Jennifer Hudson's Mother Shot And Killed

just heard about this. terrible news. how come the family still lived in a bad area hasnt jennifer made a lot of money?
Thats the same question me and my friend have asked.
I know it's where she grew up as a child but dang.
Who knows....maybe a move was in the future plans but now has been cut so tragicly short.
But if the person responsible for this is "family" then it doesnt really matter where they lived.
Jennifer actually wanted her mother to leave that horrible place. The mother did not want to leave. There are so many questions and no real answers regarding why, how, and what reason.



Found Body 'Believed to Be' Jennifer Hudson's Nephew
By Emmet Sullivan

UpdatePosted Monday October 27, 2008 11:45 AM EDT
Originally posted Monday October 27, 2008 10:20 AM EDT

The body of a young black boy, who is "believed to be" the missing nephew of Jennifer Hudson, was discovered Monday in a white SUV.

During a news conference on an unrelated matter, FBI Deputy Director John Pistole said the body is "believed to be" the singer's 7-year-old nephew, Julian King, according to CNN.

The white SUV was found abandoned on Chicago's West Side, CNN reports. The boy was shot multiple times in the back of the vehicle, according to new reports.

Police have not officially identified the body, but the Chicago Tribune reports that Hudson's family members – assuming the worst – organized a noon church vigil.

Several Hudson family members were also expected at the medical examiner's office Monday afternoon to identify the body. Police Supt. Jody Weis plans to hold a press conference at 4 p.m.

The Chicago Police Department issued the following statement before noon Monday: "At approximately 7:06 A.M. a 1994 White Chevrolet Suburban bearing Illinois license plate X584859 and identified in the Amber Alert was located at 1313 S. Kolin. A body was discovered inside the Suburban, in the rear seat of the vehicle. Identification of the body will be made by the Cook County Medical Examiner's Office following their examination. The vehicle is being processed for evidence and the investigation remains on-going."

Julian King, 7, went missing Friday after an unidentified assailant fatally shot Hudson's mother Darnell and brother Jason. Hudson offered $100,000 for the safe return of her nephew.
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even if that child is not the nephew that is such a tragedy :no: .... a damn child for fuck's sake, what's the point of killing a little kid?
my prayers goes to Jennifer Hudson and her family

God bless her family
It turns out that the child found is Jennifer's nephew.

CHICAGO – Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson's 7-year-old nephew was found dead in the back of an SUV on Monday, ending a frantic search that began after the shooting deaths of her mother and brother three days earlier.

The singer and actress was among seven family members and close friends who cried and held hands as they identified Julian King's body from a live image on a television screen at the Cook County Medical Examiner's office Monday afternoon.

Chicago police spokeswoman Monique Bond said the boy, like his grandmother and uncle, had been shot. The medical examiner's office planned a Tuesday autopsy.

Chicago Police Superintendent Jody Weis said a motive remained unclear Monday but added, "It wasn't a case of a stranger-type homicide."

Police have characterized the slayings as "domestic related" and authorities have been questioning the boy's estranged stepfather, who is being held in state custody on a parole violation. No one has been charged in the slayings.

Julian's body was found shortly after 7 a.m. in the rear seat of the SUV, which was parked on the street in a neighborhood of brownstone homes and apartment buildings about 10 miles from the home he shared with the other victims. The vehicle matched the one mentioned in an Amber Alert issued for Julian.

Hudson had offered $100,000 Sunday for information leading to the safe return of her nephew, the son of her sister, Julia Hudson. Hudson's publicist did not immediately return calls and e-mail messages Monday.

"Miss Hudson wanted to request privacy," Cook County spokesman Sean Howard said after the family left the medical examiner's office. "This is a very trying time for her and her family."

Hudson's aunt, Dorothy Hudson, said the Chicago funeral home she owns with her husband will handle arrangements for the family, but details were pending.

My heart goes out to that family.
just heard about this. terrible news. how come the family still lived in a bad area hasnt jennifer made a lot of money?

Her mother wanted to live there. She's been there all her life. I couldn't pry my dad out of his house if I wanted to. There are a lot of bad apples in Englewood, but a lot of good people too.

But this wasn't some gang related thing. This was Jennifer's ex brother in law trying to prove a point.
Everybody, let us all slow down abit...We have not gotten any credile evidence yet. He is being questioned as he should be. .Let us wait until after the trail before we condemn him...Let us not let our emotions get away..Right now all we should care about is Jennifer and her family especially after hearing about the death/murder of her 7 year old nephew. Let us pray for them.. Everything else will eventually take care of itself. Haven't we been here before? No more court of public opinions, just the FACTS only. Jennifer, I am at a loss as to how anything I could say could possibly make you feel better, so I will just pray and light a candle for you and your family..OMG!!!
Everybody, let us all slow down abit...We have not gotten any credile evidence yet. He is being questioned as he should be. .Let us wait until after the trail before we condemn him...Let us not let our emotions get away..Right now all we should care about is Jennifer and her family especially after hearing about the death/murder of her 7 year old nephew. Let us pray for them.. Everything else will eventually take care of itself. Haven't we been here before? No more court of public opinions, just the FACTS only. Jennifer, I am at a loss as to how anything I could say could possibly make you feel better, so I will just pray and light a candle for you and your family..OMG!!!

You can read the news for all of the facts you want. Opinions are still welcome here.
mello, my statement was regarding the rush to judgement by a few people to indicate that the ex-husband was guilty ...That is all that I was attempting to say.. I felt is was a rush to judgement. and you are right all opinions are welcome here, so is mine, I hope..
Utterly atrocious and stomach-wrenching that someone would turn a gun on an innocent 7 year-old kid. Just sickening.

The whole situation is awful and hard to comprehend.
what a sad horrible thing to happen my thoughts and prayers go out to her and her family
unbelievable :no: the worst family tragedies like this one have been caused by "family" members. i hope they find the murderer ASAP.
My heart is breaking for Jennifer and her family. So sad. My prayers go out to her entire family.

We, at the moment, might not know who killed members of J-Hud's beloved family, but I have my opinions about who I think had something to do with it. Jen's ex brother in law has a criminal record for attempted murder. That is enough for me to think he might have something to do with the sensless and distrubing killings.

Mourners celebrate lives of slain Hudson relatives

By RUPA SHENOY, Associated Press Writer

Sun Nov 2, 10:02 pm ET

CHICAGO – Mourners in Jennifer Hudson's childhood church Sunday listened as the second-grade teacher
of the entertainer's slain nephew read aloud from journals written by his classmates —
including one who lamented that Julian King didn't live long enough to become president.

With three of Julian's classmates standing by her side, Carmen Williams of Gunsaulus Scholastic Academy
remembered the 7-year-old as a smart boy who liked to tell knock-knock jokes.
"When Julian raised his hand, he had that enthusiastic light in his eyes, and he always —
always — had the right answer," Williams said.
Friends and relatives gathered for the memorial service at Pleasant Gift Memorial Baptist
Church on the city's South Side to listen to spiritual songs and reminisce about Julian, as well
as Hudson's mother and brother, who were found shot to death late last month.