June 25, 2010


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Yorba Linda, CA
The one year anniversary of Michael's passing. I have finally finished the plans for his anniversary. On June 25, we will all meet at Forest Lawn. We will be bringing in 100's of helium balloons. Each Balloon will have a note card attached where each fans will be able to write a private message to Michael. In addition I will ask volunteers to help make signs to honor Michael. After spend time paying our respects a group prayer will be held to honor the life Of Michael Joesph Jackson. Every fan who wish to speak will be able to say a few words. At the end of the group prayer all balloons will be release with messages to Michael in Heaven.

After our time at FL we will all caravan to, The Encino compound. About 1 mile away, we will park at the shopping center where each fan will be given a candle. We will then start our 1 mile walk to the home of the Jackson's with our candles lit we will walk to the front gates of the home where will will sing Cry and end our vigil with heal the world. I hope Michael's children will know we deeply love their father and them as well. My hope is that our show of support will let them know he may be gone but never will he be forgotten.

For the fans who will only be with us in spirit I am going to ask you to send a photo of yourself. Either alone, as a family or in groups. Please write a message on the back of your photo for Michael. I will ask that these pictures be sent to us, I will be purchasing a hope chest where they will be placed and delivered to Michael. FL has an agreement with the Jackson's that one day everything will be sent to the family. All of these memento's one day will belong to the children.

I am going to need help and many have offered already, so thank you in advance. If you would like to help please let me know. Love you all.

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thank you for doing this. I won't be able to join you in June (I'll be in LA in April for a few days). But I will send a photo. Please post an address.
Since Helium balloons are bad for the environment and MJ was trying to do the right things for it, such as in Earth Song.....maybe you can come up with a better idea than Helium balloons.


Helium Balloon Release: a potential death sentence
Recently I read an article about a young whale that had beached itself on a sandy shore. Volunteers worked tirelessly to save this beautiful, distressed and obviously sick whale. It was taken to a nearby aquarium and given appropriate vitamin injections and fed special foods with a view to improving its health and reintroducing it back into its pod. Initially there appeared to be a slight improvement in the whale's health but it was short lived. It continued losing weight and swam listlessly around the aquarium's pool. The veterinary staff finally decided to scope the whale's stomach to see if they could identify anything that might explain the whale's failure to thrive. What they found, surprised everyone. They pulled out of the whale's stomach a deflated, mylar balloon with "Happy Birthday" on it. It had been lodged in the stomach and was blocking the passage of food through the whale's digestive system. This little whale was slowly starving to death through no fault of its own. The story has a happy ending: with the removal of the balloon, the whale's health began to improve and he was soon reunited with his pod in the ocean.

The release of Helium filled balloons at events such as football games, political conventions, rallies, memorial events or just for the heck of it, has practically become a way of life. Sometimes hundreds of balloons are released at a time at such events. There is no doubt as the multi-coloured balloons are let go and drift skyward, it is a beautiful sight. It isn't difficult to imagine their view of the vanishing ground below and further imagine that we are with them flying free up, up and away, perhaps carrying with them a message to a loved one in the case of a memorial event.

What is very scary is where these balloons can end up, particularly when more and more are sent upwards into the atmosphere. Obviously they have to end up somewhere and it is important to consider where their end may be. The above whale story is not the first time I have heard about released balloons, once deflated, adversely affecting unsuspecting birds and mammals. Bits of balloon have been found in dead sea birds, turtles and in the stomachs and intestines of many different fish.

Please reconsider releasing helium balloons. Please consider the birds and animals who cannot speak for themselves and who end up experiencing an agonizing death as, deflated balloons or portions of them, end up in their stomachs and intestines and they starve to death.

There are so many other ways to celebrate or memorialize without harm. Light a beautiful candle, do some volunteer work, make a donation in your loved one's name but Please Don't Release Helium Balloons. Homing doves or pigeons are a thoughtful and considerate alternative. The birds are not harmed and can find their way home time and time again. They too, make an impressive memorial display as they are released into the air. Helium balloons may carry aloft a death sentence for a unsuspecting animal member of our planet and it is just not worth the price.
Since Helium balloons are bad for the environment and MJ was trying to do the right things for it, such as in Earth Song.....maybe you can come up with a better idea than Helium balloons.

I agree that common balloons are not eco-friendly. But at least in Germany there are special balloons made of latex which are biodegradable to 100% and will decompose as fast as an oak leaf. They are not dangerous to animals and environment. Most of them can also be filled with helium. Perhaps you might look for this kind? Just an idea.
The one year anniversary of Michael's passing. I have finally finished the plans for his anniversary. On June 25, we will all meet at Forest Lawn. We will be bringing in 100's of helium balloons. Each Balloon will have a note card attached where each fans will be able to write a private message to Michael. In addition I will ask volunteers to help make signs to honor Michael. After spend time paying our respects a group prayer will be held to honor the life Of Michael Joesph Jackson. Every fan who wish to speak will be able to say a few words. At the end of the group prayer all balloons will be release with messages to Michael in Heaven.

After our time at FL we will all caravan to, The Encino compound. About 1 mile away, we will park at the shopping center where each fan will be given a candle. We will then start our 1 mile walk to the home of the Jackson's with our candles lit we will walk to the front gates of the home where will will sing Cry and end our vigil with heal the world. I hope Michael's children will know we deeply love their father and them as well. My hope is that our show of support will let them know he may be gone but never will he be forgotten.

For the fans who will only be with us in spirit I am going to ask you to send a photo of yourself. Either alone, as a family or in groups. Please write a message on the back of your photo for Michael. I will ask that these pictures be sent to us, I will be purchasing a hope chest where they will be placed and delivered to Michael. FL has an agreement with the Jackson's that one day everything will be sent to the family. All of these memento's one day will belong to the children.

I am going to need help and many have offered already, so thank you in advance. If you would like to help please let me know. Love you all.


:cry: I didn't know this, thank you for telling us, but I must say I'm worried about the vigil and the singing outside of Michael's home with his children in there. It might upset them?
Yeah, I`m not sure about gathering outside their house as well. It may draw media attention and I wouldn`t want the childern to feel exposed or out in the open, like almost an invading affect. I know you mean well but, to have all that commotion.... (sighs) it's hard to say.

What about doing something just outside of NL or even have a small get together somewhere in L.A. or near Encino? Don't want to derate your idea but, it's hard to tell what would be the best solution. The Forest lawn idea would be nice yet, they may be visiting that day.... humm.. hard to tell what to do. The best solution would be to brain-storm I guess...
Maybe you can just quietly walk past the house with all the other fans holding the candles.
If you can somehow let the family know at what time you will pass by the house they can choose if they want to look or not.
It would be beautifull to see a long line with candles pass the Jackson's house quietly because silence is golden.
you can't do anything strange like singing in front of michael's place
its a bad idea you got give michael's family peace and respect to grive in their own way/time
but you can go to michael's place leave flowers/cards to say you were thinking of michael
im sure michael would like his fans to write messages/cards
as for me im not what i will be doing on june25 2010
it the hours/time zone thing that is confusing me
yeah person in australia still think/talk about michael buy his music