Just a story


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Bristow VA
Posted this story on another forum, somebody liked it so, I thought I would share it more :) The question was (paraphrasing) do you know anyone that loves Michael more than you do?
This was my answer:

"My dad is a huge Michael fan, so are my mother, my sisters and my brother. I spent most of last year at home (Uganda) and I can assure you he is well loved there by people of all classes.
True story, almost no one buys authentic movies or music in Uganda. One day I went out for lunch and passed by this video bootleg store that had Michael's "This is it" on display. I screamed out loud as I passed by "stop bootlegging Michael". My cousin thought I embarrassed her but I didn't care. I went by that store three days in a row just to scream those words (stop bootlegging Michael). The fourth day, the bootleg copies were taken down. I went inside the store and thanked the guy behind the counter for taking down the bootleg video. He said to me that he understood where I was coming from, but genuine Michael DVDs were not easy to get in Uganda, and everyone wanted to see it. I know he didn't stop selling it, but at least it was no longer on display.
Just saying that Michael is loved and respected by so many people in this world. All the propaganda spread by the American, British and whomever media hasn't worked an will never work. Michael will live forever, he will be loved forever and his message of love will be spread forever."

Do you have a spontaneous Michael story?
I really like your story...thank you so much for standing up for Michael..:)
That's not an embarrassment at all. I commend you for standing up for Michael. The guy does have a point in that original DVDs are very hard to come by in countries like Uganda, but the least he could have done was to not have the bootleg copies on display. I am far less sympathetic to bootleggers in first-world countries like the United States, where people who buy bootlegs are really just avaricious. There are various used film stores where original licensed DVDs can be found at discount prices, and they can be rented, or even found later on with discount prices at places like Wal-Mart.

In any case, that was a great story, thank you for sharing. I know people in other countries tend to be better-informed about Michael, or at the very least less susceptible to the lies spewed forth by the American and British media.