Just a little message from me.


Hey you guys,

I hope everyone has been able to find the strength to comfort themselves and eachother over the past 3 days.

For myself, I'm totally devastated. The pain is too much to bear and at times I can't even breathe. My heart bleeds, hurts, and I am having trouble getting up to do anything.

I'm trying to stay strong but I am starting to slowly die inside. I miss Michael so very much. I miss his beautiful eyes, his sweet smile and his loving and soothing voice. To think we will never see and hear the above again tears me apart.

I saw him in March. I have so many amazing memories and I realise I am one of the few fans who were the last fans to see him here in Europe. I feel blessed, thankful, and sad at the same time. I remember being on the train back to London after being at the airport to see Michael leave, and I cried so much. I felt so empty and I didn't want him to go. Maybe, in my heart, I might have felt it was the last time I'd see him.

I first came online on Michael sites in 1996. Ive been on forums, online clubs, since then. I met many wonderful people, and I am thankful to have met, and learned from you all.

I'm lurking on the boards because I am looking for news about a funeral. As soon as I know the date, I am going to try whatever I can to fly to LA to be there to say my last goodbye to Michael.

I have decided not to post on the forums anymore. Maybe in the future I will, but for now I have no need to post anything. My friends on here know where to find me and how to contact me. I love you guys, and I need you very much.

I wish everyone well, and thank you for the years we've all spent together.

Much love
