Jerry Springer Show Michael Jackson Passion

Jerry's still on????:wtf:

ok...:lol: That Sh*t is Crezi!!!... It is touching that he feels that way about Michael...but TO go out and cheat is just wrong...

The second one is just...its just Messed up! Thats why i dont watch Jerry Anymore... And WITH GOOD REASON!!!

Thankyou for sharing...


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"Michaels windy bird* ^^^ Hell Nah LOL but its sure entertaining to watch. Jerry Springers show went way down the toilet. He also could have been a tad bit more sensitive with his sarcasm with MJ everything doesnt have to be funny.
"Michaels windy bird* ^^^ Hell Nah LOL but its sure entertaining to watch. Jerry Springers show went way down the toilet. He also could have been a tad bit more sensitive with his sarcasm with MJ everything doesnt have to be funny.

That show sucked from the first time it aired to now. Although the upside is to me is that he admits it fake unlike "Maury".
hahaha, I shouldn't laugh. Reminds me a bit of this guy that was getting his car repod and he started busting MJ moves and done the leg kick, on the repo guy!

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all that this reminds me of, is that my overwhelming sadness hampers my ability to laugh.
That show sucked from the first time it aired to now. Although the upside is to me is that he admits it fake unlike "Maury".

O I agree but WAY back in the early 90's, Springer exactly sat down with his guest and he had an interest in trying to help people with there problems and he didnt alow fighting and all this crazy crap that is on the show today.
Jerry's still on????:wtf:

ok...:lol: That Sh*t is Crezi!!!... It is touching that he feels that way about Michael...but TO go out and cheat is just wrong...

The second one is just...its just Messed up! Thats why i dont watch Jerry Anymore... And WITH GOOD REASON!!!

Thankyou for sharing...


That is what I said... :lol: This is still on..?!?!?
hahahaha thats hilarious theres some demented people in this Earth lol
There's a show on Spanish TV exactly like Jerry. I think the host's name is Juan Luis. Jerry's show was a little more serious when it started.
hahaha, I shouldn't laugh. Reminds me a bit of this guy that was getting his car repod and he started busting MJ moves and done the leg kick, on the repo guy!

Thinks hes stuck in the 80s. Has he been using that car to go back to 1983 or something??
Can't blame the guy thinking he is living in the 80s, at least he is stuck with good music lol.

With the jerry springer, that is crazy stuff. I bet MJ would have a good laugh with that.
Too Funny

^That's soooooo fake!!!

hahaha, I shouldn't laugh. Reminds me a bit of this guy that was getting his car repod and he started busting MJ moves and done the leg kick, on the repo guy!

Seriously, this guy need HELP......Maybe someone should buy him a jacket (with sleeves that can be tied up) and put him in a room with rubber walls...........Wherever this guy is, it definitely isn't Earth!!!!