July 7-...Never Can Say Goodbye...


Proud Member
Jul 5, 2004
Two years since the Memorial Day...

You may be on the other side beloved Michael, but you're here too, for we love you too much to let you go...we can never say goodbye...We L.O.V.E you Micahel...always have, always will...forever...thankyou for everything...

It's been 2 years, and I can still remember it like it was yesterday :( What a sad day that was.

We do love you MJ, and know you're in a better place now, the world didn't deserve you.

Yes it was a heartbreakingly sad day.:sad2:

What impressed me in that day it's that every people I knew was mourning.Fan or not fan, everybody payed their respects to Michael.:heart:
that was the only time I watched the memorial... even though I downloaded it later, I don't think I will ever be able to watch it again....
I still have the memorial on tape from when CNN was showing it. And I only ever saw very little of it. Cause I just spent most of that day in bed sleeping trying to forget what was going on out in California. That memorial service is something I don't ever want to see again. It is just way too upsetting to see Michael like that. My depression from what happen to him is still really bad at times. I still don't even like hearing or seeing anything that had to do with that memorial service. Mainly hearing the name of the building that it was held in. Every single time I hear the name of that building I just start my crying over him again. Cause it always automatically reminds me of what was held there at one time. I am starting to cry now just by thinking about it. Thankfully I had put that video tape some where I don't have to see or touch it.:sad: :boohoo:
Some fans I know out here plan to watch the memorial every year on this day at the same time it was 2 years ago. They did it last year too..
I never have cried so much than I did on this day two days ago :cry: Even on June 25.. It just didn't hit me properly until this date that he was really gone. The way I acted on June 25 was very odd... It didn't really hit and it didn't register at all. I almost just kept going on with my life with no reaction. I honestly don't know why.

Also.. 7/7 is also six years since the London Terror attacks.. :cry:
I still remember the memorial like it was yesterday. I held up okay until Marlon spoke, then the tears really started when Paris said her heartbreaking yet wonderful words.:boohoo
I watched it that day and once was enough for me. I fell apart with Stevie Wonder, Usher, Marlon and Paris.
I didn't watch the whole memorial in case I cried in front of my parents. They would not have understood why I was upset.
I was emotional as I watched but tried to hold back because I don't like showing those kinds of emotions in public, especially at work which is where I was. But I completely lost it once Paris stood there and spoke her moving words. Seeing that little girl break down was just too much to take.
I watched it live on tv. Luckily it was in the evening here so I could watch it alone. No one would have understood it. And with a friend who understood on the phone (she lives to far away) we cried our eyes out. I couldn't take my eyes of the casket, as I couldn't bare the thought of him in there. It might sound a bit weird... I cried so much I could barely see the tv. But I do know I will never ever watch it again.
I didn't see the entire memorial. I only saw some of it. But I don't ever want to see it again. It's too painful for me.
Seeing that Casket during the memorial and realizing that in it was someone who you feel that you have known your whole life was like being hit by a truck. I hate to admit t, but I have been to actual family memorials that somehow did not have as profound an impact on me. Quite a profound realization while it is all happening really