July 14, 2009 - Custody / Fans @ O2 / LA mayor - City will pay


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hello members, this is what we have so far:​

Katherine Jackson and Debbie Rowe Custody Deal
Deal Would Give Katherine Custody, Rowe Increased Visitation but Snub Joe Jackson

Michael Jackson's mother and ex-wife are working out a deal behind closed doors that would allow them to avoid a custody battle and guarantee that the pop star's father could never get custody of the singer's three children.

Debbie Rowe, the former Mrs. Jackson and mother of his two oldest children, is willing to forego a fight for the children if their grandmother, Katherine Jackson, allows her more time to visit with the kids, and guarantees that their grandfather, Joe Jackson, whom Michael accused of abuse, could never be named a guardian.

A custody hearing scheduled for today has been postponed until July 20.
"We are pleased that the child custody hearing has been continued over until July 20 to further our progress and allow us to privately and amicably resolve this most important matter in a dignified manner for the benefit of the children first and all involved," Katherine Jackson's lawyer, L. Londell McMillan, said in a statement to The Associated Press.​

In his last will, written in 2002 and filed in court the week after his June 25 death, Michael Jackson left custody of his three children, aged 7, 11 and 12, to their grandmother, 79.
In the immediate aftermath of Jackson's death, a probate court awardedtemporary custody of the children to Katherine Jackson, but speculation -- fueled by Rowe's own comments - suggested that Rowe might push to get custody of the kids.​

Rowe, who, for a decade has been absent from the lives of the children she carried, told a Los Angeles television station four days after Jackson died that she wanted custody, saying:"I want my children."
Her lawyer Eric George tried to temper those comments, maintaining for weeks that "Debbie has not reached a final decision on the pending custody proceeding."

Court records indicate that Rowe has been compensated in the past for relinquishing guardianship.
Transcripts of a 2005 custody hearing, obtained by the Web site TMZ, spell out what has long been assumed: Rowe received a hefty settlement to stay out of the children's lives when the couple divorced in 1999.​

In the 2005 hearing, Jackson's lawyer Thomas Hall told Judge Stephen Lachs that Rowe received up to $5 million up front, a mansion and an additional $900,000 for several years.
"Mr. Jackson was under an agreement with petitioner, Rowe here, which he was to pay her - did pay her about $4 million or $5 million up front, gave her a mansion in Beverly Hills, and then was to pay $900,000 a year for a number of years if she abided by agreement terms," Hall told the court.​

Rowe's push to keep Joe Jackson out of the children's lives likely has to do with the contentious relationship the stage father and founder of the Jackson 5 had with Michael.

Although Joe and Katherine Jackson remain married they, they live in different states and lead separate lives. Joe lives in Las Vegas and Katherine lives at the family compound in Encino, Calif.
Michael Jackson also has a third child, 7-year-old son Prince Michael II, better known as Blanket, who was born to an unknown surrogate.​

Negotiations are still continuing and no custody agreement has been reached yet. If the secret deal, however, falls through, lawyers said a custody battle in court could be long and nasty.

Source: ABC News / Yahoo News

Michael Jackson toxicology reports expected soon
9 hours ago

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A Los Angeles coroner's official says toxicology reports that may determine the cause of Michael Jackson's death could be completed this week.

Assistant Chief Coroner Ed Winter said Monday that some results from tests to determine what substances Jackson had in his body when he died are in. The remaining results are expected at the end of this week or early next week.

Winter said his office would announce when all the tests are done, then publicly release the results the next day.

Jackson died June 25.

Authorities are investigating claims the pop star consumed large amounts of prescription medications. The powerful sedative Diprivan, normally only administered in hospitals, was among items found in his home.

Source: AP

This is it: Michael Jackson fans mourn at O2

Vigil: Thousands of fans hold hands in front of the arena in a minute of silence held at 6.30pm — the time the doors should have opened for the first of Michael Jackson’s 50 comeback concerts at the venue

Thousands of Michael Jackson fans gathered at the 02 arena to remember the star on the day that would have seen his first London concert.
The venue was turned into a shrine as people paid tribute to their idol by singing his songs and celebrating his life.
Ellie Howlett, 24, a student from Portsmouth, who made the trip with her sister, said the event was a chance for a "final goodbye" and in contrast to the sombre memorial service in Los Angeles last week.​

She said: "I had tickets to see the concert this week and I had to come down just to be with other fans. It's a way of getting closure.
"I cried when I signed the memorial wall, but apart from that the atmosphere has been happy. London has become the focal point for all of his fans in Europe because of the concerts so it was important to be a part of this."

Last night would have been the first of 50 planned dates for his This is It comeback tour.
Some of those at the O2 dressed in Jackson costumes spanning his 40-year career from red leather Thriller outfits to sequined military jackets and single white rhinestone gloves.​

Michael Lewis, 25, a retail manager from Edmonton, dressed in full Jackson stage costume, spent more than £1,000 for concert tickets for seven dates.
He said: "I'm a member of a fan club and we've been holding vigils outside HMV in Piccadilly Circus, but the 02 is now the real focus. I think there will fans meeting here for the whole of the 50 nights he was meant to perform.
"I didn't see a single tear here. We've been dancing and singing. Remembering his music, but also all the good that he did."

A minute's silence at 6.30pm marked the time when the doors to the concert would have opened. Fans also signed a memorial wall while impromptu performances were given on a stage as footage of Jackson was broadcast on television screens.
Leo King, 28, a business journalist from Kingston, took promoter AEG Live's offer to trade in his £75 ticket for a souvenir version with a Jackson hologram rather than a refund.
Mr King said: "I decided that if I didn't go for the hologram ticket then I might regret it later. Like all fans I was very sad, but once you come to terms with it, you realise the legacy of great music and videos that he has left us."

Source: http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/article-23719134-details/This+is+it:+Michael+Jackson+fans+mourn+at+O2/article.do

Jackson fans gather at O2 arena
Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/8147457.stm

[SIZE=+2]Today in Michael Jackson History[/SIZE]

1988 - Michael Jackson began his first British tour at Wembley Stadium in London. It was the first of seven sellout dates.

2002 - Michael Jackson was knocked to the ground by a mob of fans at London's Paddington station.

2006 - A civil court awarede a former Michael Jackson advister $900,000 and awarded Jackson $200,000 in a cross-complaint. The suit stemmed from F. Marc Schaffel's complaint that he had not been paid for his work on two Jackson videos.

Michael Jackson Quote:

"I've seen lawyers who don't represent me and spokespeople who do not know me speaking for me. These characters always seem to surface with dreadful allegations just as another project, an album, a video is being released".

/Michael Jackson, November 18, 2003 after a search warrant was served at Neverland Ranch./

Check back later for more news. Thanx.

Reminder: We kindly ask you to post in appropriate forums/threads so we could keep the board clear.
That would make the search for news and discussions much easier and faster for all of us.

Thank you.

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Re: July 14, 2009 - Custody deal? + Fans gather @ O2

thank you very much
Re: July 14, 2009 - Custody deal? + Fans gather @ O2

LA mayor: City will pay costs from Jackson event

AP, Jul 14, 2009 3:47 am PDT

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is trying to quell the escalating debate over who should pick up the estimated $1.4 million tab for police, traffic control and other services related to Michael Jackson's memorial service.

Villaraigosa, who was vacationing in South Africa a week ago when more than 17,000 fans flocked to downtown Los Angeles to watch the public memorial, asserted Monday that the city will pay. He said he will not ask the Jackson family or AEG Live, the owner of the Staples Center where the event was held, to help the city recoup its expenses, and he lambasted a city Web site set up to request donations.

"This is a world-class city, and we provide fire and police protection, period," Villaraigosa said during his first public appearance since returning from his weeklong trip. "The idea that we would charge the family for a funeral is nonsensical."

Despite his comments, the City Council was expected to take up the issue Tuesday when City Attorney Carmen Trutanich reports on the costs of the event. Trutanich launched an investigation into laws to force third parties to pay the municipal costs associated with unexpected events such as the Jackson memorial.

Villaraigosa told reporters that major events such as the memorial occur frequently in Los Angeles and other big cities. New York and Chicago do not ask others to cough up cash, he said.
The mayor called the city's donation Web site, which raised $35,000, "ridiculous." The site stopped operating Friday afternoon. It was unclear whether the money would be returned to donors.

Villaraigosa's comments was in contrast to a statement attributed to him in a news release distributed by his office last week. In it, he encouraged Jackson fans to memorialize the pop star by donating to the city.
The release quoted Villaraigosa as saying: "Michael Jackson's music touched millions of fans across the globe. Donations will help the City of Angels provide the extraordinary public safety resources required to give Michael the safe, orderly and respectful memorial he deserves."

Matt Szabo, the mayor's spokesman, said the idea to seek donations came from Councilwoman Jan Perry, who served as acting mayor while Villaraigosa and City Council President Eric Garcetti were out of the country.
"Her office asked for donations to be mailed in," Szabo said. "The bottom line is our office then moved to support that effort with an online contribution form."
Perry could not immediately be reached for comment.

The issue took on political overtones last week when several council members asked who was going to foot the bill at a time when the city faces a $530 million budget shortfall and layoffs. One of the most vocal critics was Councilman Dennis Zine, who said taxpayers don't typically pay for motorcade escorts for funerals.
Zine said he agreed with Villaraigosa that the city should not solicit donations, but asserted that the Jackson family and AEG Live should pay.
"AEG and the Jackson family turned this memorial into a worldwide event. The taxpayers should not be responsible for what they did," Zine said Monday.
Zine introduced a motion calling for a review of city policies governing expenditures on such events and a detailed report of the costs related to Jackson's death, as well as who approved the expenditures.

Councilwoman Janice Hahn, meanwhile, introduced a motion asking for a full accounting of tourism-related revenue that flowed into the city after the singer died June 25.

Both motions are on the council's agenda for July 21.

Source: Yahoo News
Re: July 14, 2009 - Custody deal? + Fans gather @ O2

1988 - Michael Jackson began his first British tour at Wembley Stadium in London. It was the first of seven sellout dates.


2002 - Michael Jackson was knocked to the ground by a mob of fans at London's Paddington station.
oh man, that sounds terrible. i think i've seen the vid on youtube, poor mike.

Re: July 14, 2009 - Custody deal / Fans gather @ O2 / LA mayor - City will pay

Thanks for the news!!
Re: July 14, 2009 - Custody deal / Fans gather @ O2 / LA mayor - City will pay

Warhol's Jackson portrait dropped from NY auction

A New York art gallery has temporarily removed an Andy Warhol portrait of Michael Jackson from the auction block.
The Vered Gallery in East Hampton says enormous interest prompted the decision. The auction was to close Sunday. The 30-by-26-inch painting shows a smiling Jackson in a red jacket from his "Thriller" days. Pre-sale estimates ranged anywhere from $1 million to $10 million.

There's renewed interest in all things Jackson since his death. His albums are back at the top of the charts.

Gallery co-owner Janet Lehr says in a statement she wants to offer the 1984 work to "the greatest number of prospective purchasers." She did not immediately return inquiries for comment Monday. The portrait is reportedly owned by a New York collector.

Source: Yahoo Music
Re: July 14, 2009 - Custody deal / Fans gather @ O2 / LA mayor - City will pay

I love London!
Re: July 14, 2009 - Custody deal / Fans gather @ O2 / LA mayor - City will pay

Warhol's Jackson portrait dropped from NY auction

A New York art gallery has temporarily removed an Andy Warhol portrait of Michael Jackson from the auction block.
The Vered Gallery in East Hampton says enormous interest prompted the decision. The auction was to close Sunday. The 30-by-26-inch painting shows a smiling Jackson in a red jacket from his "Thriller" days. Pre-sale estimates ranged anywhere from $1 million to $10 million.

There's renewed interest in all things Jackson since his death. His albums are back at the top of the charts.

Gallery co-owner Janet Lehr says in a statement she wants to offer the 1984 work to "the greatest number of prospective purchasers." She did not immediately return inquiries for comment Monday. The portrait is reportedly owned by a New York collector.

Source: Yahoo Music

OMG is this true?!?!?

I'm a hugeee fan of Andy Warhol and love his art work!!!

Are their any pics of his MJ art work?! God knows how much it will be selling for... But I would love to be able to get my hands on it :yes:

Factory Girl is such a good movie about his life. You should give it a watch if you're also a fan of him and his work.

Michael Jackson album sales highlight physical, digital merits

[COLOR=#333333! important]Although downloads help fill the gap after stock disappears upon the singer's death, fans are choosing CDs over digital albums.[/color]
[COLOR=#999999! important]By Randy Lewis [/color]
[COLOR=#999999! important]July 14, 2009 [/color]
In the first few days after Michael Jackson's death on June 25, bereaved fans downloaded nearly 2.5 million digital copies of his songs, setting a record that's likely to stand for years. Before that, no music act had ever rung up even 1 million digital tracks in a single week.

Just as when John Lennon was killed in 1980, or when Elvis Presley died three years earlier, those who rushed out to music stores looking to buy physical copies of Jackson's albums often found that stock disappeared quickly under the huge demand born of tragedy.

The difference this time was that the era of the digital download gave Jackson's followers instant access to virtually anything in his catalog.


"Unlike in the past when the marketplace would be out of stock, the digital part of the business gave a connection for the content that fans were looking for immediately," said Gary Arnold, senior entertainment officer for Best Buy.

Last week, the pendulum swung back the other way. Once online and brick and mortar retail outlets replenished their shelves, an additional 800,000 copies of Jackson's albums were sold in the first full week after his death, according to figures released last week. CDs and other physical media accounted for 82% of those sales at a time when the demise of the CD is estimated to be only a few years away.

Officials at Jackson's label, Sony Music-owned Epic Records, declined to be interviewed for this story, as they've declined all interviews about Jackson's catalog since his death; likewise, neither iTunes nor Amazon would comment on sales-related information.

The latest figures from Nielsen SoundScan show that so far this year, overall music sales have been split 60% in favor of physical media and 40% digital. That's a rapid shift since 2005, when 92% of all music sales were physical and just 8% digital. SoundScan predicts that digital music will account for half of all music sales by the end of next year if current trends hold.

Fan response to Jackson's death has illuminated the distinct needs that physical and digital formats serve. The immediacy and near-universal accessibility of digital music has made it the form of choice for millions today. But physical media still offer an emotional connection that digital music has yet to replace.

Jackson's life and career were unique on so many fronts that most resist drawing generalizations based on what's happened since he died. But coupled with a surge in demand for vinyl LPs in recent years, there are those who see it as a reflection of a broader theme about how fans bond with their favorite music and musicians.

"I think because Michael Jackson's music meant so much to so many people of different generations, that emotional aspect of it created a situation that we saw where people wanted to come into a music store and get something they could hold in their hand as opposed to something to load into their computer," said Dave Cunningham, a floor manager at Amoeba Music in Hollywood.

Beyond looking for a form of music that's tangible, Cunningham said many of the store's customers also were looking for a sense of community they don't find buying music online.

"They were talking with other customers about what they felt," he said. "That's one of the things we try to do overall, foster that environment of the record store . . . People are hungry for that kind of thing -- not just the physical product that you can hold in your hand, but the experience of going to the record store. That sort of got lost in the late '90s and the early millennium with the introduction of download culture."

There's also a generational aspect at work.

"With Michael, his music probably resonates strongest with people who are 30 and above and who remember physical product fondly," said Keith Caulfield, senior chart manager for Billboard. "If we were talking about Lady Gaga or Katy Perry, I don't think there would be a run on physical product."

Caulfield noted that the album format still skews more strongly toward physical media than do singles. In the first half of 2009, digital album sales overall have averaged 21.5%, compared with 78.5% for physical product, Caulfield said.

The recent increase in physical sales of Michael Jackson albums is noticeable, yet not so dramatic that anyone is casting it as a sign of revitalization of the physical side of the record business.

"I think that the death of the CD as it's been called is further out than most would expect," Arnold said. "My belief is that more of a generational transition may occur than a transition driven by a specific device or opportunity.

"It's going to take some more time before we can make any concrete evaluation of what this means," he continued. "But I think in the wake of tragedy as people gravitated to the music, probably there were people who wanted physical forms of the content, but we can't overlook the fact when the moment arose, digital was there to help."


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I like to post my little adventures in the news thread cause they're kinda news in a way. *blush*.

I went to the library today and there were 2 little girls (no more than 4 years old) and they were watching Michael's MTV 1995 performance. One of them called to their friend "come see Michael Jackson dancing! Michael Jackson dancing! Come! Come!" A little boy ran over and the three of them sat around the laptop screen switching between MTV and the Thriller video! I just had to smile, especially since there was no sound coming the laptop. LOL.
I like to post my little adventures in the news thread cause they're kinda news in a way. *blush*.

I went to the library today and there were 2 little girls (no more than 4 years old) and they were watching Michael's MTV 1995 performance. One of them called to their friend "come see Michael Jackson dancing! Michael Jackson dancing! Come! Come!" A little boy ran over and the three of them sat around the laptop screen switching between MTV and the Thriller video! I just had to smile, especially since there was no sound coming the laptop. LOL.

love that!