John Prince

Severus Snape

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Dungeons
John Prince, a handsome man of four and fifty years, was a successful, revered artist and writer who was fated to marry the beautiful Robyn Elizabeth. The week before their marriage, however, Prince found she had been deceiving him with another, and did not truly love him the way he loved her. The news was so devastating to him that he attempted to take his own life by slitting his wrists with a silver dagger. Had it not been for his faithful servant, who found Prince on the floor, bleeding to death, and called for a medic, Prince would have surely passed on to the next world.

After his incident, John Prince was never quite the same. He took to adopting strange habits--such as sleeping all day and staying up whole nights, contemplating on one thing or another, muttering to himself on dark corners of his house by candlelight. This behaviour naturally was cause for concern, and after a second suicide attempt on his part, Mister Prince was taken to the asylum, on grounds of complete and utter lunacy. It was here that John Prince ultimately perished.

The days before his death, Prince had exhibited some very strange behaviour. He screamed entire nights, at no one in particular, and scratched his skin until it bled, convinced that there were insects crawling under it. These hallucinations were not the worst of his deviations--often, he attacked nurses, attempting to bite them, refused his meals, and showed a general lack of regard for his own life and the world at large.

It was during bath time that Prince was to make his final attempt to leave the asylum behind. He wrestled against his nurse, who had naught but the best intentions to do her job, but who was ultimately powerless against him. He drowned himself in the bathtub. It was a most violent death, but Prince had seen no other way to escape his strife. In a way, it was symbolic, he drowned in his sorrow, literally and figuratively. He was unable to forsake the woman he loved, after her most heinous betrayal, he would not--indeed, could not--let her go. Indirectly, he died by her hand, but directly by his own.

Alas, that is the sad and sorry tale of my beloved John Prince.
Your alter-ego?.. Or animus?..


Go on writing, though, it helps shedding off the pain, let the material/virtual writing sheet be your counselor, confidant.. or garbage can, if you like.. May this state of mind be evanescent. Write and write, I'd say cry and cry, too. But, please, don't disregard/hurt yourself again. Please..? Take care... and, maybe this won't help much, if at all, but know that there are certainly other hurting souls like that suffering from unrequited love and betrayals. .. Don't know, try to think of Michael, too, who withstood the many, major ordeals of his life with dignity, though he often felt like dying. Him turning to innocence saved him every time. .. Just a suggestion that may not lighten your load for now... don't know, have you tried buying some pet animal or bird?.. They can bring much joy to hurting souls, they really can..

Man, what am I doing, though.. diverting a lot as usual.. It's okay if you want to PM me, instead of continuing this here...

.. You can be stronger than that... John Prince was not. He may have been wonderful, but weak and selfish as well. Wanting to take his life for an unworthy woman, and losing your mind due to that... You are Not (going to be like) John Prince. ...

He had endured a lifetime of troubles, it isn't quite fair to call him weak. He just broke, that's all, and that's perfectly alright. The poor darling is in a better place now.