Joe Jackson Comments on Autopsy

He didn't say anything new really. But look what I found what ppl said:

this is horrible.
I blame Joe & Katherine Jackson along with those lying little kids and their parents. who now live high off of this mans money. His parents turned him into a robot for their fincial purposes and America turned him into a mascot.

I TOTALLY agree.
His mother? Come on now....his father i can understand..he beat the living crap out of him when he was young and god knows what else...but come on.
YUK! I've just read all the comments posted on that page and wish I hadn't. Take that as a warning.
Michael was still his child. He wasnt that good in showing love but later it changed a bit. Michael never said he didnt have a father as an adult. It changed when Joe noticed he cant endlessly control their lives and he started to admire Michael as his own son even more when Michael showed he can make it on his 'own'. Joe is going to defend Michael till the end...
What makes me mad is, is that nobody was really looking after Michael, not even his family. This really makes me angry.

Well... I don't really mean... not really looking after, but they should have been keeping a close eye on Michael.
None of us agree with Joe beating his kids, but in the end if MJ can forgive then so can we. Michael never disowned his father, so we should not get upset when his father speaks to the media about his son. I hope Joe puts his foot up someone's ass if his son's toxicology report comes back and it's foul. If Papa Joe doesn't think that the autopsy they performed yesterday wasn't sufficient then damnit he has the rt to get another one done. I want Papa Joe to curse the media out personally.
"There's a lot to be told, though, I'll tell you that right now. The truth! The truth is still to be told," he stated.

I wonder what it is! :unsure:
"There's a lot to be told, though, I'll tell you that right now. The truth! The truth is still to be told," he stated.

I wonder what it is! :unsure:

The full extent of MJ's drug use? I assumed that is what Liza Minelli meant about 'all hell breaking loose' in reference to the autopsy results too.
That's why i posted. I think theres a big drug addiction/ enablers history that the public didn't know about. I keep thinking about how sweetly Michael talks and how others drugged him up. Its like injecting a puppy :(
What makes me mad is, is that nobody was really looking after Michael, not even his family. This really makes me angry.

Well... I don't really mean... not really looking after, but they should have been keeping a close eye on Michael.

His family were trying to look out for Michael but Michael was stubborn and stopped them from being able to visit him and didn't answer their phonecalls aparently. It's not their fault. Michael was a grown man. His family can't force him to do something he doesn't want to do. Don't blame other people for Michael's behaviour.
I hope if there is something "big" to be said about him, they won't say it. Honestly now, the last thing they should be doing is feeding the press with drug scandals. And I'm sure Michael would feel hurt too if that happened.

If he wanted to keep some things private, they should remain private. No one, not even his family, should argue with that.
I hope if there is something "big" to be said about him, they won't say it. Honestly now, the last thing they should be doing is feeding the press with drug scandals. And I'm sure Michael would feel hurt too if that happened.

If he wanted to keep some things private, they should remain private. No one, not even his family, should argue with that.

where did u get ur profile pic from? I love that photo but i cant find it :( may i have a link please?
This is all the chandlers fault. Michael would have never started taken PAIN meds had it not been what he was put through. I applaud Elizabeth for getting michael the help he need when she did. A true FRIEND indeed. God if she had only been in his life more so before this happen. Why his family couldn't help him like she did I don't know. Why he pushed them away I don't know.

But I do hope that his family wouldn't tells this bad things. Somethings are just better left alone. Its not our business anyway. And why give the media something to harp on about. Michael definitely wouldn't want that. :no: Just keep quiet.

This why I said if michael had someone who truely loved him and could reach and touch him he coulda got the help he needed. WHYYYYY! Nobody was there for him. :(
Michael was taking strong pain meds way before the Chandler case my friend. he started taking more and more as that case happened but its said that he started on strong pain meds back in 1984 when he burned his scalp during the Pepsi commercial. And was given more and more everyime he had a face surgery.
And people were there for him. he just wouldn't listen.

So i would edit your post .:cheeky:
Michael was taking strong pain meds way before the Chandler case my friend. he started taking more and more as that case happened but its said that he started on strong pain meds back in 1984 when he burned his scalp during the Pepsi commercial. And was given more and more everyime he had a face surgery.
And people were there for him. he just wouldn't listen.

So i would edit your post .:cheeky:
Where did you hear this?
What makes me mad is, is that nobody was really looking after Michael, not even his family. This really makes me angry.

Well... I don't really mean... not really looking after, but they should have been keeping a close eye on Michael.

I believe it's Michael that is the one who has isolated himself from everyone else. But can you blame him?
I am really sick of this thing where ppl like you blame his parents. Mrs jackson definitely did no wrong to Michael. We all got woppings when we were small it never killed us (that is most of us).How come the other brothers were not affected as much and they got it too.

What destroyed Michael was blood sucking fans like us who always demanded a new album, concert, hit or something from him when he really did not want to. The man wanted to rest with his family, but we wanted more, and more and more.
I am really sick of this thing where ppl like you blame his parents. Mrs jackson definitely did no wrong to Michael. We all got woppings when we were small it never killed us (that is most of us).How come the other brothers were not affected as much and they got it too.

What destroyed Michael was blood sucking fans like us who always demanded a new album, concert, hit or something from him when he really did not want to. The man wanted to rest with his family, but we wanted more, and more and more.

i completely agree. We made his life hell but he still loved us.
"There's a lot to be told, though, I'll tell you that right now. The truth! The truth is still to be told," he stated.

I wonder what it is! :unsure:

Hmmmm, I am wondering about this also.

Who else remember's Michael saying this in a BAD era interview "I don't need want to say anything more about this, but one day you will find out who I really am".

I wonder..

God Bless.
He didn't say anything new really. But look what I found what ppl said:

this is horrible.
I blame Joe & Katherine Jackson along with those lying little kids and their parents. who now live high off of this mans money. His parents turned him into a robot for their fincial purposes and America turned him into a mascot.

I TOTALLY agree.

Michael's Mother would never do such a thing! What a nasty thing to say!
Now is not the time to be turning on the family and pointing fingers of blame. Michael was first and foremost a member of their family.
What has Katherine done, besides love and support Michael? She was his mother, this must be devastating for her. Don't blame the victims.
Hmmmm, I am wondering about this also.

Who else remember's Michael saying this in a BAD era interview "I don't need want to say anything more about this, but one day you will find out who I really am".

I wonder..

God Bless.

Where did you get this from? Did he really say this?