~
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I've got the book and I like it. She was a Fox News reporter who covered the Trial and she is admitting in the book that she didn't cover the trial fairly. She got caught up in the circus media frenzy and it was only about a year after the trial that she decided to really evaluate the evidence. It was then that she realized that there was absolutely no evidence that MJ had done anything illegal or criminal, and his innocence was proven in court. I'm glad she had the courage to admit her terrible mistake and write a book about it. She talks about how the media twisted everything. Again, I liked the book and it helped me to understand the media frenzy. The media discredited itself so badly....all at the expense of MJ. Shame on the media.
I think the book is very informative read, I couldn't but it down...read it in a day...

:angel:KNowledge Is Growth...Education Is The Key~~~
Fantastic book! Great read for any fan curious about what happened inside the courtroom. Read it in....about a week i think.
A few days ago I send Aphrodite an email to thank her for setting the record straight and that MJ must have appreciated her efforts, and she actually responded (what I hadn't expected) to thank me for the kind words.
I just got this book as well and I can't stop reading in it. lol
I find it very interesting to read what actually went on in the court room instead of what the media made it out to be. :)
I just got it today. Took a break from reading and came in here where "Stranger in Moscow" was playing and burst into tears.

He must have felt so alone.

p.s. I HATE the media. I'm sick of the lies.
A few days ago I send Aphrodite an email to thank her for setting the record straight and that MJ must have appreciated her efforts, and she actually responded (what I hadn't expected) to thank me for the kind words.

What email address do you have for her? Could I have it please?
I ordered this a couple of days ago.. can't wait to read it.
A few days ago I send Aphrodite an email to thank her for setting the record straight and that MJ must have appreciated her efforts, and she actually responded (what I hadn't expected) to thank me for the kind words.

ah thats nice that she is genuine. Everyone should read that book IMO.
me want to read this book
I'd probably order one too
people need to read this book!
I'm interested in this book, but I don't want to buy it if it's just information that I already know. So, what does she cover in this book? I imagine that it's a comparision of what really happened in the courtroom vs. what was reported in the media. Is that true?
I have this book,couldn't put it down.I recomend it for anyone who wants to know more about trial.
Its true that she doesn't interview Michael but the "outtakes" are recorded from Bashirs documentary. The outtakes are "Michael's" camera crew that had the camera rolling and recorded the truth as opposed to the BS that Bashir showed the world. It shows what a fricken liar he is and how he "lured" Michael into trusting him. Be prepared to be extremely angry at parts of it. I'd say Bashir is the child molestor.

It also showed how the Defense easily pulled the truth out of the DA's witnesses. I did the victory dance serveral times. It also shows what a hateful slimbag the DA Tom Sneddon is. "He" really is the epitomy of the white guy hating the black guy. That's certainly what I got out of it. You can't tell a book by it's cover, but I remember watching parts of the 2005 trial and listening to him. He wanted Michael dead. I can't stand this guy.

I started the book on Friday and was finished saturday afternoon. It's good to have and I dog eared several pages. It's not just "Michael is innocent" it's "MICHAEL WAS SET UP and TOTALLY INNOCENT" of all charges. Wait till you read who they "Think" was actually coconspiring to take Michael down. Now I hate Tommy Mottola. (Mariah Carey was married to him briefly and he also tried to ruin her. Read about it. He's a greedy Ba$tard.)

It's depressing what they put Michael through and it's sickening to realize that there really are people in powerful places that have nothing better to do than plot the downfall of sweet innocent people for greed, hatred and a lustful desire to control. They're not happy with what they have. They also want what YOU have.

I think it had a lot to do with Michael being the most beloved and successful "black" (or any color) entertainer on the planet. The good ol white boys (Prosecutor) wanted to pull down the black kid . (I'm white by the way).

Definitely a conspiracy.

Oh and I'm really pissed off at the copy of Time Magazines commemorative edition that I ordered. A consistent thread through the entire thing is "Michael's tragic life" and I'm sick of hearing it on any of the TV gossip shows. Michael DIDN'T HAVE a tragic life!!!! Yes, things were crappy for a while growing up - he's not the only person on the planet to suffer this and look what he achieved! They keep wanting to force this "Tragedy bit".

He is the most successful and beloved entertainer/friend ever. While the media hated him and painted him out as weird FANS FLOCKED to him. His HEART drew us in, His LOVE compelled us. We are crazy about him - those others can eff off.

He had a different life! That's what happens when you're the BEST! Jealousy followed him - that wasn't his fault.

Michael loved us. We know that. We responded to that. We loved him. He knew that and responded to it.

I will forever hate the fact that I have never met him or was able to tell him how much I love him. If I make it to heaven, the first person I'm looking for is Michael.

I thoroughly recommend the book too. She explains how the media manipulated and lied about MJ because it is what sells, weird stories on MJ were a multi billion dollar commodity.
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