Job advice please


Proud Member
Oct 8, 2004
Hello MJ Fam :wub:

Since this is the "general chit chat" I thought why not be BRAVE and ask for some advice here hey...

Does anyone have any 'experience' on "working at home" jobs... You know, I browsed the net and found a lot of them but...
Since I'm already an "author" I'd like to find something in that line... but then again, I NEED 'financially' stability too :doh:

Does anyone have 'experience' in 'volunteer' work too? I found a site with job applications but the same 'worry' pop up...
TRUSTWORTHY or not????
I know all about the forms you have to fill in and stuff... Just 'scouting' for people that are already doing it...
See, I kind of lost my TRUST since 2009 :( and since I also 'required' 25 % invalidity... I'm like :scratch:WHAT NOW????
Not ILL enough for 'benefit' but NOT WELL enough to just go back to work, like nothing had happened...

Oh, I still can do PC work if my workplace is 'adjusted' and the 'workpace' is NOT hectic...

Can't believe I have to wait 2 Bloody months to get 'guidance' into a new 'protected' job though... It feels like they don't take my 'current' medical situation seriously and kind of HOPE the 'problem' goes away on its own :smilerolleyes:

I know... I'm babbling here but just thought 'food for discussion'...
I'm NOT the only INVALID 'kicked' back into work, right :blink:
well, either you guys don't have ANY experience in that 'line' of work or you don't want to TALK about it here in a thread so all advice is 'welcome' in a PM too, guys... Just saying...
I really think I NEED to do something ONLINE that 'envolves' writing though :nerd: I feel thats my PASSION... My FIRE... :jumpcrazy
Hi Daryll,

I am not working from home now. But when my sister was looking to work from home, a friend directed her to a website (I can't think of it right now) for people who wanted to work at home. My sister checked and they weren't looking for someone in her location, but it may be different for where you live. I will ask her what the name of the website was so you can at least check to see if they have openeings.

I have a terrible memory. If I don't post back in a here soon, please PM me and remind me. :)
Thanks Ginvid ;)
I did find a 'sea' of links of 'how to work at home' but you know by now how NEW stuff 'freaks' me out so...
I'm sometimes really send from the closet to the wall... :puke:
One minute, I should just look for a job and the next... they scold me... I'm too 'damaged' for a job... GEE... :doh:
Hi Daryll,
I'm sorry, I don't have any experience with working from home. Maybe you can find some forums that have any tips? Then you can also read other peoples experiences and see if something is legit. Or when you find something Google them. If they're a scam then there will be something out there about them.
From what I've once heard from a friend there are jobs with data entry from home. Note sure if that is what you're looking for though.

good luck!!!
I've been trying to look for work at home jobs myself because it would be ideal for me. It's difficult because there are a lot of scams out there. Avoid anything that asks you money up front. Those are usually scams.

I did Amazon Mechanical Turk for a little while. They don't pay you much, but they have jobs on there like for writing articles for a few bucks

Or you could look into freelancing websites like Odesk, or I was going to try looking into those next year. A lot of people are looking for writers :)

Here's another idea if you're looking to publish writing. You can try publishing an ebook on Smashwords

Those are just some options :)
WOW, thanks Sweeties :ciao:

I will certainly check these links out... GREAT advice... Cool Tips...
See, this is HOME :blush:
Hey Daryll, I found a couple of seemingly reliable sites that wanted online translators. They dont pay much of course. I dont remember the names but I could find them if you're interested. PM me.
Good luck :)
Thank you Ben ;)

I THINK it would be better for my health to choose for the 'volunteer' work though to 'start' with...
NOT the 'extra' PC work as I don't want to "chrash and burn" again :blink:

Well, I got all the 'legimate' papers for it and I'm gonna take the plunge in the NEW year :clap:
good luck Daryll! I am also trying to work from home starting this year... we'll see how it goes!