Jobs Jobs Jobs


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I know many fans here are on the young side, but I am looking for a part time job and I am having zero luck. I don't really need it, but I want to help out my husband and give us more spending money. I would like it to be not too demanding. Anyone else out there searching? Have any ideas? I'd appreciate any and all suggestions. My dream would be to find something that I could do from home.
you could try freelance writing.
it helped me during child care leave.
it's not a lot of money but it's as a first step :)
well you could ask google 'freelance writing jobs' and see many links. i worked in my country and wrote articles my language so i don't know any other contacts than russians.
I dunno, you could try retail? That's all I do as part-time jobs. The pay is okay. I miss it a lot, though--I hate going to school and not doing anything with my life. I liked retail because it is technically routine, but in actual practice there are always variations--it's not like with school where every day is the same and every person you encounter is the same--with a job, you have different customers every day, some of which you make somewhat of a connection with, and so there is interaction but within the professional bounds of employee and customer. There is no "unprotected" interaction like there is with students at a school, and best of all, you're surrounded by people from all walks of life and of every age, most of whom are hard-working individuals looking to survive in this cruel world.

You're not drowning in a sea of bourgeoisie scum-of-the-Earth twentysomethings getting drunk on daddy's money and crashing daddy's car--which, of course, he will pay for. Go Daddy!