Just for Fun: Why was Michael Jackson at the Port of Dover?

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Jul 25, 2011
Why was Michael Jackson at the Port of Dover?

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A previously unseen photograph of global superstar Michael Jackson have been uncovered by history buffs at the Port of Dover.
The precious find was revealed by a team of employees at the eastern docks who are currently cataloguing 42 photo albums dating back to the 1880s. KOS Media is now appealing to readers for any information about when and why the King of Pop was in Dover?

The picture was found when Dover Harbour Board workers Chris Knight, Bob Wainwright, Andy Rintoul and retired Ian Rintoul decided they wanted to preserve the history of the port for future generations.
But never did they imagine finding such treasures.

As well as old black and white images of Hollywood star Catherine Zeta Jones with actress Pam Ferris taken at the port during the Darling Buds of May heyday, a picture of pop icon Michael Jackson shaking hands with an unnamed ferry captain during a trip to the UK was also discovered.

Among the finds was a letter from former Prime Minister Winston Churchill written on January 1, 1941, thanking the staff of Dover Harbour Board for their good wishes and recognising the sacrifice of the people of Dover during the war:

"The people of Dover had much to endure in 1940," he wrote.
"They were attacked not only by bomb but also by shell fire and they saw the enemy installed in positions not far distant from their own White Cliffs."They have faced these dangers in a manner worthy of Dover’s great traditions and I know that whatever 1941 may bring their courage and resourcefulness will not be found wanting."

The team’s work, which is being carried out voluntarily, is entering its third year, with advice from archivists at Dover Museum, Kent Archives and Canterbury Cathedral. It first began when Mr Knight and Ian Rintoul noticed some of the port’s historical photo albums were deteriorating.
Despite most photos being in good condition, except for a few damp stains, the pair felt action should be taken to preserve them for staff reference, local knowledge and national heritage.

Armed with scanners, copying stands and cameras, the team secured a site within the eastern docks and started the archiving process.
Mr Knight said: "The team is photographing the contents of the 42 albums, filing by the year if possible and storing the pictures onto our computer system while I scan the loose photographs and any associated copy onto a laptop.

"The aim is that staff will eventually be able to access all the photographs using a subject search to satisfy any enquiries from the public while the originals are stored away in suitable containers."
The archivists are continuing to work through the undiscovered treasures before revealing more historical gems.
Do you know why Michael Jackson was at the port? If so email marijke.cox@kosmedia.co.uk.

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