Joel Osteen Invites Conrad Murray for a Pray Date

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Jul 25, 2011
Joel Osteen Invites Conrad Murray for a Pray Date

Originally posted May 9th 2010 1:00 AM PDT by TMZ Staff Pastor numero uno Joel Osteen will have a special guest at his weekly sermon today -- none other than Dr. Conrad Murray.


Sources tell TMZ the doc accused of killing Michael Jackson has been invited into Osteen's inner sanctum at Lakewood Church in Houston, TX. We don't know why Osteen personally invited Dr. Murray. In fact, we're told Dr. Murray isn't sure why he was invited either ... although he's an active member of his Houston church.

We're told Murray will arrive at the church in the morning and go in through a "bunker-like" entrance -- and he won't be given the entry code until just before he arrives.

With all that security, it's almost as if Murray has a meeting with ... nevermind.


Well, will the Paster Osteen be excepting Conrad Murray's "medical services" along with his "Blood Money"?:mello:
It really really bothers me how people show sympathy for this man.

Yet, no justice for Michael.
I feel like someone just punched me in my stomach.

I watch Pastor Osteen's broadcast many Sundays, I missed this mornings but wow.

I hope Pastor Osteen's advising Murray to confess and ask for forgiveness.
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Is this an excuse for his 15 minutes of fame or does he believe Murray is guilty and wants him to pray for forgiveness?

I don't even wanna bother thinking about another excuse.
pray date for a Murderer and not for the murdered... show sympathy for the wrong doer and not for the dead...

Joel you needed to have a pray date for the family of the slain not the slayer.
how pathetic. anything for abit of publicity. murray will need more than prayers to help him.
pastor osteen always made visit to prisions to preach to the prisoners who committed differnt crimes so they canbe forgiven and save their souls, just like with murray
If you'll hear some thunders from above, it means God just heard my thoughts.
IMO it's not about looking for God's mercy, but pure publicity thing.
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