Judith Hill Interview on Michael 6/24/10

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Valley Stream, New York
I'm sure someone posted this already and I know I'm a month late but I really like wanted to share this with everyone. Judith Hill was the main singer who was supposed to perfor "Just Can't Stop Loving You" with Michael for the This Is It tour. She also sang at his memorial. She's half-black, half-Japanese with an beautiful unique look and amazing vocals.

JUDITH HILL, backup singer, 'This is It' tour

Q/ Can you describe what it was like meeting Michael for the first time?

A/ Meeting Michael for the first time was so exciting. I was overwhelmed that the King of Pop was standing in front of me. I’ve seen him as an icon growing up, so to see him in person was like meeting a superhero.

Q/ What do you think people would be surprised to know about Michael?

A/ Michael had a very strong, sweet scent. I don’t know what type of cologne he used, but you could smell it from far away.

Q/ It’s been a year since his death, why do you think it’s still so surreal to a lot of people?

A/ I can’t believe it’s been a year. It still feels like yesterday. And I feel like the event has colored my life differently. Nothing has been the same since. It was the most inspiring experience in my career and yet the most tragic. The emotional intensity has never let up.

Q/ Do you think 'This is It' really would have been his last tour?

A/ This may have been his last tour, but not his last time on stage. As years go by, I’m sure he’d want to do it again. He was so passionate and excited during rehearsals. I think Michael would always have an itch to perform. He was born for it.

Q/ What impact has his death had on the way you live your own life?

A/ After his death, I remembered his sweet heart the most. He inspired me to be a kinder, loving person. That’s how he treated his team, and that’s what he sang about.

Q/ What is your funniest memory of Mike?

A/ My funniest memory of Michael was when he laughed at me when I stuffed my crazy afro in the hood of my grim reaper costume for Thriller.

Q/ How do you think Michael would like to be remembered?

A/ I think Michael wants us to remember him for the message he stood for. He really believed in bringing people together and healing the planet. I think we should all work towards doing that. That is probably the best way to pay respects to him.

Q/ How will you commemorate the anniversary of his passing?

A/ This anniversary I will be in Tokyo honoring Michael for the premiere of a documentary that was put together about his life. At the premiere, I will be performing a duet song I wrote with the very talented AI, soul singer/reporter for the Michael Jackson documentary. The song we wrote, For My Sister talks about being there for your sister when she needs a helping hand. This song carries the same sentiment as You Are Not Alone. For me, these types of songs remind me of Michael the most.

I love what says about Michael [smile]

LOL at michael havibg a strong cologne on.

http://myjet247.com/JETInsider/Music/Content.aspx?topic=Remember_the_T ime&page=2
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