John Mayer singing TWYMMF


Proud Member
Feb 19, 2008
Illinois - U.S.
Just saw this on the KOP board and had to post it here too. Now, I'm a big fan of John's music. But THIS. This is say the least. And the girl he is singing with is Cheryl Pepsi Reily (sp?) from numerous Tyler Perry plays at the moment.

Now, in now way is John trying to copy Michael because this version is much more bluesy. Now the best part is at the end though. John has admitted he can't dance, and never attempts to. But he literally starts dancing at the end, and I am wondering what amount of alcohol made him do this, lol! I can't really tell if he is trying to copy Michael or not. Too many people in the way, but nonetheless....this video is hilarious for me!!! A great marriage of two of my most favorite musicians ever!!\

yes Michael has a lot of fans, in and out of celbritydom, including the audience watching that performance, as well as the performers
I listened to about 5 seconds of it and tried to stop it and it wouldn't quit playing.

That sounded like two drunk people in a bar singing karaoke, as Simon Cowell would say, and I never quote Simon Cowell, because he's not one of my favorite people to watch. But you get my drift, that it was just that horrible sounding to me.

Sorry. Did nothing for me. Not even a nice try. He was squealing the song, couldn't find the note...awwww...horrible.
I like John Mayer, but he needs to stick to his own songs. That was absolute rubbish. :cry:
my mom likes this guy! HAHA love the dancing at the end! cute. im sure you where excited to see this..I always get excited when celebs im a fan of do something that make me think of Michael. hehe. thanks for posting this. well i liked it ^_^
I listened to about 5 seconds of it and tried to stop it and it wouldn't quit playing.

That sounded like two drunk people in a bar singing karaoke, as Simon Cowell would say, and I never quote Simon Cowell, because he's not one of my favorite people to watch. But you get my drift, that it was just that horrible sounding to me.

Sorry. Did nothing for me. Not even a nice try. He was squealing the song, couldn't find the note...awwww...horrible.

Yeah, I don't think their intentions were for it to sound ANYTHING like Michael's. I honestly think John had a few drinks in him, and they decided to sing the song. He is known for covering other artists songs as of late. I think this moment was merely a "spur of the moment" type of song. Nothing professional by any stretch of the imagination.