Julie Andrews singing Bad

yep. sony knew that MJ's music is standard. the kind that other icons sing on iconic variety shows.

the clue is in the lyrics to the title song of the medley. 'make it simple to last your whole life long don't worry that it's not good enough for anyone else to hear'

so, i wish sony would've done something about it, earlier.
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God bless them both, so, so great lol. Julie Andrews really rocks, she's an awesome woman - great talent and full of grace, such a sad story cause of that darn surgery. Except for the Sound of music and the Princess diaries i can't really claim i have seen that much of her work, but i remember being very impressed with her personality after seeing an interview on Larry King Live. She might have lost her gift of song, but she certainly hasn't lost her passion for life and that's the most important and inspiring thing.

o/t In between the cutie pies in Giant Enemy Cat's siggy (the one of the left is a puppy and the one on the right a kitten, right? - they are beyond adorable :) and mjbaybee's siggy - most especially, the one with Michael and Travis dancing - such an awesome scene...one doesn't know where to focus the attention lol.
Omigosh, I love this. Thanks so much!
Julie and Carol FTW. :D

Regarding Julie and Michael - I'm sure they met at some point, but the only interaction I've seen is in the '73 Oscars video, she's in the audience smiling at him while he sings "Ben". =)
hehe. I love Julie Andrews. lol. That's awesome. Thanks for posting.
hehe. I love Julie Andrews. lol. That's awesome. Thanks for posting.


Hope someone will find out, if a picture does exist..

I love Julie Andrews; she is personally my favorite actress of all time. Thank you so much for posting. :)

No worries

I have been searching high and low for a picture of them together, but have had no joy...dont know if they even met other than her watching him perform at the Oscars
No worries

I have been searching high and low for a picture of them together, but have had no joy...dont know if they even met other than her watching him perform at the Oscars

I think Michael is a huge Julie fan too, at the Julien's Auction that never took place, there were posters from Mary Poppins and The Sound of Music... So it's weird that they never met.. Next time I meet Julie I will ask her..