June 25th, 2010...A fan get together

~* White Chocolate *~

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
L.A./London/And the somewhere in between
Hello everyone!

I am posting this thread because on June 25th I will be in California and I plan on going to UCLA Medical center and to be there at the time it was announced. To mark the passing of one year since, well you know...

I wanted to know if any of my fellow fans who either live in Cali or who will be in cali would like to plan a meet up and we can all take part in this together.

I figured we could also all go out for a dinner or something. I'm going to California for a week so I can be there for the 1 year anniversary. It's going to be such a difficult day, not really all that different from how it is currently.

Anyway, are there any Cali based fans or fans who will be there during this week that would like to plan something? I am also interested in the Grammy Museum, with their official MJ exhibit, instead of the make shift one they had last summer.

Anyway, I wanted to ask now so in case there is anyone interested we coul start thinking of something special to do to pay tribute. Maybe be at UCLA medical center have a moment of silence at the exact time it all came out, then head to forest lawn and then have a meal somewhere. It'd be awesome to have a group of fans together for this.

I thought this would be the best place to start a dialogue up about it.

Keep Michaeling!
I really respect this and would love to be in US but will not be able to go I would be ahppy to organise a UK get together
Yeah there has to be a big get togethers all over the world for this...
i live in riverisde and ill be at UCLA on june 25

That is great to hear! I know a lot of fans wont be able to make it but those of us who can should definitely try, if you're up to it, to make it. I think it would be great if we could all meet up somewhere at UCLA and have like a big moment of silence. We should try and figure something out.

I know lots of fans all of the world will be holding their own get togethers and we should all do that. That's why I'd like to get fans together on June 25th at UCLA Medical center then I think we should go to Forest Lawn and go from there.

It'll be a day for remembering...I think it'll be a beautiful thing.
Yous all should stand in a circle for 2 minutes (in silence(at the time Mike passed) with your left arm around the person next to you and the right arm in the air with your fist closed which has one sparkly glove on.

Just an idea for you guys. I wont be over in LA lol
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I would love to be apart of this! I don't know if i will be in LA, but I can try to make arrangements, I've been wanting to meet other fans for a while now.
I would love to be apart of this! I don't know if i will be in LA, but I can try to make arrangements, I've been wanting to meet other fans for a while now.

The more the merrier. If you can make it it'd be fab! I would definitely like to see as many fans as possible make it if they can. I dont live in California either but I am making a trip out there for it.

We still have over five months so we can make it happen.

Hmm, I know the Michael Jackson Fans of Southern California are planning something. I don't know what yet. Visit the group on Facebook. I was going to be with them. Maybe you all can join us too?
I'll probably take the day off from work, but I don't know yet what I'll be doing.
Last year when i heard the news i wanted to drive out to neverland. But i couldnt becuz none of my friends could go. Too Short of a Notice. So this year`s summer goal is to BE THERE. So i am coming. I live in Vancouver Canada. It will be a long drive, 22 hours. But i am going no matter what. UCLA sounds good, i wanted to go to never land, and also forest lawn. I will most likely stay there for a week aswell. I just want to do everything michael for that whole week..just keep michaeling..
I live in San Diego so the drive will probably only take me about 3 hours. This sounds great! I want to meet fans especially the fans from this forum.
Anyone who is going to be in LA that day, join the Southern California Fans of Michael Jackson group on Facebook. If you can't find it, send me a message on there and I'll send you the link--I'm at www.facebook.com/kallyope
I think the plan is to spend most of the time at Forest Lawn but I don't know the details yet. I don't know if I'll go to UCLA...the last time I was there was June 26-28 and I don't know if I could go back. I'll definitely be at Forest Lawn though.
If this can be well arranged, I will be there. For sure. I'd love to meet fellow fans and I most definitely want to honor Michael.
Is anyone planning to go down to Neverland? I'm planning on flying out and going to Forest Lawn, but I want to make an effort to go to the house as well.......
Guys if you're thinking about gathering together on the 25th... there's a beautiful homepage with a much more beutiful message: combine the tribute to Michael on this day with A GOOD DEED in his name... World Cry Event... it's pretty well organized... I know that it was mentioned here at MJJC already, just wanted to make you aware of it again: http://www.mjworldcry.com/
For all german fans here on the board, have a look at our homepage for the World Cry Tribute in LEIPZG: http://wc10leipzig.npage.de/
Would be great, if more people and cities would join... it's such a great idea...
^That's lovely, I was just thinking about. It was Heal The World/Earth Song that made me a fan of Michael in the first place. I know this might sound of weird..but is there anyone who would like to go down to Santa Monica or skid row and give away free food to the homeless or is this a very dangerous thing to do?:p
^That's lovely, I was just thinking about. It was Heal The World/Earth Song that made me a fan of Michael in the first place. I know this might sound of weird..

What's weird about that? Maybe I don't think it's weird cause it was the same that happend to me when I was 5 years old... Heal the World totally got me and never left me. :)

I love your idea! Though I won't be able to participate...
Goodness, it's like the best fans and fan meet ups are in California. *sigh*

I'll just have to wait until NY does the party for his bday again:timer:. Wish we had multiple meet ups.